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Everything posted by spots1

  1. Hi This is the address of the CEO office of Lloyds. Adress your letter as a formal complaint to the CEO ...one of the staff members of the executive complaints will be the most probable person to contact you but you need to state that you will only corresponed with them from now on. You would be best to bullet point your wishes in order and use phrases like " I want Lloyds to " I will not " etc you get the drift . Chief Executive Office Lloyds Tsb 25 Gresham Street London EC2V 7HN Make sure you send recorded or next day signed for . Good luck ...it worked for us ! Spots1
  2. Hi You must also tell halifax that you request no payment to be made to the said dca...make sure you send a copy in writing to them. Enjoy your newborn .
  3. Hi To get our charges back etc. we wrote to the CEO office and tell them you are on a dmp and that you want them to freeze interest and pay you back any other unlawful charges that they have placed onto your account. ... tell them if they do not then you will report tthem to the BCOBS ( think thats the right abreviation for them ) . ...it worked a treat ...make sure you tell them that you are on a dmp and give them the dmp no. so they can check it . ...also tell them that you are not prepared to play letter tennis with other departments as they have not done anything to help you so far regarding the interest etc. ...only deal with the ceo office and only in writing. ..they can do it they did ours . ..Payplan do send off letters with your offer for freezing but they go to the collections dept. they tend not to freeze ! Good luck
  4. Hi You must wait until the 8 week proccess is up and once that is you can then send the fos form back to fos with copies of all your letters t/ texts etc. make sure you send copies of letters that they have sent to you also. Trust that you have been paying a token amount vis the paylink outlets ? No calls or texts don`t worry FLM now AMIGO are known to fos etc. just make sure you have all your details copied for fos.. Enjoy the silence spots1
  5. Just to put a little happier senario on this I was placed into the WRAG GROUP in Nov. Had a first appointment with the personal adviser at the job centre who was very nice...she saw what the problems were I had and told me that I was not required to attened anymore or go anywhere else and that my review would be in Oct. ....she also said that if I had any letters sent to me that I was not happy about to contact her I even said to her that I thought I had to attend 6 and she said that it was up to the personal adviser as to wether the claiment was capable of doing them she also told me to appeal the Wrag group but also said that my review would be done before appeal ...came out very happy with the outcome and relieved to say the least . And also I was told that I would not have to do anything that could cause upset and further problems for me
  6. Hi ...use Payplan and have never ever been directed to anything other then normal DMP ....have all the faith in this FREE TO USE DMP ....perhaps our circumstances have not meant any other ways forward but I would welcome the choices if they were given....have nothing but praise for Payplan as all our creditors have been more than willing to go ahead with the offers made on our behalf ...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GUYS !!!!
  7. You have wrote to them with your offer ....I suggest that you start to pay them what you have offered they will respond at some point they won`t like it but it will be to your advantage if you are sending some sort of payment . Do as said prev. reclaim you can do this whilst paying your offer .
  8. Fully agree I paid my NI contributions for 20-30 years have been put into WRAG but too ill for a job and condition deteriorating will now have the joy of only being paid 365days of what I should be paid as long as I need to be but the gov think its there money and it`s not ! So come OCT £400 will be taken away from me and my family ! But what do I know I got shot down last time I posted an opinium on ESA ! How do we go on with this if it is proved to be illegal what the gov is doing ?
  9. How can it be rare ? Seems to happen often enough .
  10. So from what I am reading then you pay your nhs contributions for 30+ years ...become ill and have not been able to work for the last 7+ years and have had to be on IB / ESA and been put into WRAG and have a partner that works but only just earns above min wage and you know that your condition is degenerative! You are then put on the scrap heap losing nearly 400 a month which for most of us is food on the table !!!!! Yet those who have never paid a stamp ( going back in time ) can have everything they want and more ........arghhhhhhhh this makes me sooooo mad it is unbeleivable ....better tell my other half they would be better off going part time or not working at all !!!!!!! If only the concience would allow !!!!!!! Might as well declare bankrupt now cos by Oct / Nov unless there is change we will starve and so will our kids !
  11. How low has it to be though ...what is the cut off for income based ESA ?
  12. Let us know how you get on jo_antho ...cag likes to keep things in the open
  13. Been reading this post and have say to the above poster that the last paragraph is a tad wrong....they say " it is not in our interest not to deliver" well it seems that it is one the first try as they make money out of trying to deliver at a later date ! Think the DX team need to get the facts right ...premium tel nos are a sure way of making cash ...as if they do not know this!!!
  14. Oh and please use recorded del or at the very least get proof of posting of your letters ...I have even had them saying they hav`nt recieved a letter ...but once I have proved to them they have it suddenly appears ! You will need to keep a copy of all your letters that you send to them as well in case you have to resend ...thay are nasty and horrible and you will not be in for a fast solution to this but stand your ground ....oh and you do not need to tell them that you have reported them to the oft that is up to you if you wish too !!
  15. CREDIT FITNESS TEAM OFFICE of FAIR TRADING FLEETBANK HOUSE 2-6 SAILSBURY SQUARE LONDON EC4Y 8JX Hi Will Send your complaint to the address above and any copies of paper work you have and a letter to say what you are complaining about ...this will then be on file thay will write back to you acknowledging your complaint but will not do anything else the aim is that the more complaints about a company the worse it will be for them when the license comes up for renewal ...make sure you state that you are aware that they are now calling themselves AMIGO ! You need to exhaust the official complaints procedure with flm before you can use the fos. make sure you head any letters with OFFICIAL COMPLAINT tell them you will only correspond in writing and that they are to cease all tel calls texts etc. and that you will not be making any appointments regarding a visit to your home .... if you get texts save them you may need them as part of any harrassment complaint that you have at a later date & if they phone do not give your details to them just say in writing only and put down the phone / log all calls & details of what was said if you cannot record them...take your complaint to your local trading standards as well .... As Caldfwich say cancel all cards etc. and ask your bank that under no circumstances should they allow access to your account by this company ...put this in writing too . Finally try to stay calm you are with friends on here and all you need to do is ask for help Good luck spots1
  16. I went for one this month ...was really pleased at the outcome ...but alas not all are the same ...feel free to read my post..but obvs. please do not take it as the outcome you may have as all are different and take somone along with you as back up good luck spots1
  17. Please !please! report them to the OFT and your local trading standards ....they have just changed there name to Amigo ! The company trades under the Richmond Group / Financial Prossessing Ltd .....they are being investigated by a number of trading standrds up and down the country the more the merrier but you must go to the OFT the more complaints that build up the better when the license is up for renewal !!!!
  18. Ha ! ha! I like it Really though there has got to be some reason as I know they been reported to the OFT ....What makes them think that it will suddenly make the Richmond Group a wonderful place to go to just to be harrassed and bullied with their complete and utter flaunting of the OFT code of condut ?
  19. When are they due to arrive Fred ? ( probs won`t though ) .
  20. Got thread going about MBNA selling ours to Moorgate ! must have got the best deal as they have sent all letters and no probs atm as the amount is same as last statement from MBNA themselves and payment through dmp with no change requested hope you all get sorted
  21. :jaw:I wonder why they have ! Is it because they are getting a bad name I wonder ?
  22. Hi all Checked credit report and just MBNA showing atm ...as this was only sold on to come into force on the 12th March will wait and check again next month ...anyone know how often the reports are updated ? broknbutnotbeatn...did you get a letter from Moorgate ? spots1
  23. Life -goes -on have you read my post ...I went to JCP on 14th March and was happy with the outcome regards Spots1
  24. Hi fellow caggers Just an update on the MBNA account sale ....had a letter today from Moorgate Servicing complete with a statement printed on the reverse and I am still a very happy bunny as the balance is the exact amount that it should be and still indicates that interest is frozen as was the arrangement with MBNA Hope it stays this way otherwise you know what will happen ! Hope yours say the same Brokebutnotbeatn !
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