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Everything posted by johnvernon74

  1. do you have the union involved? Do you have legal cover on your house insurance? Id consider seeing a specialist employment lawyer. Im from Belfast and know one but unsure if Im allowed to put on here...perhaps site admin could advise. They dealt with my case in Jan and got me a compromise agreement. As for depression how long have you had it? Are you on medication? If so what effect does it have on your daily life.
  2. if you had depression this is classed as disability. You can claim under current ET for this. Must stick to 3 month rule from last incident. I notice your in NI, contact equality commission or Labour relations.
  3. I'd be very careful of attending any meeting. Its unlikely they will do anything while Et1 has been filed, have they responded yet. Advise them that while you want to attend the meeting you feel that it would not be in the interest of natural justice while you have a tribunal claim pending. An employer can conduct an investigation and disciplinary in your absence however in my own opinion they won't. Tread carefully
  4. Your options are (1) Open a credit union account. (2) rip of cash checking places (3) Write a nice letter to employer asking them to arrange a FPS payment to your friends account and you authorise it. Advise your happy to pay an administration fee. The employer is your best option here and cant see why they would not help.
  5. The facts are clear you state you were unaware about student loan and income support.. That is possible because I was in similar situation.... It was alleged I did not advise of relevant change in circumstances. I was interviewed and started making voluntary payments. 2.5 years later taken to court and had 13 court appearances. Medical evidence played a major part ..total alleged fraud was 5k. Was reduced to 2k and case was withdrawn by prosecution. At present im awaiting a refund of over £300 for the overpayment of their alleged overpayment !! You need a solicitor, they will not drop this, get dates and times you spoke to Job centre plus. Unless you can prove you were given wrong information you have a problem. DWP legislation is if an overpayment has happened it has to be repaid by law. Get some support for mental health issues and this may help you. If you believe you were overpaid start making voluntary repayment. Best wishes
  6. Just an update: Still waiting for report from City Council and Water board and final invoice for extra work before I raise small claim at court.
  7. Homelet charge about £30 per application. Have a look at their website. I suppose the agency can charge what they want. Is there a breakdown of the charge, perhaps it includes and administration charge to set up the lease?
  8. Most companies use Homelet to do the checks. Some do the reference, employer check, previous landlord check themselves. Don't think they have to do credit check through the 3 you state. Some have own systems that check different things.
  9. There is no reason why you can not write a grievance asking why you were not informed of performance issues. Did you have any issues in work? Were you off sick? Do you have a disability? Was there any equality issues that could allow you yo consider a claim against your employer? Other than that the law is on the side of the employer. If none of the above apply Id be asking for a reference at least.
  10. You can get the notice set aside. Theres a form to complete and Im sure someone with more knowledge will comment soon.
  11. did online and it worked for me -acknowledged with 2 days...
  12. Return to sender and write a strong worded letter to the data controller of the company
  13. As you have been in the role under 1 year there is really no benefits. Its probably best practice that they confirm or extend your probation. At which point they support you through any extension with support and training. Is there anybody else in the same role? Have they passed their probation?
  14. Follow orange complaint procedure. As you agreed to the new tariff, its fair to assume orange did no wrong. However, they may as a gesture of goodwill rectify the situation for you.
  15. Try network settings and tick box to oly connect to D Link. Delete Sky Router from network list and make sure its unplugged.
  16. I would attend your surgery with a GP advise them of theESA50 and put their name down. Otherwise you can be sure it will go back blank
  17. Thanks for your help BRIGADIER2JCS there has been no reply so now next stage. Any advise or just straight for small claim.
  18. I think Orange are within their rights to offset any outstanding bill from the deposit. When is the bill due for payment (overseas calls)? Are you within their payment terms? If not then I think they have the right to keep this. What difference would it make in reality?
  19. Firstly keep a diary of everything. Raise a grievance You may have grounds for a claim under new Equality Act but be aware of your timescales. Some others will be along to give further advise soon.
  20. Comparision sites and possibly swinton will leave a footprint on your credit file to confirm your identity. It will, however not effect your credit rating or file
  21. Motability component can only be claimed for a child 3 over over. Between age 3-5 only higher rate applies. At age 5 lower or higher can be applied for. Hope this helps.
  22. Do you have apple shop near you? if so take it in there, I had problems with mine (not bought from apple and they just swapped it over
  23. Gesture of goodwill is all you would be entitled to. All car hire companies ask for a swipe of Credit Card as part of their T&C's. Im sure you will have ticked a box somewhere to say you agreed. Its normal practice - bit rubbish for you but unless the company offer a goodwill gesture then your probably best putting this down to experience.
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