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Everything posted by johnjordan

  1. No, I dont have any photographs sadly. The estimated cost will be in the region of £700 although its doubtful I can get a new window as the caravan is a late 1970's model.
  2. I recently employed a company to reduce the size of my trees. Unfortunately they also caused quite a bit of damage, smashing a caravan window, putting a dent in my garage door and smashing my neighbours fence, not once but twice. I believe the damage was caused by them trying to cut down trunks in one go instead of doing it in two cuts and they were too large to control when they fell. It is now six weeks since the damage and I am just getting the excuse that they are waiting for their insurance company to reply. Last Friday I send the owner an email giving him seven days to come up with a satisfactory solution otherwise I would start a small claims court action. I am now worried that an email doesn't carry any legal weight and I should have sent a signed for letter. I would really welcome your advice. Thank you.
  3. Probably realised that it was because he hadn't paid for the extra 23 minutes and no other reason.
  4. Ah, I looked this site up on Google and came across this: https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/motorist-made-feel-criminal-after-incurring-parking-fine-sheffield-shopping-centre-146877 It seems the free parking time was reduced from 2 hours down to 1 hour, thus the OP parked for 1 hour 23 minutes which would have incurred a fee for the extra 23 minutes which he/she didn't pay. The mention of 120 minutes maximum parking is not the length of time you are given for free, it's the longest you are allowed to stay there whether you pay or not. I still can't see where the issue of leaving the car park arises as there is no mention of that on the ticket.
  5. I know I'm a novice at these things but am I misreading the invoice? It quite clearly states the OP didn't pay the parking fee. The in and out times are irrelevant as the maximum time 'allowed' is 2 hours but he was there for less than that. I can't see any reference to leaving the car park on the invoice.
  6. All I was saying DX is that the OP stated he had parked for 2 hours 3 mins and thinking that was why he received the ticket. But the ticket says he only parked for 1 hour 23 minutes but that he didn't pay. I think he is a tad confused.
  7. That ticket states that the vehicle was only parked for 1hr:23mins:23secs, not the 2 hours you are saying.
  8. Thanks to the efforts of people in this group the ticket has now been cancelled and Sainsburys have, as Ericsbrother says, had their parking company rammed down their throats, lol. Thank you again.
  9. Thanks for that. So I assume that Horizon could't have done anything anyway.
  10. Hi all and thanks for the advice. I went to the store yesterday and was told they had not put my details into their computer. The woman on the service desk corrected that while I waited and put my letter in a folder, along with quite a few others from Horizon, so it looks like they are not making much money there. Can I just clear up a point please? The NTK was dated 17 days after the alleged offence and I had always thought that I had to receive it within 14 days otherwise it was null and void, but post #4 suggests different. Could you clarify that for me please? Thanks again.
  11. Thank you both for your replies/ I have deleted that facebook post but have messaged them instead but so far no answer. I plan to go to the store on Monday to see what they are going to do about it, if anything. I'll keep you updated. I have no plan whatsoever to tell them who the driver was.
  12. I have tried phoning them but had to give up after 30 minutes. I have sent a message via facebook but no reply as yet. I appreciate they're busy. Anyway, surely as it's outside of the 14 days I can ignore it?
  13. Hi, I have recently been given a blue badge and registered it at my local Sainsbury store who say that I do not have to bother with getting a ticket or pay for parking in their car park. Today I received a parking charge notice from Horizon stating that the registered keeper either failed to pay or didn't validate for the duration of his/her stay. The date of alleged offence is 29th February and I received the first letter today, it is dated 17th March 2020. I understand I have to be informed within 14 days so to save your time and mine in filling out your template, should I just ignore it for now? I am anxious to cost them as much money as possible before telling them about the Blue Badge scheme as they obviously didn't check with the store. Finally, the alleged offence was captured by ANPR, no windscreen ticket was involved. Thank you.
  14. I've just looked at it but can't see anything about that. It does say there's an excess though. Just annoys me that they were coming out to service the boiler anyway. BUT, I've also heard that I can claim £30 compensation for each cancelled appointment and as they were supposed to come last Saturday & Sunday that's £60. I've also been told that if they don't pay that within 10 days it doubles. I don't know if I have to claim for that 10 days to come into force or whether they are supposed to pay it automatically.
  15. Thanks for your reply. I didn't actually lose any pay as I went to work Saturday night but did have to break a few speed limits to get home by 8am. The engineer eventually called yesterday and carried out the repair. He also explained the procedure as far as the call out charge is concerned and I found it rather disturbing. Apparently if they come out and there are two separate problems e.g. a broken pump and a leaking radiator, then you have to pay two call out charges even though they are only coming out the one time. I call that daylight robbery and will be looking elsewhere as soon as my contract runs out.
  16. Hi, I have central heating service and breakdown contract with British Gas that includes an annual free boiler service. Last week I reported a fault with my central heating and requested a repair. I was told that as my boiler service was also due they would do the service and repair at the same time but that I would be invoiced a call out fee of £60 when the repair was completed. The engineer called at the appointed time last Friday 1st November and carried out the boiler service but when it cam to the repair he said he didn't have the part in his van so would have to order it and return the next morning between 8 & 12. After having got out of bed early to make sure I was up and dressed in case he came at 8 I received a text message at 09:30 saying they were not coming that day but had made another booking for the next day, Sunday again between 8 & 12. I still have the text message to prove that. As I was working a night shift Saturday night I was not happy with this but accepted it as I wanted my central heating repaired so I stayed up after arriving home and waited for the engineer to arrive. About 11am I phoned BG to find out what was happening only to be told that they had the booking down for the Monday, not Sunday. I told them this was no good as I would be at work until Thursday evening with no chance of having any time off. My question is, do you think it is reasonable for BG to charge me £60 call out fee for the repair when they decided to do the annual service at the same time and then break two appointments? To my mind they were already at my house to service the boiler so there was no separate journey to carry out the repair. It was not my fault they did not have the correct part as I had told them when I reported the fault what the problem was and which part needed replacing. Thank you.
  17. Sorry, but they do want to be saved from themselves, they are as ignorant of the intricacies of private parking law as I am. They do not want people parking in their small Close but on the other hand, if they want proper management then it has to be management that is enforceable. This is why I was asking if the CPS signs were effective. The chap who originally spoke to me has since recognised that I am actually trying to help rather than just wanting somewhere to park.
  18. Thank you for your reply. You are correct in that I haven't been given a PCN and I am not in the habit of parking on private property. However, at the time I did there was nowhere else to park and I knew I was only going to be a few minutes so I took the liberty. I fully respect the residents of that Close to be free of random parking outside their properties, I certainly wouldn't like it if I lived there. On the other hand, as a Parish Councillor for that area, it concerns me if those same residents are being hoodwinked by CPS into thinking that they are protected when they are not. The resident concerned won't tell me if they pay CPS or whether CPS give them a percentage of any charges they receive. I suppose I've become poacher turned gamekeeper haven't I?
  19. When I approached the person that told me off for parking, I informed him of your comments above. He has now come back to me with a reference to a court case brought by the parking company where the parking company won. I note that this was nearly 5 years ago so perhaps the rules have changed since then. https://combinedparkingsolutions.com/downloads/odonnell.pdf Thanks.
  20. Thank you very much ericsbrother. I will pass this on to the residents of that Close, hopefully they do not pay that company for the privilege of having those signs.
  21. Hi, Just wondering if there are any thoughts on the legitimacy of these signs. Thanks.
  22. Hi Ericsbrother, There are some signs there as I saw them yesterday when I went down there. I have attached 4 photo's but unfortunately I can't read the writing on them from the photo's, as I said, it will be some time before I can go there again. However, from what Gick wrote, there are no signs at the point of entry so I assume I can park in that little lay-by on the right without fear. Sorry to be a pain but parking in that area is so difficult when one wants to pop into the local shop for just a few minutes and I can't see that parking there causes any problems. I'll have to send two more pics in a separate post. pixs.pdf Hopefully I've done it correctly. Apologies if not. jpg2pdf.pdf
  23. Thank you. I won't be able to go there for a while to take a picture of the signage but here is a street view of the Close in question. There doesn't appear to be any sign at the entrance from the public highway.
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