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Everything posted by dreadpiratesteve

  1. Re-reading the first post it could be a simple case of the OP and guard misunderstanding each other. It could be read that whilst the OP meant travelling on the return portion via the alternative route, the guard thought that the OP meant stopping his outbound journey to go via the alternate route having passed the interchange station in which to do so. The latter as far as I'm aware isn't possible (if the more knowledgeable guys here would like to clarify!).
  2. Technically its possible, how are train/ station staff going to know which route you took on the previous journey? Again, which stations/ routes are you talking about?
  3. Unfortunately, the conductors main role is the safety of passengers on board the train and not the sale of tickets (which is a secondary role). As from other threads, once the letter from First arrives (can take 6-8 weeks). Write to them using the reference codes, explain it was not your intention to avoid paying your fare and that you would be happy to pay the fare due plus any reasonable administrative costs to bring the matter to a conclusion without resorting to taking the matter to court. In the meantime, now you are aware, if you catch the train to seek out the guard prior to getting off the train. Alternatively, if you know which days you need to get the train, pre-purchase your tickets at Penzance.
  4. You live in Penzance and work in Hayle? If so, how did you get to Hayle for work?
  5. Has a direct debit been set up (check with your bank)? Which I think is highly unlikely. From the sounds of things you've gained a free phone. Keep the packaging on the off chance CPW request the device back. But get a PAYG sim card and use that in the phone!
  6. As far as I'm aware it has to be shortest, direct or reasonable route. So a ticket from Portsmouth to Brighton wouldn't allow you to go via Eastbourne for example.
  7. Most service providers (TOC's, Mobile Phone Providers etc) have a clause that exempts them from any responsibility from "loss of earnings" and the like. As was pointed out in the beginning of this thread. As mentioned FCC arranged buses thus honouring their part of the contract! However, have you contacted the MD to see if he is willing to exchange the vouchers for cash?
  8. In this instance, the overhead wire is part of the rail infrastructure and therefore owned by Network Rail. However, something tells me that if you write to NR, they'd only refer you to the TOC. As some banks offer travel insurance, I wonder rail travel is included as part of this?
  9. Agree, its not slavery as we are free to choose who to work for. There is a big discrepancy with minimum wage and benefits which has developed a "why earn money when I can get it for doing nothing". Something that does need to be addressed. However, with business, they are in business to make a profit and most often it is wages that are the largest, and most controllable aspect of expenditure. If businesses were more about work force and not about pleasing shareholders, it could be different but a compassionate MD in the work place is a rarity. C'est la vie!
  10. Simple, the Revenue Protection teams are only so many people and are often moving about between the different stations. Often they are assigned where the TOC views the most likely occurrences of ticketless travel etc. Using information from guards/ station staff plus going by events that have a large volume of passengers travelling by train. Im sure First Class or OC will explain better!
  11. Hi Brett, I can't comment on South West trains procedure for finding/ returning lost property but it doesn't sound right. That said, I've heard of Railway staff being dismissed for interfering/ not following Company Procedure in regards to lost property. However, the Managing Director for South West is Tim Shoveller so you could try tim.shoveller@swtrains.co.uk Or you could send a letter (I'd advise recorded) for his attention at South West Trains Friars Bridge Court 41-45 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NZ
  12. It's been like a Carry On film with some of their antics!
  13. Claim is now in the hands of the FOS. Here's hoping it gets resolved well within the 12 months they advise this could take!
  14. It all depends on the cell site/ mast your phone is currently assigned to, how many other users are linked to it and what they're doing! Think of cell sites as a road and mobile phones as cars on that road. Just you and you can get there quickly. Hundreds of other users and it gets clogged up and everything takes time. Believe it or not, cell sites have a limited bandwidth which normally in everyday use you wouldn't notice. Not to.mention Vodafone's servers which handle the data etc being stretched at that time to handle the volume of traffic!
  15. Did get me going for a second but saw the funny side HB is right though, some employers do offer a "season ticket" loan scheme.
  16. Finally a response, and not the one I was hoping for. HSBC are refusing to increase the offer. Time to take this to FOS! Even more entertaining, two letters from the same person (Suzanne Rogers) one dated 12th Dec saying they weren't going to increase the offer, another dated 17th Dec saying they were looking into it! The mind boggles!
  17. Have you made a "diary" of events, copies of the minutes? As Stu said, as this is a large firm, you can take this above the general manager, or even the area manager if you think they are trying to keep it at a local level.
  18. Ramada have done the right thing in dismissing the person concerned, however, as Stu has said, contact the ICO if you want to raise it further. Out of curiosity, who did you report the matter to at Ramada?
  19. Normally it would be a repair, however it may be different with iPads. Have you spoken to Vodafone to see what they would offer?
  20. Is she friends with anyone that works there that are on Facebook? If so, I would remove them, including her manager. I would also advise checking her profile settings and make sure it is set to Friends Only. Facebook should be a private thing IMO and not business related, unless you want it to be (and usually set up as a new profile). Just ensure she doesn't post anything about her job in the meantime!
  21. The Medway Valley is quite notorious for fare evasion and anti-social behaviour and it could be possible that you encountered Railway Enforcement Officers (similar to BTP) rather than Revenue Protection. Which could explain the harsh tone. It is part of the National Rail Conditions of Carriage and highlighted in the Penalty Fare rules, that boarding a train due to a lack of ticket facilities that you must seek out the guard on the train. Also, it is a condition on the Permit to Travel that you must exchange it to a full ticket as soon as possible. As you complied with the request, and paid for your ticket, hopefully you'll get a response from Southeastern as to the "low customer service".
  22. Permit to Travel allows you to start your journey on the provision you seek to change up to a full ticket at the earliest opportunity. In this instance, seeking the guard as soon you board and not sitting down and waiting for him to come to you. I think that maybe your route has a problem with fare evasion with people using the Permit to Travel to avoid paying full fares for there journey. Yes, maybe his attitude might have been wrong and could have been handled better but he could just be a little over assertive and not his intention to make honest fare payers feel like criminal! Bear in mind, having a permit to travel doesn't automatically mean you are not liable to receive a penalty fare. As a passenger on my route found out a few weeks back!
  23. An update: it appears that HSBC still don't like responding to letters! I've now fired off a letter to the Company Secretary giving them 7 days to play nice or it will be time for FOS involvement. here's hoping I can get this resolved soon!
  24. Am I right in reading that you have been suspended WITHOUT pay? Do you have a copy of the companies grievance and disciplinary procedure and policy?
  25. As long as you haven't made/ started your first outbound journey then yes, you are entitled to a full refund! Check about admin fees though! If you are collecting your tickets from a machine, you could get your tickets as normal and then hand them in to the ticket office for the refund!
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