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Everything posted by neil6534

  1. you are entitled to enjoyment of the property - you can ask for reduced rent but whats the point you'll still be getting the noise - maybe if you have a fixed tennancy you can ask if you can terminate based on the problems above and find a quieter place?
  2. take your complaint to the FCA - they will surely have something to say about this - you could ask for more compo but i doubt you will get it
  3. did you state in your complaint to them that you had other payday loans, possibly defaults, ccj's on your CRA files at the time the loan was taken out with them? what were the details of your complaint? i have a similar case with fos at the moment, they basically ignored my complaint too, but mine is for 11 loans over 16 months plus they activated a CPA on a new debit card of mine and took £750 out of account in one go, so fingers crossed.....back to your case, it would seem they like to play the game with fos...all depnds on what your complaint contained i guess
  4. i dont want to disshearten you but i think you my find it tricky to get this removed....unless you had other PDL's at that time and your CRA files were shot, I think that FOS may tend to agree with 247
  5. are pounds till payday still active? if they are not it may be highly unlikely that MMF have any documentation to prove you ever took the loan
  6. an update with FOS and Mr Lender - they have agreed to refund all roll-overs and charges plus add 8% interest to a tune of £760 plus writing off the remaining debt of £30 and removal of the defaulted debt and second loan from my CRA files.....
  7. I agree...get that info first, then we can all make a plan of action whether or not it is worth pursuing further
  8. for now just list the date you made for each loan and how much thep payments were for if this is allowed on here
  9. leave it with me...i'll look at it later for you
  10. surely your other pdl's are showing on these bank statements too?
  11. ok so within your account limits but still thats £4500 in debt at the very least and should have raised some questions with mr lender
  12. as stated with my case with FOS....mr lenders checks are totally insufficient
  13. one other thing....the FOS are saying at the time of the loans you stated that your income was £1750 and that after deductions you had left £1270....was this the information you provided for the 1st loan or second loan?
  14. if you havent already you can open a free account with noddle and clearscore to see what would have been showing at that time
  15. they should have been showing...did you bank account show as OD at that time on your CRA files?
  16. did you increase you loan size each time? how many loans did you take. was it just the 2? - you say you had numerous PDL's when you took the second loan, the main point here is how many did you have before you took the 2nd loan....these need to be montths prior to the 2nd loan to allow time for them to appear on your CRA and any defaults on any of them? Also at the time your bank details should have been available on your CRA files, what would it have shown the balance to have been at that time?
  17. I think asking for compensation is wrong....its best to stick to the main problem...the loan was unafordable ...so the best you should be asking is that all loan charges, default fees are refunded and that this loan is removed from your CRA files. Hopefully someone else on here can help you with the more technical aspects. but going on the response for my complaint, there are similarities (although FOS say they take each case seperately) maybe you should take another approach using the info I have now given you
  18. something else FOS said on my complaint which may be usefull.... Mr Lender carried out credit searches before they provided each loan to Mr X. From just looking at these searches and Mr X’s credit file it would appear the loans provided in May 2011 and September 2011 were affordable as there were no defaults or lots of other borrowing from payday lenders. However, I don’t think a credit search alone is enough to make an assessment on affordability.
  19. thats not what FOS have said in my case....they are saying and I suggest you push these points that; 1) A high monthly income doesn’t indicate a person’s ability to repay a loan-as it could easily be offset by even greater monthly expenses. Had Mr Lender also asked for Mr X’s expenditure, they would’ve known how much disposable income he had and whether he could afford to make repayments. 2) they are required to do appropriate checks- and income without expenditure doesn’t give an accurate picture of affordability. 3) 29 December 2011, this was rolled over three times because Mr X couldn’t make the repayments. This should’ve been something Mr Lender picked up on from their credit search. In addition, I can’t see Mr Lender has taken into account his previous payment history. This alone should’ve prompted increased checks. seriously if you haven't already done it esculate your complaint higher with FOS. I would have thought that on the 3rd loan they should have been asking more questions and taking a deeper look at your dependency on these loans
  20. ok so what did FOS have to say exactly then. for what reason did they not find in favour? an update on my complaint with FOS - they are now saying mr lender acted properly for the 1st loan but not the 2nd or 3rd, so I will be getting a refund for the last 2 loans and both removed from my CRA files.....this is part of what they had to say...... I appreciate Mr Lender have also obtained information about Mr X’s income and they believe they weren’t required to look at Mr X’s expenditure under the OFT guidance. However, they are required to do appropriate checks- and income without expenditure doesn’t give an accurate picture of affordability. A high monthly income doesn’t indicate a person’s ability to repay a loan-as it could easily be offset by even greater monthly expenses. Had Mr Lender also asked for Mr X’s expenditure, they would’ve known how much disposable income he had and whether he could afford to make repayments. It should’ve been clear to Mr Lender when providing the third loan on 1 March 2012 that it wasn’t affordable to Mr X. This is because, Mr X had other borrowing from payday lenders. He had taken out a loan with Active Securities on 29 December 2011, this was rolled over three times because Mr X couldn’t make the repayments. This should’ve been something Mr Lender picked up on from their credit search. In addition, I can’t see Mr Lender has taken into account his previous payment history. This alone should’ve prompted increased checks. this may help you dispute what FOS have to say and get a second opinion....worth a try....dont give up unless you have already esculated it with FOS. did you have any rollovers with them, how many loans did you take
  21. blimey - makes you think twice about accepting any payments via paypal if they can revoke upto 6 months
  22. Hi all, toay I had a refund offer from My Jar/Txt Loans for £108 ...i took 2 loans out in 2009 one was repaid on time and then i took another out immediately although I defaulted on this one and late fees etc were added and a few months later I repaid it. Today after I raised a complaint re irrisponsible lending they offered a refund of £108. Safeloans have agreed to remove the ccj from my CRA. TrustedQuid have agreed to work with me to repay the last loan of £150 and remove all references from my CRA files when they receive the first payment FOS has upheld my complaint against Mr Lender, have to wait till 30/12/15 to see if they want to esculate - but should mean a refund of all fees and removal of references to loans from my CRA files Payday Express has said they couldnt look into my complaint in the 8 weeks they were given so now with FOS. FancyaPayday now with FOS after they rejected my complaint, specifically when they took £1300 from my bank for a defaulted loan Nova Loans - still waiting for a response re insufficient incoming and ougoings
  23. another thought just crossed my llittle mind....if you did a bank transfer, which you can prove then maybe your bank may be able to help....surely it is fraud if the builder has not paid for goods that your payment was for....maybe worth having a chat with your bank and see what they say
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