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Everything posted by hatsanman

  1. hi dom, same as you mate none at all. i dont there are many that have so i was just wondering.
  2. just a quickie folks, does anyone who uses uj to apply for jobs ever request feedback and get it ?
  3. many thanks dom, the problems mainly were yesterday and i think they have cleared most of the issues up except when you type in a postcode and search area still dosnt work right. if you click on all of todays jobs it then works.
  4. that isnt really what i asked and i know indeed is better. uj did have problems yesterday and still has today for anyone who uses it and before anyone says it i know there are lots who dont use it
  5. is anyone else having any probs on the uj site searching for jobs today or is it just me ?
  6. i wouldnt bother using or should i say try to use the uj site this morning as its playing up really bad saying their are no jobs at all that match my criteria. even when you put in different search same thing. i reckon it wont last much longer before it really ends up going pop.
  7. never seen one of those before and all i get each fortnight is an a4 size piece of paper with 4 spaces per wk for job steps taken and 5 spaces per wk for jobs aplied for and thats it. my advisor told me if im using the ujm site and logging stuff down i dont have to fill the a4 form in and just write on it check my uj account. maybe if you dont give them access to your uj account thats the reason you are getting the book you got i dont really know. things at jcp change by the day and as soon as you get on top on one thing along comes another.
  8. hi dom. i know its very frustrating and i was told about my swearing on here yesterday but at times i know its enough to make the cat swear. i dont know how far you are from your job centre but what i find always works is going there and asking to speak to the superviser the head guy or lady. phonecalls and emails just get the fobbed off treatment and its always nicer to see who you are speaking to. i know it may be a pain in the b-m but could work out for you as at least you will be able to explain face to face. when i ask to see the supervisor they always ask what its about so i say well are you the supervior which usually comes back no. then i just say no disrespect to you but ill explain to the supervisor save repeating myself. give it a try it may work out good for you and good luck mate.
  9. hi dom, what you must ask your self is is it meant to help you ?. a lot of dont agree with a lot they are instagating so we have 2 options. 1st option is stamp your feet and so no which ends up with sanctions. 2nd choice just go and make the most of it. you wont be on your own as others will most likely be there in the same boat as you. i think unless im totally wrong but is only for 4 weeks and in that time no job search activities are expected well thats what my advisot told me 8 days ago.
  10. reminds me of the yts system they introduced many years ago and what happened to that?
  11. well i had another advisor apointment today and all that happened is i was told about 2 jobs which id aplied for 2 weeks ago which id given them proof of and so was told see you next week.
  12. the problem is with this scheme there are no guidelines as such and defiantly no consistency across the board all advisors are finding their feet and seeing how far they can step over the mark. some people know what their rights are and can run circles round the jcp and their advisors but the you get the poor b*ggers who dont really know and these are the people who the jcp crap on. untill their are guidelines and everyone is treated the same its going to be one big circus run by this government and the dwp and all its [edit]s.
  13. my advisor told me last week that if i were put on mandatory work place for 4 weeks i woudnt have to do any jobsearches so i would check that if i were you. he then went on to say it would be of more use me applying for jobs than any work placement and the only work placements they have are charity shops. from day one i told my advisor if you want me down here everyday ill come down everyday and if you want to put me on mandatory workplacement bring it on & they were totally lost as these are supossed to be their sticks to beat you with or threaten you with. anything they do is not to help you in no way at all. all they want to do is sanction you anyway they can as this is what they have been told to do. at my first meeting they said jsa is only meant to be short term so i asked so how come so many people have been claiming for over 3 years then? no reply.
  14. my jobsearch area should be 20 miles from my postcode but today and last tuesday put it out to 100 miles and in an 11 hour period now 10 jobs had come in. now i wouldnt mind using uj as they ask us to if there was any point but 10 jobs is a waste of anyones time especially when you put the ratio of people applying for any 1 job. yet again government and the joke centre have got it completely wrong and proves this 6 month punishment stint is just that and not a scheme to help you in any way. in 2 months all they asked me is if i wanted to apply for a 15 hour a wekk job untill xmas , i rest my case
  15. we are told to use uj for our jobsearch but in the space of 9 hours and a 40mile radious 5 jobs apeared on the uj site which is a joke and a waste of anyones time.
  16. no when i started back with joke centre no maths or english test. i have been on many many couses over the past 3 years mind you so maybe they are running out of them. might depend on what your final report said when finishing with job provder?
  17. you can indeed claim for travelling for any day attending which is not your normal signing day
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