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Everything posted by drop47

  1. I don't know much about the csa but i am worried for you. The law is sadly an ass but it is still the law. You also need to remember that the money is to help support your daughter and that means housing her feeding her etc. To be blunt not many 15 year olds would use the money wisely. If she is sensible she will give it straight to her mother because that could be the only way to keep you out of trouble. You really need some professional advice and not a rant on a consumer forum. If you lose your livelihood who will suffer?
  2. I take it you are a rep and the company are accusing you of failing to do your job? You say you have only just been given reasons,was there an investigation and disciplinary. How long have you worked for the company?
  3. Speedfreek, i totally agree about iaps. It has taken me 3 years to get counselling,three bloody years during which time my life has gone from bad to worse. My ex employer did provide a 6 week session but that was probably worse than doing nothing. Once you open pandoras box on your emotions you can not then put the lid back on. I really do not know how i could travel to work every day on public transport or work with other people. Yet in the company of close friends only you may not realise anything is wrong.
  4. Red tape and certain health and safety are truly a drain not just on the private sector but also on the public one. We are in a blame culture just watch the tv. There is no quick fix and most of us getting wound up about this have a vested interest i.e. We are on some kind of benefit. Sadly there are a lot of people and Doctors who abuse the system. Sadly as well if you have an obvious physical disability people support you,but make that a mental health issue and people are less concerned.
  5. That's what i mean. There is income based benefit unless you have a private income or savings. I would suggest cab or the local welfare rights team.
  6. I am sorry but maybe i am just naive. In Britain in 2012 how can anyone not be given any money to live on. Surely there must be some benefit you are entitled to. Can i ask,where are you living and how is the rent being paid,also how old are you.
  7. I was thinking the same. When someone with mental health issues snaps and loses the plot and does something silly. I am using general words and when it gets to me i just have to take time out. I could not make a decision to save my life
  8. I think the first thing to do is send off a cca request. This will cost you £1 and will let you know when it was taken out and provide a copy of the agreement. The letter is in the library. When was the loan taken out. Another option would be to just write to natwest asking for confirmation of the balance on the alleged debt and who now owns the debt and who is collecting it.
  9. As renegade says we do need more details. Are you looking at a cca request or do they have a court judgement or have they been appointed by the original creditor.
  10. You'll get a call back by noon tomorrow,no i can not mark it urgent. You will have to ask a friend to feed you
  11. Indeed. Glad it is sorted. To be honest and i speak from personal experience it is very expensive and very easy to get persuaded to spend a lot more than necessary by some of these large funeral firms. An example is the headsone, would have been over 200 more with their preferred supplier. I can look back and give advice but probably wouldn't have taken it at the time.
  12. I am sorry to hear about your loss,never an easy time. Is there any money at all left by your FIL as funerals are the first priority on any estate. Another thought, her sisters may be expected to pay but possibly if there is some sort of family rift you could ask for a reconsideration. I believe there are other options but maybe you don't want to think about that at the moment. I believe there is a duty on the local authority to ensure everyone has some sort of funeral.
  13. Well as far as i know it will not do. Something to check if it is a reckon, is the address correct. They fall down sometimes on putting your current address down when you took it out somewhere else
  14. That was probably just the paper that came with your card. Your cca request they have 12+2 days to respond but many take longer. As ford says,wait and see
  15. Underclass(although i hate the assumption that all long term unemployed or sickNess claimants are workshop scroungers )
  16. Does it have total charge for credit calculations etc. Have you sent off a cca request?
  17. It's two fold. One is because people lie and also because they don't trust us.
  18. Is this right? If you are in the wrag group you have been deemed unable to work and you still provide sick notes that say you are unfit to work yet they are saying you have to work?
  19. Sad to say of course it won't happen as there is a multi million pound business out there collecting debts and a huge number of people employed. I am not sure i would be any good at it. As with every system there are people who abuse it and that will never stop. Personally i believe that as long as the banks can get away with flouting the law by producing inaccurate agreements and defaults they will carry on. They have huge legal departments and resources, surely following the law should be a given. Mind you how many of us break some law or other on a daily basis by say speeding or not paying a train fare because no one comes to sell the ticket. Anyway rant over. I think we are singing the same song here
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