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Everything posted by johnjordan

  1. Absolutely. A local facebook page has picked this up and the ward District Councillor will ask embarrassing questions next week, I know he feels just as strongly about the councils apparent inaction as I do.
  2. I was just miffed that they won't tell PE to stop their operation until they have planning permission, especially taking this clause into consideration: "It must assess the balance of public interest on a case by-case basis" Obviously the council do not consider people being issued illegal parking charges to be in the public interest. Do you think it's worth taking this to the Ombudsman or should I just give up? I will be taking your advise in getting the local press involved.
  3. Well I didn't get very far with my local council. Attached is their reply to my question. jJordan-nov21.pdf
  4. Thank you for your replies. I have emailed my local planning authority quoting the Town & Country law and informed them that as a planning authority it is reasonable to assume that they were aware of this and are therefore complicit in the illegal activities of PE. I have also told them that I will be informing the ICO of this and that they must order PE to cease all operations until PP is granted, which it undoubtedly will.
  5. With reference to my post back in March about Parking Eye issuing tickets obtained through ANPR cameras erected without planning permission, they have now, after many emails by myself to my local council, applied for planning permission for the cameras, signage and payment machines. I posted this on a local facebook page and not surprisingly many people who had been ticketted by PE were upset, so much so that it came to the attention of P who issued the statement below in the local newspaper. I would welcome your comments: Parking firm pours scorn on drivers' claims of illegal fines at town car park - Leicestershire Live WWW.LEICESTERMERCURY.CO.UK Planning permission has only recently been sought for cameras that have stood for months
  6. I have asked Wallis twice now to refund the outward delivery charge but they have refused stating that as a third party delivered the goods they don't have to refund the cost. I'm assuming they mean Royal Mail as the third party. That has to be one of the most ridiculous excuses going in my opinion. I know it's only £4.99 but how many other people have they refused refunds to I wonder. Onwards and upwards. I may even consider a small claims court summons for this, do you think I'd win?
  7. But the debt was made up of their charges. One DD was refused because of insufficient funds, my fault, but from then on they kept sending me letters at £25 a time, sometimes there were 2 letters in one envelope but I was still charged £25 each. After the first refused DD I managed to keep my expenditure just inside my income but the letters were pushing me further and further into debt. The £7k was made up of these charges, not my overspending, that's what hurt. But anyway, I really just wanted to know if it's too late to claim anything, I suspect it is.
  8. I don't know, that's why I was asking. I see people on here being advised to make claims against various banks for other things and just wondered if I was too late to make a claim against my old bank for excessive charges/fees.
  9. Many years ago, over 20 years, I had an account with Natwest who ended up charging me more in charges and fees for letters than I had coming into the account. Is there a time limit on these sort of things as I'm guessing it's far too late to make any sort of claim. The amount that I eventually ended up owing was in excess of £7k, but tellingly, they have never claimed it since I closed the account. Thank you.
  10. Thank you for that. However, the rules seem contradictory as follows: (1) The trader must reimburse all payments, other than payments for delivery, received from the consumer, subject to paragraph (10). (2) The trader must reimburse any payment for delivery received from the consumer, unless the consumer expressly chose a kind of delivery costing more than the least expensive common and generally acceptable kind of delivery offered by the trader. As I read that, section (1) says they don't have to reimburse the delivery costs but section (2) says they do. I am confused
  11. No, this was Wallis clothing company, which I now think is part of the Boo Hoo group.
  12. Hi, my wife recently purchased a blouse online but returned it as it was too small and the seller did not have a larger size. Payment was made via PayPal. She eventually received a refund but only for the cost of the blouse and not the original delivery cost of £4.99. She has contacted the company who have said that returns do not qualify for a refund of the delivery charge. I was under the impression that distance selling entitled you to the refund of this charge. Thank you.
  13. I have received a reply today from my council confirming that Parking Eye have not applied for planning permission for their ANPR cameras or the related signs. The council officer said he had 'visited the site', even though the site in question is used as a cut through from one side of the town to the other side. Anyway, I have read through the various posts on this subject and still can't decipher whether the lack of planning permission makes any parking charge notices unenforceable. I would have thought that as the cameras shouldn't be there then no action could be taken.
  14. Thanks all. Honeybee13 - I did that the first time it happened but their response was basically to fob me off with 'we're sorry'. fkofilee -Thanks, lol. dx100uk - good idea, i hadn't thought of that, although hell will freeze over before we go back to any of their stores.
  15. Hi, I have searched through these pages and online in general but I cannot find the email address of the John Lewis CEO. The reason I want to email her direct is because I am fed up with my wife and I being treated as if we are shoplifters with staff following us everywhere we go in their store. We are a white couple in our 70's, reasonably dressed, not rough looking or spoken yet staff come and stand right next to us when we are looking at things we are interested in purchasing. I have complained through their customer service portal but just get fobbed off, so it's time to escalate up the corporate ladder. If anyone can supply Ms White's email address I would be very grateful. Thank you.
  16. That was what I thought. Surely if they don't have permission for the cameras then, as they shouldn't be there they can't be used to penalise people. Thanks dx, straight to the point as always
  17. In the small town where I live Parking Eye have taken over the running of one of our car parks and use ANPR cameras to record entering and leaving times. We are allowed two hours free parking before charges start. Since this started quite a few people have been receiving parking charge notices and it is obvious that these are cases of 'double dipping' but unless the motorist can supply proof that he/she did not leave their car parked in the car park overnight then PE are rejecting appeals. Thankfully I haven't yet received a ticket myself but as a Parish Councillor I approached a local District Councillor to ask if PE had planning permission for the cameras as I was unable to find any on the councils planning portal. His reply was that he wasn't prepared to ask and in any case, in his words, "Planning enforcement wouldn't stop a parking ticket being enforced - regulatory enforcement isn't likely to circumvent contract law". My question is, is he correct and that even if PE do not have planning permission for the ANPR cameras they can still use them as evidence in court if someone chose to take it that far? Thanks in advance.
  18. When I had a problem with my DFS sofa and they were fobbing me off, I took pictures of it, posted them on the internet with the heading "look at the wonderful quality of this DFS sofa", or words to that effect and sent the link to DFS head office. It worked a treat and the issue was resolved, plus some large scatter cushions thrown in for free.
  19. There was a case some years ago where someone who was 'caught' speeding whilst speed restrictions were in force challenged the ticket in court and won. His argument was that there was no need for the restriction as the road was clear and traffic was light. This happened on the M4 near to Heathrow.
  20. Further and final update: Received payment today in full for the claim. It should have been in my bank yesterday so I sent an email this morning giving them until the end of today to pay or I would issue a County Court summons, which I was quite prepared to do. Once again, thank you for your assistance. I will be making a small donation tomorrow, pay day :-).
  21. Hi BF, Yes, it was a shame it had to go this far. I actually had a message from one of the partners a few weeks ago asking me if I had been told a new garage door would be delivered the following week, but of course it never did. I now have to wait to see if they actually pay up. The value of the claim was £916 but with prices going up I will probably be out of pocket slightly, but that's better than not getting anything at all. Hopefully I'll be able to cover the small loss by selling the old door for a few pounds. As soon as my pay check comes in at the end of the month rest assured I will make a donation. Sadly it won't be much in these times but hopefully every little helps. Thank you again.
  22. **UPDATE** After taking the advice given on this forum I eventually issued a small claims summons after receiving no satisfaction from the company in question. I am pleased to report that today I received a message from the court that the claim had been admitted in full and payment due to me by 26 May. Thank you so much for your excellent advice.
  23. I have taken photos now. The man that caused the damage has admitted the window and fence via Messenger but I didn't notice the garage door for a few days after. It has a dent in it so cant be repaired. His boss has been and taken his own photos.
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