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Everything posted by neil6534

  1. if not i have made recent payments to their bank from my bank...may be worth testing a £1 payment to ensure it goes through I could dig the account details out for you...risky but i dont see that theyve changed banks after i made my payments
  2. just dug out a letter I had from prov re my outstanding payments and at the bottom is a barcode which you can take to the post office scan and make a payment
  3. do you not have any documentation from prov giving their bank details?
  4. i would suggest you contact prov and ask for their bank details so that you can make an electronic payment and keep doing it that way
  5. cheers fkofilee - hopefully my credit score will go up - although I wont bother about using experian for it!!!
  6. For anyone else out there who took out a PDL with Safeloans and had a ccj through them - it may also be worthwhile you pursuing the same course of action with them - the reson why - this is a statement in their reply to my complaint - "Since the time in question we have migrated twice out of previous Customer Relationship Management systems to our current operating system. We have also moved offices in February 2013 and we have since closed our lending business on the 01.05.2015. Therefore we do not have all the data available on historic settled accounts".
  7. yep just like that - I can't believe how easy it was to get them to agree to my complaint and request for removal of the ccj - It was only confirmed on the 9th feb so have to wait 28 days for its removal from my credit files - confirmed over the phone this morning with the bulk centre
  8. I raised a complaint with safeloans - directly with them - re irrisponsible lending - I only had one loan with them way back in 2012 - but defaulted - didnt respond to their letters and eventually got a ccj - but after writing an email complaint to them which was responded to very quickly and they agreed to get the ccj set aside - I have spoken to northampton bulk centre who have confirmed this - yipeee!!!
  9. i am not sure if you pay that you foreit your rights - others on here would no more about the legalities - however - you could produce a letter stating the facts as you know them - and what the resolution is that you want and that although you have paid this does not mean that you are happy with the service nor do you suggest that this matter is closed - but it should be a fare and resonable resolution - you can hand it to them and post it to them recorded delivery and give them whatever time they are legally allowed to, to respond - you should make it clear in the letter that if no agreement is met then you will take legal action.
  10. Yes they can hold your car if you refuse to pay - the police wont get involved as it is a civil matter
  11. OK so my point didnt come across clearly enough - there are if's and but's because as you have said the garage should know what they are doing, and in this case how would you prove otherwise - so this leaves us with the questions that if they did a professional job why did this part crack so easily - suggestions - parts like this can fail on a car for various reasons, for instance hitting a pot hole - this could have weakened the joint enough for a simple knock to break it totally - I am not saying its not the garages fault but how do you prove otherwise - how do you prove a sound subframe - yes you can look at it, see the crack and even if it appears to be new it could have happened whilst driving it to the garage - its a tricky argument
  12. The problem is that we are dealing with a lot of if's but's and maybe's - as I said it could depend on the age and condition of the vehicle, and the garage could bring this up - if it happened whilst jacking the car up, or an over zelous mechanic with heavy tools something like this should not crack so easily no matter under what circumstances - the best I would hope for would be for them to cover the labour
  13. Whatever you decide upon is the right outcome for you don't go in guns blazing
  14. Having worked in a garage myself - the chances are that they were over zelous with their tools - airguns and hammers!!! what would be helpful to know is the age of the car, how many miles on the clock - as from experience, having broken and sheared a few bolts myself, age and condition is a factor - chances are it was already weak so you could face a tricky debate - was it more lucky it happened in the garage or worse if it happened when you were driving - what ever the case I still feel they should shoulder some of the cost
  15. Personally I would be very dubious about getting a replacement subframe from a scrap dealer - you do not know the history of it so could be facing the same thing a few months down the line - as they have already accepted liability for the damage why not try and strike a deal with them for labour to replace it with a new subframe that you have purchased yourself - by buying it your self you can search for a better price
  16. That I am afraid is something someone else is going to have to answer - as far as I am aware, as you have used a finance company to provide the funds for the car then it is their responsibilty to deal with the issues throughh the dealer - but they will fob you off
  17. Then your compliant is with MoneyBarn
  18. Ok, well I had 3 loans with MR L - Mr L rejected my complaint so off to FOS who upheld it - got 2 of 3 loans removed from my CRA and a refund of £700
  19. How many loans did you take with Mr Lender - as could be worth a complaint of irrisponsible lending. Payday Express will be a pain to deal with, they will probably respond to you with "we have not been able to look into your complaint due to a heavy workload - when you get FOS involved they will eventually respond with some half hearted offer whci hwill fail to address your complaint in full - which you will probably reject - so back to FOS to get their verdict.
  20. How did you pay for this? loan? credit card etc? You would in general expect fair usage of a used vehicle for at least the first 6 months - as you've had it for less than a month then I would now take your complaint to the dealership - although do wait for some advice as to what to say from those with more knowledge on this site
  21. bare in mind that even if you do go down the irrisponsible lending route and get success with FOS they are unlikely to recommend the removal of all references with the CRA's
  22. noddle is part of callcredit a totally dif CRA and i think clearscore is a standalone CRA - worthwhile seeing whats on them also
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