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Everything posted by johnvernon74

  1. Terrible experience for you, however to be fair how could the company resolve issue you did not advise at time. Did you pay by credit card? If so you could try to claim refund via them?
  2. You will not loose your HB unless you start work and earn money. If you change to ESA or JSA you will not loose your house
  3. It would appear you may be covered under the Mental Health act, and disability discrimination act. Depression/stress is covered and I suggest you formally ask for reasonable adjustments.
  4. Anymore claiming Income Support from 1st Jan 2010 (for sickness) was automatically migrated to ESA. As you have been on IS for illness for 5 years when you change to ESA you will continue to get the same amount on ESA. You will, sometime in the future have to attend a doctor for assessment. The doctor will then make a decision with regards to you capability to work. This will not effect your DLA. If the doctors decides you are fit to work you can appeal this, and will continue to get same money during this time. If you are on JSA, ESA or Income support Housing benefit will continue to be in payment.
  5. I thought Orange send you a text and cut off your data usage once you run up £40, did with me in Italy earlier this year and I had to reply YES to a text message. Check on google as im sure there was some European legislation recently about charges. Also I believe there is a http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showpost.php?p=53600973 page on here.
  6. I came across a really good thread here at weekend will try to find for you.
  7. You probably have answer by now. Their merchant may have authorised £29 but when it settles (takes the money) will be minus 29p. When companies take money from a card it invites your bank to confirm you have the funds....then goes through process of actually taking it.
  8. This is going to be a difficult decision that only you can make. To keep your fantastic ebay status I'd probably try to have a resolution with the person. Its unlikely they will have their money back, and fund will be held by paypal. I'd probably make a suggestion to the person where they pay for battery and postal charges. If they are not happy make full notes on the resolution centre and ask paypal to make the judgement. Its people like your buyer that make it harder for good ebayers. Good luck
  9. Just an update - if your interested !!Executive office called at 10.55 today Monday and advised line now ringing and was working...I get excited !Go home check the line and still not working.Executive office call later and accuse me of getting rude.... I did not !!She advises me she will raise with IT (sounds familiar) I say NO and that this issue mmust get resolved.This really is a joke Orange you are definately a 0-10 STILL.I suggest that she send a new SIM (only if one in her eye line) ! She agrees and says will be with me tomorrow.She calls back later to confiorm SIM swap has gone through systems and I WILL get SIM Card tomorrow or I can collect in Orange shop. Also a further 2 month line renatl free.....Lets see if this SIM arrives tomorrow...Orange you are low in my list at moment
  10. Yes, I have and I probably will. I am going through orange complaints procedure first them I will involve regular if not resolved. Its imported management are aware of whats happening when they make front-line decisions to cut staff
  11. I recall an issue with Sky a few years ago and they have an executive office. I either called or emailed the main switchboard and the issue was resolved quickly. Hope this assists
  12. Called Orange this afternoon Sunday but agent did not know any update and said exec. office are the top management and will deal with. Must be off at weekends. Wee call from Amy from Orange at 4.30pm to call me with no information. She has advised me that IT do not appear to have picked this issue up but she's confident it will happen tomorrow. It appears that Orange don't operate at weekends. I bet their credit control, acquisitions and retention teams do ! So folks still 0-10 for Orange lets hope everythings swings into operation tomorrow afterall its going into week 7 with no phone line. !!
  13. My email to orange CEO and executive office this evening. Probably 30 telephone calls over the past 6 weeks. An help appreciated Dear Sirs Re: Its now Saturday 1st October late evening and I find myself browsing the internet looking for information on orange and customer service. There is clearly a better way for me to spend my evening but I am so annoyed and frustrated that I feel compelled to getting my issue in the public domain and resolved. I will explain my issue - I go online and sign up to a one month rolling SIM only deal with Orange around 10th August 2011. Telephone Orange on or around 30th August as Direct Debit lifted from my account and no SIM card has arrived. Advised by agent that credit will be placed on my account for £26 (it never did) On holiday so assume SIM card will arrive when away - it never did. Ordered a replacement mini-sim beginning September 2011. SIM cards arrived 16th September (wrong SIM) so call up Orange for a replacement. Replacement arrives 30th September and I call Orange to register the SIM. Non UK call centre agent answers call and it becomes obvious to me that she is (A)untrained (B)unsure of what Im asking her to do © no listening to me (D)unconcerned about my issues. Agent activates another line on my account and therefore I now have 2! I explain again what I want to do and she assures me SIM swaps will automatically happen in next 2 hours (fantastic teleopathic computer system Orange) I feel uncomfortable with what non UK agent has told me and concerned she has not actually done what I asked so I pull into car park to call Orange customer service. I call 3 times until I get speaking to a UK based agent. My concerns appear justified as the agent advises me that yes I now have 2 live numbers. Agent try's to resolve and eventually puts me on hold while he resolves. Agent then advises me that Retention are going to disconnect the line that the non UK agent processed and then do a SIM swap on to my original number. Im requested to call back in 12-24 hours to do SIM swap. Im seriously annoyed now Orange this has been going on for 6 weeks ! I later call orange at 2pm (ish) on 30th Sept and speak to agent who listens to my rant and then says that the disconnection is complete and he will do SIM swap.....I nearly faint with excitement at last my line is going to work. He puts everything through and then advises that my new line will be active in 2 hours but could take 24. I wait 2 hours and the call Orange back who advise me that there has been a problem with the SIM swap but assured everything will be ok by tomorrow (Sat 1st Oct). I stupidly believe the agent. The agent did however sort out the credits on my account. I later find that orange have tried to take Direct Debit (again) and its agreed that they will refund any charge (thank you !) Saturday 1st Oct 9.30am I awake and first things first check my phone......yes no service..why did I expect anything else. Call Orange and speak to Robert who advises that while SIM swap can take 24 hours in his experience its not going to go through. He escalates to IT and Im told another 24 hours.... How hard can this be. I think about this whole situation and get very annoyed, I call Orange again and repeat my word perfect story to Amy Ext 21323. She is very nice agree's with my situation and advises she will keep an eye on the account and call me later in the day. 4.30pm as agreed the agent calls back but sadly their is no update. I am getting the impression it would be easier to speak to MI5 or the CIA as Orange cant speak to their own IT department. I request an escalation to a manager and am advised that "Dave" will call me back before 8pm tonight (Sat) or tomorrow (Sun) I firmly advise this is not acceptable. Im advised "Dave" will call me back. Missed call from Orange, I call back and ask for Ext 21323 Im told by non UK agent that he can deal with. He makes me take SIM card out of iphone (not easy) and go through thr whole SIM swap again... I explain it will not work but Im assured it will. He then takes the SIM details and puts me on hold... Another non UK agent comes on the phone and I stupidly go through the process again and then ask for Ext 21323. I eventually get to speak to Amy - who passes me to Dave. Dave seems sympathetic to my drama and advises he will sort me out with some compensation (thank you Dave!) bottom line is that the issue has not been resolved and IT still dealing with and no turn around time available. Dave hopes it will be within 24 hours, as do I !! That is the story Orange. A genuine thanks to Robert, Amy and Dave you are the people that Orange need. I must point out that I am in no way racist but every time that I have spoken to a non UK orange agen that my requests have not been actioned, I have not been listened to and there is no common sense applied. I work in Marketing and a Brand is the company. You are a service industry and you should consider moving forward the way your customers are treated. Resolution Please get my line working Please consider re-training your non UK agents Please pass me thanks to the agents mentioned above. Please tell me what your going to do to ensure this does not happen again. Please consider offering me some acceptable compensation. 6 weeks is too long not to have service? I hope you will resond to this as its becoming a daily obsession of mine, this will be posted on The comsumer action group forum and I will give you the benefit of doubt of a reply. Please orange help me. Yours faithfully
  14. Firstly you must address this with manager and put a grievance in writing. This should get things moving, if you have decided not to return to work as your employer has not paid you I would reconsider this. Allow then time to investigate and if not happy appeal. Then if not happy lodge a complaint with Employment Tribunal for Unlawful dediction from salary. I'd suggest at this time you contact your local ACAS or Labour relations agency. There is strict timescales in place that you must stick to.
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