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Everything posted by spots1

  1. So glad I can bring some sunshine and cheer today honeybee13 When I asked about the reported 6 interviews she even said that these had stopped ...but if you had been put on ESA and they had said that you could be fit for some work 3/5 months down the line you would then have to do the said activities /groups stuff interviews ...I been put onto the recall for Oct so no worries as this is outside of the criteria for the WRAG group ....no sanctions and I can even ring her if I want to if I have any letters to say otherwise ...what a nice lady she was It`s a first I must say for me to not be worrying about the next stage:madgrin: ...although come september / october I will be
  2. Well at last some good news Had my 1st WRAG interview at the JCP yesterday after having to cancel the first ...the lady was really nice she has even given me a DLA form to fill in and send off as she thinks that I may be able to claim it ! I also do not have to go to any more interviews at JCP as she could see from the evidence that my condition is one of deterioration ...she has also told mre that my next ATOS form filling in saga will be in Oct Also she has been asked from one of her managers to list people that should have been put into the support group for a meeting with the big people in an attempt to highlight what is happening at the JCP centres She even asked me if I had asked for a recon/appeal of the group ( I have and they said no ! I was going to appeal it but now gonna leave it as my next assessment will be before the appeal went through ...and my condition by then will be worse ) So no more to do but sit back and wait for ATOS in Oct oh and to fill in the DLA form ...any hints and tips on that would be appreciated ...looks like war and peace again ! Happy bunny today
  3. Oh this sounds like a good get your own back ! Good luck & keep us posted ....don`t forget the doorstep collection that you can do said tongue in cheek ...please don`t throw me off site team
  4. Agree brokenbutnotbeatn...we have the last statement from mbna so know the exact amount we owe and regular payment through payplan will continue for the moment ...willbe keeping a very watchful eye out on the reduction as interest was frozen ...We will pull the plug if the balance falters in any way ! Hope that your interest was frozen by them as thay were the best of the creditors out of all of them to do this Thanks twoman for that ...I take it that Paragon are still trading in credit then and that they are covered by their licence !
  5. Thanks for that huggy41 ...now forgive me but are they covered with oft /fsa guidlines as it don`t say on the link ? Should there be anything to worry about with them ? Can they collect ? Sorry but getting in a bit of a state about this don`t want anything to go wrong after 2 years of bliss with MNBA being ok with everything >
  6. Yeh noticed that after the post silly me ....is your the same company as mine then that has the full harrassing rights:roll: Any thoughts on post 5 ?
  7. Right I have been trying to find info on ( see post 1 ) on the oft and fsa registers and atm have not been able to find anything Would some kind cagger with a little more clout help please all I have got are the names of the new owners of the debt a reg no of 3303780 ? PO Box no 16140 and two postcodes of B91 9HH & B91 3QE both come up with zilcht ! Im I looking in the wrong place !!!! If they are not reg via any oft / fsa or other body then what to do please !
  8. Cheers citizenB Will sit and wait on the outcome of further letters / calls from Moorgate( if they ring they will get the old saying in writing only pal!) as none of the letters enclosed has a balance figure on it ! It says that they will let our dmp company know but not taking chances on that would rather do that myself . Will continue paying via dmp hopefully they will not try and chance adding extras as they won`t get any bhoy1976 ...sounds like your letter in the post ...keep us posted on your outcome . Looks like alot of trimming down being done end of year accounts and all that ! Good luck .
  9. Hi ...Have MBNA Credit Card that has been on dmp for 2 years with no probs and interest has been frozen. Recived letter yesterday from mbna advising that the outstanding balance has been purchased by Britannica Recoveries S.A.R.L - Mortlake and it will be serviced by Moorgate Loan Servicing Limited. Enclosed with the mbna letter in same envelope is a letter from Moorgate advising that the outstanding balance will be administered by them and that this take place on the 12th March 2012 ! The account nos have all been changed as well !!! So Britannica -Mortlake will be the data controller and Moorgate Servicing will be the administraters! Conncerned that letters dated 5th March recieved on the 7th March 2012 which gives only 2 working days to act on anything ....has any one had dealings with this lot and should more notice be given with regards to the sale Had statement from mbna last week so know exactly the amount owing but not sure now what to do regards future payments to them via our dmp and why have they changed the account nos
  10. Been reading your post and if they concentrated on getting facts by asking you there would have been no need for you to go through this its this kind of thing that makes people see red ...perhaps when they see an empty bank account you could ask them to put something in it for you for your stress and for expenses in providing them what they already are aware of imo
  11. When you are placed on esa & in the wrag group this only last for 1yr I believe...should the DWP inform you in good time for having another Atos assessment ? ...also how do you go on if you have further medical problems before the 1 yr deadline can you request an assesment ? not that I would want to request one
  12. We use payplan and all our interest has been froozen ...please do keep checking with your dmp plan though as most creditors will review the interest after 6 months so make sure your dmp send out the letters again asking for interest to be froozen in time they probs all will ...and get reclaiming all the unlawful fees etc once the plan has settled down you will be surprised how much they owe you !
  13. Maybe you are right uncle b ....and also peoples tax credits and stuff rise in April etc so they then think they will get more money out of folk !
  14. As above open a complaint with the fos ...the more the merrier with this company and also copy your complaint to the oft ...sounds right what was said about the staff not knowing as to my mind they only know how to bully and harrass people and be very unpleasent on the phone and via texts ! Get the complaint into the fos they will put you on a 8 week proccess for flm to respond with their final say ...then you can take your complaint all the way if you are not happy with the reply you have... to make sure that flm are aware you are complaining make sure you write it on the top of your letters and only corresspond in writing no calls and if they call you tell them in writing only ...can asure you they do not like this !! keep us posted
  15. We use payplan and find them really good ...you don`t have to stay with the DMP you have you can change whenever you wish to ....even go it alone if you feel you could ...
  16. Flm are the worst kind to deal with ...see my posts .. It will be up to your sister to decide what to do ...she will get alot of texts and calls and if she has a card registered with them they will take the money out of her account regardless....she would do well to cancel the card and pay in another way either vis pay link or standing order that way she will be in control and not get a shock when they have taken all her money!!! do not speak to them on the phone they are rude and obnoxious to say the least ....keep everything in writing and keep a copy of all texts and dates of calls just make sure your sister is aware that they will harrass her and that under no circumstances should she speak on the phone or call them .... Seems like FLM are on a roll atm as more and more post are popping up if you change your heading with flm in it others having probs will be more inclined to have a read and advise . Good luck Spots1
  17. I agree with the last post ...every 6months the resetting of the account has to be done for the interest to be frozen and it has to be asked for... ccccs should have been doing this for you ...you do need to complain to them and also copy int the letter from Lloyds to them ...did you give lloyds your DMP plan no. when you wrote to them so they could check if ccccs had asked when sending in statments of your expenditure and your payment to them . Copy your prev. statements in to them showing the freeze of interest . Spots1
  18. You could also report to the telephone regulators ... never speak to them or ring them ....
  19. Think you have to pdf it look in dx sig on how to upload
  20. Hi Jaccris Welcome to the world of FLM ...FIRSTLY DO NOT SPEAK TO THESE PEOPLE ON THE PHONE IN WRITING ONLY THEY DON`T LIKE THIS AT ALL ! SECOND make sure you contact the OFT & FOS to report them ...the fos will give them 8 weeks to respond with there final say and then if you are not happy you will then fill in a form and tell the fos what you want to happen ...the oft will put them on the list you will get a reply but they will monitor all reports for when the license comes up for renewal. THIRD thing is to not get to bogged down with them write to them and tell them that you will only correspond in writing only make sure you log all calls /texts etc if you cannot record and write down what is said ! They don`t like this either ...copy out the texts if you cannot download them from your phone as I can be sure that these are not nice ones and the fact of it is they are harrassing you ...If you don`t have the full names and only the first names ask for all full names in your letter to them they don`tlike thos either! Eventually when they are aware that the fos are involved they will stop they will no doubt pass you to Harvey Sturtt which is the in house DCA don`t worry over them either they will send you texts ...but once the 8 week process of the fos is up they will stop harrassing you as the fos will have been in touch ...once you have informed the fos write and politly let them know ! You do not have to send them any bank details or an IE ...they will only use this to tey and get into your bank account ...make sure you do not give them any card details cancel all the ones you have and pay them a token amount that you can afford vis the paylink bar code at the bottom of your statments...check that your log in details are not being put onto your post as this is a breach of data protection and tell them that they have broken the rules on this as well ... And last you would be better to start your own thread so that you get more help ....we are still on going with ours but thay will eventually get the mess if you have a call ffrom them just tell them in wriing only ! You will find that they use various nos. just make a note of all of them ! Can someone from the team move to Jaccris own thread please ...
  21. In reply to odset...tragic news ...there was a local news report last night to say that a man who was waiting a heart transplant died 3 weeks after being told by atos saying he was fit for work !!! BBC look north report. Family said that it caused added stress to thier father .... Feel so sad for them.
  22. Thanks lee100 ...we are all in this together on here and I do hope you get sorted out ...they will tell you what group you are in soon ...happy days
  23. spots1


    Never used the form have always writtena letter ...but it`s par for the course with them if they don`t send one then people won`t appeal or thats probs what they are hoping...and if there was a tick box by removing it sounds like a get out to me as people won`t know they should be paid ...all in the underhand scheme of things they are doing to people. I`ve never had a form sent with any of my dwp letters thats why I just write to them.
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