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Everything posted by dreadpiratesteve

  1. As Bizz says, they MUST provide you with a copy of all evidence they intend to use against you prior to the hearing. If they wish for the witnesses that made statements to remain anonymous, they can provide you with a copy which has their names removed but must contain the same wording and the original kept in case of tribunal. If you can, speak with ACAS prior so that they can give you some advice and guidance on how to proceed.
  2. It depends on which version of Mobile Internet you're talking about. With the USB dongle, there is a setting in built in connect software which you can set to flash an alert when your useage approaches a pre-set limit (ideally a bit below your limit). There is also a 3rd party software which also monitors broadband useage, a quick search on the Vodafone forums or even google should bring it up! With the mobile phone version, yes there are meant to be text alerts but they do seem to be hit an miss if you receive it or not - at least in my case it happens. However, you can monitor your useage if you register your account online at Vodafone's website - it is fairly accurate but don't take the useage reported as gospel as the network can take up to 72 hours to get the accurate data. There is also a Vodafone app for Android and, I believe, iPhone so that could be another avenue to explore!
  3. I used CCCS for my DMP over the past 18 months and have found them very useful, not only with me but with dealing with my debtors and negotiated freezing interest etc. Do expect to be on hold as they are very busy most of the day! As mentioned, they are one of the services that do not charge/ take money to line their pockets so every penny you send them goes to your debt!
  4. In my opinion, if he has in the past been an exemplary employee and given his honesty in the situation, you may want to consider a final warning, with a seperate "grievance" meeting to discuss the employee's situation and try to resolve the issues. As I say, this is an opinion and there will be other's who may have a better understanding of employment law who will be able to advise further, especially if you think that dismissal under gross misconduct is the best way forward.
  5. Just a few things to clarify, What was the time frame between the employee ordering/ taking the materials and then coming clean? Were there any factors in why he admitted the fault - potential stock check etc. Has the employee spoken to you or any other team leader about these circumstances previously?
  6. When did you take out the contract and what was it for 18 or 24 months? Secondly, what does your final bill actually state? It should have any line rental up until the date your number ported and will also be for any useage outside your inclusive minutes/ texts etc up until that date. I have a suspicion that your contract's minimum term came to an end in November rather than October, when the early termination fee. From the sounds of things there was a bit of miscommunication. PAC's have a 30 day lifespan, if they are not used you would need to request a new one. Requesting one does not start the normal process for cancelling the contract and therefore is one was requested and not used, the contract remains in place until you decide otherwise.
  7. Are you referring to a job interview for the role of customer service advisor, or is there something else you need to know!
  8. Let's look at the basics: Does the letter state the reasons why your friend was sacked? If there were any allegations of wrong doing/ misconduct, were there any meetings between your friend and her employer? Your living arrangements has no bearing on your employment rights, otherwise we'd all be living on our own and not performing our duties at work!
  9. There are plenty of businesses out the there that are run in the "grey" legal area, mostly they don't get caught because employees don't want to lose their jobs but more importantly agencies like HMRC and Environmental Health tend to focus on larger companies because they can enforce larger penalties. Environmental Health and HMRC can do spot checks and don't have to say who "tipped" them off.
  10. If it's at all possible, have your husband get written statements from the possible witnesses verifying what happened and stating if he was, in their opinion, drunk/ under the influence and if they took offence at any point during the conversation. If he does get a letter from his employer inviting him to a disciplinary meeting, it should include any evidence they intend to use against him (so a statement from the manager that suspended him) and a copy of the company's disciplinary and grievance procedure. If he needs someone to talk to at any point, have a look at the ACAS website and give them a call!
  11. Seems a little heavy handed but I can see where the manager is coming from! Firstly, did the manager have an investigatory meeting with your husband to establish the facts eg. Drinking? I can only guess there is no letter yet and your husband will (should) receive one shortly inviting him to a disciplinary meeting. I can only suggest that your husband gets a witness statement from the co-worker hopefully backing up his side of the story that it was harmless banter, he didn't appear to be under the influence and took no offence at any point during the conversation. In the office was it only your husband, co-worker and the manager or were there other witnesses and could the conversation have been heard by anyone else?
  12. Those Sure Signals aren't the easiest of devices to set up and get running. They seem to do one of two things, 1: set up and get running with no problem whatsoever, or 2: cause no end of grief in the set up and requires a bit of jiggery pokery at Vodafone's end to get running. So, no, it's not a question of being thick, just luck of the draw on which method your Sure Signal wants to take to get working!
  13. Is this a pay as you go or contract? Either way, you have two options if you do not need any data to your phone. A. Ask Vodafone to disable the data settings on your account B: change the phone settings on data and effectively switch it off.
  14. It's understandable that you're angry that this has happened, the main point is the potentially homophobic comment you made, which is on a recorded medium. During any of your disciplinary/ investigatory meetings did you get to sign or review the notes made directly at the end of the meetings? Also, your previous posts suggest that they visited you at home during your sickness, is this true? What is the nature of your job/ company?
  15. So it's an Equal Pay issue. In regards to the P45, I'd find it hard for someone to just hand a P45 without working their notice, as mentioned let's see if the P45 turns up. If not then you're looking at a formal grievance. If you need a friendly ear, you could always give acas a call! Secondly, how often does the manager open/ close the premises? How often does the supervisor/ other staff open and close the premises? How often do you open/ close the premises? How long has the supervisor been in his role? As he could be training up on the way the business works and needs support from an experienced member of staff such as yourself.
  16. When you were suspended, did they inform you of the allegations before or after you made your statement? Secondly, with your phone call tomorrow, I would ask them for any decision that's made to be put in writing to you, along with a copy of the company's disciplinary procedure. If they make a decision on your employment over the phone, state that you will appeal upon receipt of the letter confirming their decision. My guess is that the call tomorrow will be to advise you that you are either invited to a formal disciplinary meeting, or that the allegations were unfounded and you can resume work. Again, you will want this confirmed in writing. Keep us posted!
  17. CPW will/ should speak to Orange on your behalf to arrange this, as for all purposes, Orange are only responsible for the network and billing. All else is CPW's responsibility as they are the one's looking after your account.
  18. RYou need the PAC, ideally, before the number is cancelled. A PAC can only be used on a live number, once the PAC is issued to the new network and "claimed" by them, the old contract/ account is cancelled. This will generate a bill with an Early Termination Fee. If I remember rightly, what CPW will do is ask Orange to take the number out of commitment and then cancel the contract (thus negating the Early Termination Fee) . In this instance you need the PAC before CPW do anything - ie ask Orange to take the number out of commitment so you can port the number out! Hope that makes sense!
  19. The first point, is you either need the dates and approximate times that the theft you are accussed of given to you, so you can account for your actions. Have you been given a date for your meeting yet? With that letter should be copies of the statements made by the staff who accussed you (they don't need to supply names on your copy) The second point is if this feels like a degree aminosity from certain members of staff you need to raise a greivance with your manager ASAP so that it can be dealt with at the same time. Other guys here will point you in the right direction but if you need some solid advice, try speaking with ACAS or CAB.
  20. When did you speak to the customer service rep regarding having the bill recalculated? It can take a while (anywhere up to 14 days) for it to be completed. The one point to bear in mind with the data caps is that they don't stop immediately as the network can take upto 72 hours to register your usage. Either way, post your automated response code here and the Vodafone Rep can link the two and update us!
  21. In a word, yes! With mobile phone contracts it's the sim card that allows you to connect to the network and that's what you are effectively paying for. If the sim card works, then there is nothing stopping you placing it in another handset to access the network. The handset is the incentive networks use to entice you to use their service. There is a Vodafone Rep here who could look into things for you and see if he can get things resolved to a satisfactory conclusion for you! I'm using my phone but I'm sure one of the other guys here will post the link for you, or search the other Vodafone related topics here for the link!
  22. If there is no P60 or payslips and he is not considered self-employed. Has his employer been paying National Insurance for him, let alone tax? If not then the company could be in for some serious investigation from HMRC in that regard!
  23. Firstly, what does your signed contract state about your working hours and pattern? Secondly, as far as I am aware, a "spur of the moment" verbal resignation is not considered valid, and your employer should actually go down the "disciplinary" route concerning your abscence. Finally, was your letter of apology sent recorded or with a proof of postage? I'm not overly familiar with employment law and one of the guys here will give you more sound advice and next steps.
  24. Water damage doesn't neccessarily mean that it has gotten wet! It means that moisture has gotten into the inner workings of the phone. This can be from using it in a kitchen or bathroom, through to taking it from a cold environment to a hot one suddenly (eg outside to inside on a cold day). Even using it in the rain! Yes, it is silly that a device designed to be used out and about isn't waterproof! But then you don't generally take an electrical item out in the rain! Your problem seems that the phone suddenly stopped sending emails? Have you tried removing the email address from the phone and re_adding it? Secondly have you put in the correct smtp outgoing server address for your email? I would speak with Nokia themselves and see if they can clear this up for you, althought they may not replace the handset as this is down to Vodafone ,in which case you may want to get in touch with the Vodafone rep here. I can't post the link but I'm sure one of the other users will point you in his direction!
  25. It depends on how you did the upgrade. If you did it over the phone or online then you have 14 days to return it. In store is a little more tricky! If you did the upgrade over the phone or internet speak to Orange Customer Services to arrange the return of the iPhone and reverting the contract back to the original Blackberry service. Keep a note of dates and times and names of people you spoke to because Orange can be difficult to deal with. Especially if it comes to cancelling your contract in Jan and they havent actioned it!!
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