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Everything posted by hatsanman

  1. just had a call from whichever co is dealing with my mandatory workplace. aske loads of questions and said i should receive letter early next week to say where the placement will be. i just hope its something constructive . been told it must be of some benefit to the local comunity. anyone been on one of the latest mwa yet and where were you put ?
  2. i was made rdundant 6th time 21 feb 2009 and if its voluntary thats whats it means so you cant be forced. when i asked if i could work for my dole voluntary they said no as you have to be available for work and interviews.
  3. yes and after being out of work for more than 3 and a half years i cant wait. would you like anything doing ? for free of course?
  4. i was told today the main reason for no responses was because when they look at my cv i have no recent work done on it and some companies are looking for people who have worked in last 3 months.
  5. if you ask mr osbourne nicely he will tell you how to budget it for it untill you get you benefits.
  6. it wont cost you a penny as you can claim it all back.
  7. its not meant to do any good its meant to annoy you.
  8. just got back from my advisor meeting and been refered to mandatory work placement. i can expect a call from whichever training co is dealing with it within next 48 working hours. yes its mandatory and the idea is we who have been out of work a fair while have new recent work on our cv,s so we put 4 weeks work/training on our cv,s after completed and hey ho we get a job or the powers to be thats what they think. i think its more of a punishment to try harder. been told i get call, i discuss my skills and they find me placement in my skills list so we will wait and see. im down as flt driver, van driver, or industrial painter so maybe ill get to paint the charity shop out or the flt or the white van.
  9. they allready have cut pension for the over 60,s as you cant get it now untill your 65. im 60 and i dont get it but just scrape in to retire at 65 unless they change it yet again.
  10. unfortunatly i think now you are back with jcp for 6 months there is a week work placement involved in it as i will find out today. yes its mandatory but whats 4 weeks . i also went on the 4 week free work new deal scheme which did nothing for me either but i think the reason they do it is supposed to be so you can add it to your cv so it looks like you have worked recently. i think at the mo they would struggle to get you in a charity shop for 4 full weeks as most of the placements in charity shops are taken up with folks doing comunity service from the courts. will let you know later what happens with me and mwa this morning but the way i look at it is ive been out of work 3 and a half years whats 4 weeks.
  11. you will be expected to hold it for 7 hours or be sanctioned
  12. im now 60 and finished one year with pertemps then 2 years with sarina russo back to work programe now nearly 3 months into my 6 months with jcp plus. when i was with pertemps they should of found me a 4 wk work placement and coundnt find me one so i found it myself. i see my advisor in the morn and reckon he could say time for another 4 wk mandatory work placement. he threatened it a few times now so i just say yes please and he looks at me gone out. im not bothered bring it on i tell him so we will see tomorrow. i see on the news now they are talking about stopping the dole for under 25 year olds and they really expect to be voted back in. talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
  13. never mind mr osbourne has promissed us all a job come april and i bet he backs out of that.
  14. if you choose to work for the 30 hours for your dole money you dont have to do 35 hours worksearch its 10 hours. i agree with you as ive asked many times can i take up a job for charity kids home etc work for my dole to get some self satisfaction and have always been told no because you need to search and be available for work. i did a tv interview on monday and asked these questions as it really is beyond belief. at the moment there are so many stories going around so dont belive them all . who knows if this will really happen as im bemused by it all. and the reason for the 2 year work programme was just to waste another 2 years of your life doing basically what jcp are trying now to do in 6 months .
  15. it wont only be esa claiments as any accident at work and the claims will just flood in.
  16. just this minute read news website where it says poundland are eyeing up another 1000 shops so looks like they are getting in early.
  17. according to government guidelines the work for your benefits will include the disabled and the mentally ill, where will it all end. i am waiting for both my knees to be replaced but if i can move at all im deemed fit for work . i should find out on thursday where my mwa will be, 4 weeks work, wonderfull.
  18. i must say you hit the nail on the head there. i think the gov havnt aclue yet how it will run as yesterday the treasury changed the way it will run 3 times in the space of 5 hours so what chance have we got.
  19. the government dont care about the cost in cash as they are hoping its going to be a big votewinner at election time and thats it. they said its going to cost 300 million and will get the money from dept cuts so all this money they are now going to find has been wasted over the past 3 and a half years. talk about playing with the public purse strings. proper training schemes with proper jobs at the end of them are what we need but what do i know. im 60 years old now and have worked all my life untill now and being made to feel like a criminal isnt nice at all but honestly thats how you are made to feel. work for my dole, bring it on mr osbourne i for one cant wait.
  20. i really hope if they are going to do it they come up with something constructive and original now that would be a refreshing change.
  21. this is just me but i cant wait as id love to do any work but i hope if it all ends in a mess the government will own up to it being down to them. the idea is supposed to be according to the latest news only those they think are working on the side will be asked to attend jcp everyday so they get forced into leaving benefit system or the job they are working in. those who are sent out to work will do max 30 hours plus 10 hours of job searching per week. i did mandatory work placement in my first year with jcp where the onus was on them to find me a workplace for 4 weeks and they could not find one i found it myself. now 2 and a half years on last week my advisor said we will have to consider put you on the mandatory work scheme next week so i just said yes please the sooner the better so lets see if they find me a place this time. another anouncement was all the folks who go on the governments work for dole scheme will be for 6 months then if still on the dole back to jcp. feels like being on a roundabout going around and around.
  22. by the time any new claiment has done their year with jcp and 2 with work provider thats 3 years gone before they touch this work for dole scheme. as for daily sinings, my advisor is struggling to get me in once a week as his diary is full.
  23. i dont think the improvement you speak about will be happening anytime soon as this scheme will only apply to new claiments after april 2014 so the 1.4million long term unemployed as we speak it wont affect them. dont get me wrong i would love to do it as ive even asked my advisor why cant i work for a charity, kids home etc etc and he said no you cant as you must be available for work.
  24. im 60 and waiting for 2 knee replacements and was told today by my advisor next week they are going to refer me to 4 weeks mandatory work. i really cant wait and as i told my advisor bring it on. if i have to do anything where i have to sqaut to lift they will be picking me back up. dosnt really matter what you come up with to get around any of their ideas you will never win. this idea of working for your benefit is max 30 hours per wk for 6 months but where are all these jobs going to apear from. their idea is no-one escapes this including the disabled and mantally ill now how sad is that. is this idea just a desperate ploy to try and win votes. who is going to police all these folks working for free for 6 months it will be a nightmare. i cant wait to see how it will all happen if indeed it does. i really thought comunity service was for those who broke the law not those who have fallen on very hard times through no fault of their. shamefull thats what it is very shamefull.
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