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Everything posted by neil6534

  1. not sure if this is in the correct place ...lowell have 2 debts of mine which i am trying to arrange a payment plan with, but whilst on the phone to them they also stated i had an other loan which dates back to 2003 - can they chase me for this, can they add this back onto my credit file?
  2. it was BCOB based ie...charges on charges - but 3 letters to the complaints team, followed by letters to the data controller and complaints team manager, then a letter to the complaints direct and then direct laison with his PA got the result....along with threats to take this to the FSO and BCOBS
  3. RBS has offered a refund of just over £2400 to me today on the basis that they feel the charges were unfair due to the fact that the account has not been used since Sept 2009 and not because that they put charges on charges. This is probably so that they do not set a precedence in refunding on charges on charges. I still have to battle the 3 defaults shown on my credit file, added in 2010 but thats another story. I have names, emails and phone numbers for senior member of the RBS complaints team, right up to director level that I am happy to share with anyone who wants them. Another win for the joe public.
  4. hi, i have won back £2431 in charges do you want me to send you a private email with a caopy of the letter i sent on it...i also have email and contact details for very senior members of staff plus phone numbers
  5. please see my thread - i am going through the same thing at the moment
  6. right then, RBS have rejected my compliant, only offered 12months of refunds, against £2800 worth of charges..they refuse to confirm that they are not allowed to add charges to charges and refused to acknowledge that they are not allowed to default me for overdraft charges...one last letter to Mark Davies their complaints director....................then what...any suggestions?
  7. in the case of my first direct bank charges the defaults were down to me...but my rbs account has many default charges which are caused by previous default charges so possible case here
  8. Hi, I recently had a refund from firstdirect for the last 3 months worth of bank charges, however these charges show as defaults on my credit reference file can i get the bank to remove these default notices?
  9. Cheers DX - yep clearly states charges on charges...I'll keep you informed as to how i get on but knowing RBS it will take them a long time to say no
  10. Hi, I have managed to get a refund of £225.00 against what I considered to be unfair charges. I advised FD that I considered a £25 charge for anything over £20 was disproportionate. In 2 cases a £25 charge was levied against a debit of £0.96 and of £1.52. Anyway the long and short of it was FD as a gesture of good will are refund me my last 4 months worth of charges and I can take it as a refund on these charges if thats the way I want to look at it. However FD are not willing to view this on a refund for charges dating back years and they will argue this case strongly. On another note FD have recently changed the way they charge un-autherised overdrafts, now if you go over your limit by less then £10.00 then you should not get charged. In my argument with FD I pointed out that there must have been a reason for this change, be it customer complaints or maybe even direction from the FSO. Whatever it was that made them change their charging mandate I think will now give all of us a strong argument in trying to reclaim charges for debits of less than £10.00.
  11. Hi all....RBS have been charging me interest for my 1k overdraft, these charges have taken me over my limit for which I then get a £6 daily charge. Then I get increased overdraft interest charges for for going over my limit. These charges get added to my account which takes me over my limit and thus the spiral continues. I have asked RBS to change the date of when the charges are added to my account but they wont. Are they allowed to add charges on charges?
  12. Hi again, Yes I know they are a CRA and the information that they provide to banks, loan companys and even letting agents can seriously affect my chances. They rate my credit worthiness. The thing is, there is no way that Oakam can be adding £1200 per month it just doesnt make sense. so is Callcredit at fault. If they are and I ask them to check this and they then contact Oakam will this then re-open the debt thus meaning I will loose out on the 6 year rule where if no contact is made the debt just goes away?
  13. hi yep i understand that callcredit are a cra but the info they provide affects my rating, in this instance very very badly.....do i contact them or will it re-open the loan and affect the 6 year rule?
  14. no go with the fso or fsa as neither regulate this company sorry they do not regulate callcredit is what i meant
  15. the info that callcredit provides could be a mistake though, see below; opening balance £1500Current balance £20,000.00 Monthly charge £1200 Worst status D Default balance £2,400 not sure how they get the debt now standing at 20k either way I am worried that contacting callcredit may re-open a can of worms thus not allowing me the option of the 6 year rule
  16. Hi, well there's not much to tell tbh. I took out a loan for around £1500 in 2009 with a repayment plan of approx £150 per month. I fell on hard times and actually never made any repayments. The first call chasing me up for it was from Wright Hassall in 2011, where I denied any knowledge of the loan. Then I got the email from Hassalls saying they had been advised in error ect etc. I have not heard anything since, no one else chasing me up for the loan. Now I look at callcredit and it shows the debt of £20,000.00.
  17. Hi, I have been contacted by Wright Hassall re a loan for Oakam. After I advised them that I had no clue as to whom they were speaking I received the following email from Wright Hassall; Further to our telephone conversation, I can confirm that our client has advised we have been instructed in error and we will be closing your account today. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. This email was sent to me back in Oct 2011. I have to be carefull here as I did take a loan with Oakam but have actually never heard from them other than this once chasing me for some money. Now the problem is that the original loan for lets say £1k now shows on my credit file with CallCredit standing at some £20,000.00. Needless to say with an already poor credit file this aint helping me much at all. I know if I leave it till 2015 then its gone bye bye... .other than that what else can I do?
  18. Hi all I was a SL victim. I failed to keep up payments thus was taken to court. I then reached an agreement which I also failed to keep to. have had lots of harrassing emails over the last few days but have managed to get the offer agreed to one which I am happy with. Here it is; Original loan for £160.00 back in 2011 CCJ taken in 2012 - now owing £550.00 Offer to SL in March 2012 for £220.00 split into 3 payments which I made 2 payments and failed on the 3rd. SL then increased the debt to £346.00 now owing I emailed SL explaining that I can not afford to make any of the payment offers they have in their letters. SL then bombarded me with email after email not paying any attention to my request for information as to how the debt had increased by so much. Yet more emails ignoring my requests or offers. I threatened to make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, giving them 8 weeks to reply to this complaint. SL emailed me back saying please log on to their web site and follow their complaints procedure ...I pointed out that on their website it clearly states "You may contact us in any way which is convenient to you, by telephone in writing or by email" and that they should not ignore my complaint. This worked and I now have the debt down to £80.00 and thats the end of it. This was my email to them; FORMAL COMPLAINT To whom it may concern, I hereby notify you that I am raising as formal complaint with you. The reasons are listed below. 1) You have failed to respond to my request for a more detailed breakdown as to how the outstanding amount is broken down. ie; What are you admin charges, what are the additional charges. 2) I have already advised you that I can not make any payment until the end of the month, yet you have now sent me the same email 5 times in 2 days, failing to acknowledge my current financial situation. 3) The fact that you have sent the same email 5 times in 2 days can only be described as harassment and bullying. 4) You have also failed to acknowledge my offer of finalising the debt as per our original agreement made last year 2012 , which again I will not be able to do until the end of January. As per the terms stated by the Financial Ombudsman you have 8 weeks to respond to this email. If I feel that yet again you have failed to address my concerns and requests adequately then I shall with hesitation raise this complaint with the Financial Ombudsman.
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