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Everything posted by spots1

  1. Just another nail in the coffin then for all of us
  2. So does that mean if you have both they only have to take one of them into account....if so don`t seem right to me .
  3. Whats the new rules on mental health issues?
  4. Thank you for the link Dilizjo I am pleased to see that my MP did the correct vote of NO
  5. Good luck....remember to check that the recorder is working before you begin and check that it has recorded after your Atossers work of fiction !
  6. Submit your new one ...ATOSSERS will not even be aware they don`t read them anyway & you can always say to them that you have an upto date one ...well thats my opiniun from having 2 of them and still sending in new info to harrasss them more
  7. Antone I do hope you can tell me what this could mean ...sorr for hyjackin your post Sparky hope you don`t mind " due to severe depression the majority of the time she is unable to cope with change to the extent that ADLs cannot be managed " it`s the ADLs bit I no understand ?
  8. I know the pain you going through...I too take controllled drugs to give pain relief ...oral morphine and other drugs and also have epilepsy the whole concoction of drugs makes me tierd ...my first atos assesment was taken to recon ...having said that have had another form less than a year to fill in ...and had a letter to say that my monet will no longer be from Jan 2013...regardless of the same degeneration and othe rissues not to mention the mental health issues ...good luck with what you decide to do ...I will not let them get away with treating me as a nobody without a fight ...alas I have to get the energy ffrom somwhere to do this
  9. :|OK so I was put into WRAG / Contribution ...had letter today to say that my ESA ends in Jan 2013. August had another ESA50 form to send in ... did this but have heard nothing until today to say that 365days up in Jan 2013 no more money end of ! My conditions have degenerated to the point that after 5 years of being seizure free on meds have started again ...other health issues have also degenerated ...GP sent letter to state all this . Now my question is ..."why was I sent out another form in aug. ? What is the time limit on applying again ...my conditions are worse and mental heath have sent letter in also what happens next ...cos i`m not convinced they have looked at my recent form .
  10. Send for a sar request if i`m correct they do not charge for this from DWP may take about a month but you should get ever letter etc they have on you good luck Hope a cag site member can clarify the no charge for DWP sars ?
  11. Not long to wait now Dilizjo...hope they don`t sanction for one of the missed appointments still awaiting my 2nd reply in less than a year for another grilling ...I can wait :-)happy days ... keep us informed and good luck you`ll need it
  12. :jaw:Can you make it to both 9am appointments in Oct 2012:!:
  13. You could always try ...god knows they are confused enough & don`t know what they are doing ....they probs havent opened your appeal yet ! Good luck ...I`m waiting to hear from mine again 2nd form in less than a year happy days .
  14. You could also write to them and ask for a reconsideration to be done before going to full appeal
  15. So I have sent the 2nd ESA50 form back complete with med reports that never get read I have put on the form begininnig and end that recorded assessment required if I have to have another one Now if I have an appointment sent will it or should it say that it will be recorded ...and if it don`t have that info on what should be the correct way in telling them I will not attend without recieving a sanction Can I request they put into writing that it`s their fault and not mine NOT THAT I DON`T TRUST THEM COS THAT WOULD BE SHAMEFUL OF ME
  16. you do cheer me up ...universal credit ...I dread to think:madgrin:
  17. Oh and still they have not put anywhere on the form that you are able to request a Recorded Atos Assesment !!!!!...they must think we don`t believe what is said and written about us
  18. Cheers Margaret Have only just over 2weeks to get the form back and it only came this week ! So in theory the form has to be there filled in before I would get the first one back from a SAR ....it really is so annoying that the time limits are so tight...pity they don`t have the same time limits on getting their facts together and doing the job right ! I will be looking at all the discriptors thanks ...had a recon last time GP & Mental Health were not amused that they were not contacted
  19. Thank you RMW for that ...have the medical from last one... but sadly not the form from last time ... thought I had copied it and other half posted it before I had found out I had`nt ...was busy making sure copies of medical evidence was done
  20. Well here we go again ...been on ESA and now have a second form sent to fill in :/ ....can someone tell me have they changed the form since last year as it seems different :/ Are the discriptors the same or are there new ones for 2012-2013 ?
  21. Oh forgot to add that once you have a payplan account no. you will then have access to the website and you will be able to contact them via that at any time of day and scan and send stuff to them ......so a little time put aside will bring you the benifits of having weight lifted from you
  22. Payplan are wonderful ...yes you will get the odd creditor being a pain for 3 months or so but all paperwork you recieve you can send copies to payplan and they will handle it ....also if they get really shirty about things the fact being on a dmp will go a long way if one of them thinks they can get more by taking the court route..( more fool them really !) You could also write to Payplan with your details and set up from there if difficult to contact ...or even by email . Good luck you won1t regret using them ....silence is golden eventually
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