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Everything posted by drop47

  1. Wonga do seem one of the better behaved pdls at the moment and i think the word was might not will.
  2. They will blame a computer glitch. While i agree that it is poor practice i don't think a complaint would help,unless they take money in the days following an agreement.
  3. I would not be quite that trusting. I would report my card lost, also write to both the bank and Wonga cancelling any cpa. Then when the repayment plan is set up pay be standing order
  4. Not a bad idea. Ask them all to write off the debt.
  5. In my opinion what they appear to have sent you so a swift letter just saying what they sent does not comply with your cca request and until such time as the do comply the account is in dispute. If they disagree feel free to issue court proceedings which will be defended. That should shut them up. Is there a letter in the library about missing prescribed terms.
  6. Well if your post was intercepted did the card user just give them your details. I have not heard about a duty to prevent fraud and terrorism that would involve taking details. If it was a new card it would have to been activated. My guess is that you may know the person.
  7. A non enforceable cca means just that if it is from pre April 2007 as that is when s127(3) was repealed. However it is possible that they could recon a cca that would meet s77-79 but would still not be enforceable as i believe waksman said the original should be available. Also there are lots more to it than just s77-79. Default notices,terminations etc are just examples.
  8. Hi. I am really not sure what your beef with orange is all about. I assume you have reported the theft to the police and the credit card. As far as i am aware they are under no obligation to take your details if it was just a handset as opposed to a contract. The police would be able to get the cctv footage.
  9. Well if it is a legally owed and enforceable debt then refusing to pay could land you in all sorts of trouble. Of course if there are charges you can reclaim or if it is pre 2007 and is unenforceable then that's a different story.
  10. So you did a SAR 3 years ago and not heard anything since. In that sar the cca was a fabrication. If it was me i would just leave it. You are half way to statute barred do not make a payment and start it all again.
  11. I do wish you luck as i hate when employers get to ride rough shod over employees. There is obviously a flaw in the fit note, also my understanding is that on an open ended one you need one to say you are fit to return
  12. I would say no need to ask again. I assume you have the recorded delivery signed for receipt. Moorgate sent me a washed up signature box and terms because the original was illegible. I believe that what they sent to me would also be an absolute defence. As an aside do you still have the default notice that mbna sent you. If that is not correct i think any further action is also impossible.
  13. Assisted blonde i am sure you are correct about return to works, however if it is their policies and or health and safety statement it may be a point. Sadly i tend to agree with you about the straws. The best option in my opinion is to find other similar cases where dismissal was not the outcome. Companies need to be consistent.
  14. I did not say that. There are very many undesirable British people and that includes the English.
  15. Yeah deported all the undesirable. Oh dear there's only me left
  16. I feel exactly the same. A visit to Birmingham leaves me in a right state. Then you get the shrieking chavs on the bus. Sometimes i would love to have a gun. So consumer dude you are not alone
  17. Thanks well maybe someone there is bypassing protocol to gather information. As i said a definitive answer would be great. Otherwise i will stick to the system,we have to have faith that it will work. Anyway back to the thread.
  18. Of course if you live in Scotland it is different hence you can indeed contact TS. When i had an issue with another company Glasgow TS told me to contact my local one who told me to call citizens advice consumer help line who then passed it on to the appropriate people. The number is 08454040506. Things changed in April this year and not everyone is aware yet. I always log any complaint i have with them even if it.s just for info.
  19. Dreadful and so wrong to use. Up there with the n word and queer
  20. Not in England its not. And even for MH you would have to contact your local one. I don't wish to be rude but i went through this with a dca based in Glasgow. Trading standards closed their phone service some months ago. Maybe a definitive answer from a member of the site team such as Martin would be helpful.
  21. I am sorry to be blunt but when will people learn,it is no longer trading standards you complain to. It is what used to be called consumer direct and is now ring by CAB. They will pass on your complaint. As for the OFT i find it best to call them. Can someone please give the number for CAB. Edit sorry oft i email fos i phone
  22. I have lots of issues with ryanair. They seem to inflate the travel time so they can arrive on time,the admin charge is horrendous,the cost of a coffee is huge. We recently flew to Amsterdam and klm was cheaper also came with baggage and a free coffee and glass of wine. We are going to Warsaw for new year and again klm are cheaper. Shop round. I much prefer easyjet. I would add however that all the complaints about ryanair are on the website. Apart from the fanfare to which my bil shouted bollox your late once at Milan.
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