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Everything posted by johnjordan

  1. This is something I didn't know. Are all PPC's members? >
  2. I thought the Beavis case was not to legitimise parking charges on private land but just that £80-100 was a fair amount. If I'm correct then why are these cowboys still able to make a false declaration?
  3. The biggest problem with sellers like this is that eBay won't let the buyer leave a negative feedback report therefore the seller can go on doing it over and over again as they will appear to have 100% feedback. I speak through experience.
  4. A relative of mine had a home assessment a few months back. First of all the assessor turned up early which through her off balance as it were, she was frightened to ask the assessor to come back later as she though it would count against her. The complete assessment took just 20 minutes when she got her copy of the assessment it was so full of errors, it continually stated she had a mobile phone that she used to phone and text friends even though she has never owned a mobile. Every answer to questions stated that informal observations suggested she was able to perform various tasks. Needless to say my relative is taking it all to the tribunal court and has also lodged a formal complaint with Capita who carried out the assessment but all they have said is that all their assessors are professionals and trained how to conduct interviews. Haha. Be very careful what you say to them and only answer the question asked; do not offer anything extra. Have a friend or relative with you if possible as a witness.
  5. For Parking Eye read Capita, and they are not the most efficient of companies!!!
  6. It's not the compensation that would be the problem it is the fine, which will be the greater of £17million or 4% of global annual turnover.
  7. I've just been glancing through a worksheet provided by my local council on the new GDPR rules. One of the guidance notes states that: "You must tell people in a concise, easy to understand way how you use their data." It also states that "consent" for your data to be used in different ways must be freely given, pre-ticked boxes will not be sufficient. i.e. a seperate consent is needed for each type of use the data is intended to be used. So...where the DVLA is concerned I am quite happy to give my consent for a record to be kept of when my car is taxed, insured and MOT'd. However I do not give my consent for any personal details, such as registered keeper, to be given to any third party. I wonder how this would stand up when the new regs become law on 25th May 2018?
  8. Thanks for the quick replies. It is a private unadopted road and people going to the local mini supermarket opposite park on it. I'll take a photo but that won't be until next week when I go that way again. Thanks again.
  9. Hi, Just a general question, there's no hidden agenda. A private road close to me has a no parking sign at it's entrance stating that anyone parking in the road will receive a 'penalty' of £60. My question is are they allowed to use the word 'penalty'? Thanks
  10. If you are using an android mobile I recommend an app called ACR. It's free too.
  11. I have just had my Mandatory reconsideration turned down and now intend to proceed to a tribunal hearing. However, the decision letter from DWP is dated 18th December but only received today, 27th and says I must appeal within one month from the date of the letter even though it took 9 days to reach me. I would appreciate any advice on how to proceed to get the one month I should be entitled to. I know I can write to them but not sure if this would carry any weight. Thank you.
  12. Thanks for all your replies, your answers were as I feared. The Academy wrote a letter to parents asking for them to send letters of support to the Council for a planning application they had submitted. In that letter they made a certain claim which I am fairly certain was a lie. The planning application was approved by the Council even though they knew this. Naturally I wrote and objected to the application but to no avail. I asked one of the Councils solicitors what happens if the Council know that a planning application contains untrue statements and he stated that the Council assumed that every statement was true and did not challenge them. I should mention that the Academy and a certain member of their staff repeatedly make untrue statements in their planning applications but the Council just ignore them. Anyway, thanks again for your replies.
  13. Sorry, I may not have made myself clear. It is the school (Academy) that I am trying to get the information from, not the Council who incidentally freely admit that even if they know something in a planning application is not true they still treat it as true. In this case it was a letter from the school that was sent to parents asking for their support for a planning application and in that letter they stated that what they were asking for in the planning application was already happening in other local places. The issue affects me because the planning application, which was granted, was for amplified music to be played in the school sports hall that is just 30 metres from my house. The school had previously promised neighbouring residents when they built the sports hall that they would not be applying for music at anytime in the future.
  14. A local school academy made a statement in a letter to parents that I do not believe was true. I have asked the school repeatedly to substantiate their claim but they have ignored every request. They claimed in the letter that something they were asking the local council to approve in a planning application was no different to what was already happening in other local places. I disputed this and asked where these other local places were, which is what they are refusing to say. If they were still under LEA control I suppose I could approach the authority to intervene but as they are an Academy they are a law unto themselves. Is there anyway you can suggest that will force them to substantiate their claim? Thank you.
  15. Give direct, not through justgiving.com who even take a percentage of the GiftAid element for their "commission". That should be made illegal in my eyes.
  16. I know this is a really old thread but it is something I am only just experiencing. I went to a well known sports shop yesterday to buy some trainers for my grandson. He takes a size 6 shoe which this store now say is an adult size and consequently liable for VAT. When I looked at the post above and checked the HMRC site they state that sizes up to 6.5 are still classed as child size and not liable to VAT. Can I claim the VAT back from the company? Thanks.
  17. What do caggers think about this advice? http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/motoring/youve-received-parking-ticket-you-277681
  18. A few years ago I had a problem with DFS and despite allowing them to make repairs the problem, stitching coming undone on all the seat pads, the problem was not resolved. They eventually stopped responding to my communications and because I could not afford to take them to court at that time I published photographs of the shoddy work on the internet and sent DFS a link. I was careful what I said in the caption for the photographs and said "look at the superb quality of DFS furniture" Lo and behold DFS sent someone round the next day, took the cushion covers away and returned them two days later double overlocked stitched and threw in some scatter cushions too. The problem did not return. Try putting some photo's on facebook or twitter and send them the link. You have nothing to lose.
  19. There are different times in the letters from PE and the transcript of the appeal rejection. One states 08:41 to 12:54 and the other 08:42 to 14:44. So PE are claiming he parked for 4 hours 13 minutes and the other for 6 hours 2 minutes.
  20. Yes,just a letter from the Police. Did you see a lot of yellow signs saying there was Community Speed Watch in force? If so then that's who were operating the camera.
  21. If it was a Community Speed Watch campaign then you will get a letter from the Police telling you not to do it again, that's all. I know this because I take part in these campaigns for my own Parish Council.
  22. Considering these systems work year in year out without a problem it seems a bit petty to kick up a fuss when they go wrong for a few hours. Nobody will lose any money as the banks will compensate any losses.
  23. I don't think it's up to the seller to explain the in's and out's of owning a diesel or petrol vehicle: I would have thought the onus was on the buyer to do his/her homework when deciding what vehicle they wanted. I don't know about the legal side of all this or why the fumes are entering the car.
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