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Everything posted by thorntondog

  1. 247 did not attempt to take any more from the closed account and I emailed them to explain they had illegally withdrawn the money . I didnt report them in the end.
  2. hi Halifax said 247 took the money illegally as I had verbally asked them not to and halifax refunded it back into my account. Halifax informed me that the only way to stop continuous payment was to close my account which I did n the end as 247 can force the payment through another way (not sure how) by having the bank sort code and account number without the card number. I explained there was a law of which they could only take continuous payment with my permission and I withdraw my permission. Halifax said they had never heard of this law and the only thing I could do was close the account to stop continuous payment. contradictory of the first sentence I know. I havent heard from 247 since this time but I am expecting to any time soon.
  3. One more thing if they refer it on to a debt collection agency just ignore and continue to pay the original lender direct.
  4. I think you should report your debit card lost, cancel all direct debits on your account. Try and open a new bank account so that your wages are safe. Do not give your account details to anyone. Then I think you should pay little and often by standing order only. You can find many payday loan bank details on this forum. I think your monthly offer is very generous and if you can't afford this, reduce it to an amount you can afford. They will probably keep sending you bullying emails and adding interest but keep calm- Just keep a note of your balance now and don't pay a penny more. I am paying about 8 payday loans a fiver a month and I ignore all their correspondence and just keep paying -it works for me and they all left me alone after about 4 months. They cannot claim for loads of unfair charges in a county court so just ride along until you have paid what you owe which I assume includes one months interest. I believe that you have defaulted on the loan after one month therefore no more interest can be added. it was a one month loan- think Im right here- not sure -someone correct me if Im wrong. Dont waste your time disputing the interest- I always calculate my balance by the original loan and one months interest that's it. -stick to your plan -dont budge it will be fine Good luck
  5. Cancel your debit card immediately -report it lost. Open a new account for your wages to get paid into. just pay ss what you can afford by standing order only- for example 5 pound a month. Their sort code and account number are below. start paying on your next payday and ignore all calls. They will probably pass it on to clarity debt collectors but just keep paying small amounts directly to swift sterling. Ignore clarity calls as well. As long as you are paying something it won't escalate. Account no: 00744802 sort code; 30-00-09 reference- important- your personal loan number- 8 digits long
  6. Thanks for letting me know.. Luckily my wages go into a different account so it can sit in the red and I will pay it back little and often if it comes to it.
  7. I had a £300 loan from 247 due to be repaid on 31st October £422 with interest. I phoned them to inform ( stupid to phone -I know - have since emailed) them I would only be making a token payment whcih I did on 31st. I phoned halifax to ask to withdraw my permission for continuous payments to be taken and they said they can't do that - I will have to close my account - so I agreed. Halifax sent me some paperwork to sign to close the account. I reported my card lost about 5 days before all this. My balance on my halifax account was £0.00, i have no overdraft and it is the most basic cash card account. I then discovered on the 2nd November 247 moneybox took £211 as a rollover fee making me £211 overdrawn. I phoned halifax and they said the payday loan companies can apply for a manual withdrawal - 247 used my reported lost card or maybe just my account dtails to get the money for a rollover which I have not agreed to. I have defaulted and not chosen to rollover. halifax said that payday loans can even take money from closed bank accounts- unbelievable. Anyway halifax have confirmed that it was an illegal transaction and they are refunding the money and said visa will fine them but they can still do the same again. I have just emailed 247 telling them not to make anymore illegal transactions from my account. What next ? do I report them to trading standards? financal ombusdman? or both? Thanks a lot everyone
  8. Hello Can anyone help?I have the bank details for wonga and 247 moneybox but I dont know what I am supposed to use as my personal refernce number because I looked at my account on their website and cant see a loan agreement number for any. Do I use my email address ? name? or mobile number? Id be very grateful for this info.
  9. I would report my debit card lost to start with. Only pay back the loan plus one months interest in total. -NO more -even if they send letters with different amounts- dont talk to them on the phone. Only pay what you can afford, even if it is £10 per month. set up a standing order ,most payday loan bank details are on the forum. you pay what you can afford and don't budge!! Standing order ONLY then you are in control and they cant raid your account. If you go on Wonga's website you can fill in a form to let them know how much you will be paying and they usually respond quickly/ I set up a repayment plan with them for £20 per month using the form and they have frozen all the interest as long as I keep to it. good luck
  10. Well I phoned them today and they told me I had paid upto date and my next payment was due on the 31st anyway. I worried for nothing and I dont remember paying in advance but if they're happy then so am I. Thanks for all your support cos I worried all weekend. x x
  11. Thanks for sharing your expreience that is really helpful. I didn't win the lotto so I will ring alex james tomorrow. It's good to know they seem quite decent. Thanks a lot
  12. Thanks Mike, I didn't know that- I will register on there but still havent got the missed payment until the end of the month. I appreciate your help. Hopefully I will win the lotto tonight!!
  13. Thank you all so much for your realistic advice. I will phone them on Monday as it is Alexander James solicitor collecting money and they are only open Mon- Fri 9am - 5pm. I know I have left myself in a vulnerable situation -hopefully they will cooperate and I will be saved!! Truly grateful -Ill keep you updated
  14. I have a ccj to essex and suffolk water. I have just realised I have not paid them £20 for this month- which is agreed. I normally phone them when I get paid and pay by debit card. What will happen now- I know they can send bailifs if they choose. I can pay this £20 and the usual £20 when I get paid in a couple of weeks. Do they act quick for missed payments?? I havent missed one before and I havent got £20 right now. Has anyone else missed a ccj payment?? what happened?
  15. Poor bloke, at least he had a long successful life. I always remember my nan singing along to him when I visited her, she knew all the words. -she loved him.
  16. I dont know where I got this information or if it is correct but I always thought there was a separate CRA for payday loans only. Can anyone confirm this???
  17. I agree with you DW. So pleased he is free. A lovely intelligent man trapped in a body that didnt work. It seems that his dedicated wife and family suffered with him and now they can all be at peace knowing he is not suffering anymore and enjoy the happy memories they had together. Im so glad he had a peaceful death. He was such an active man before his stroke, it's very scary to think it can happen to anyone. RIP Tony
  18. Rubbish!! My cleverness is constantly progressing!! LOL
  19. I pay all my lenders direct ( I have 16 different unsecured debts) - £5 a month. I still get letters from DCAs and I just open them, put them in a cupboard, ignore them and continue to make my payments to the original creditor. The DCAs in my experience dont seem to have a record of the payments you make to the original lender so they may write to you giving you a balance higher than your original as they add charges as well. In reality your debt may have gone down as you have been paying the original lender. Keep your feet on the ground - dont budge- work out the original loan and the agreed interest and do not pay any more than that. The letters and phone calls are very intimidating but rise abopve them- dont give security details on the phone so they cant go any further and I wouldnt and dont respond to their letters either. Ive been paying them all for about 18 months now and have approx another two years to go.
  20. I would just leave them to find out. This happened to me with an ebay account of which I owed £56 the DCA said I owed £73. I did speak to the DCA on the pnone (not advisable) and told them I will pay ebay not them as I dont know who they are and my debt is with ebay. They said to me "you cant do that- you have to pay us" I replied 'i CAN and I will" I paid the whole £56 to ebay and never heard another thing. That was more than two years ago. The more communication you have with them the more worried and confused they make you feel. Dont communicate with them just make regualr payments to pounds2day- however small they are. Good Luck
  21. Dont worry this is normal DCA behaviour, because if you pay the original lender direct the DCA cant make any money out of you. I get great pleasure when the DCAs stamp their feet and you pay the original lender there is nothing the DCA can do about it. Defo pay pounds2day direct ignore the DCA.
  22. I think definitely not. I think it is damging to remove kids from their loved ones unless their lives are at risk and it could be argued that obesity fits this category, but I think there are solutions. I think families with overweight kids should get support and educated on why they eat and what to eat. Quite often it is related to emotional disorders and often the parent of an overweight child may have depression or emotional upset due to life events and they may comfort eat. Wiithout realising they are a role model to their child. If the parents and child recognise they reach for food when feling upset or down they could learn other ways to deal with it. In this day and age as well, many kids lack exercise and enjoy communicating through technology. I think a good incentive would be free gym membership for kids as gyms are very expensive and kids enjoy using the equipment. I know there is always the park but try getting a stubborn teenager to do what they dont want to- it's very hard.
  23. Poor, sweet Winnie who endured 47 years of torment looking for Keith is now reunited with him and at peace. The body is an envelope and the soul lives on. The moors are shifting all the time and are very different now to what they were 47 years ago so even if Brady tells it would be difficult to locate Keith. Im so glad they are together again.
  24. Ibeth I would suggest paying P2D by standing order and only what you can afford, It shows you are taking responsibility for the debt and can prove it if you ever need too. I personally would ignore the DCA, it has worked for me. Im not sure if others would agree but that is what I have done with more than 8 payday loans and a majority of the DCAs have not contacted me since. Ive just got two at the moment and I am ignoring them and paying the lender direct. I think it only gets really bad when you pay nothing. I refuse to pay DCA charges and I wont. I keep a record of each original loan amount, and the amount I have paid back so if it ever goes to court (which I doubt) I have proof of paying the debt back, the judge( or whoever) will see I have paid back what I owed and the extortionate charges will be laughed out of court. Wish you luck - it will be ok. Dont communicate with them or they will make your blood boil and upset you -no one has the right to make you feel like that- so don't let them- they put the phoine down and dont care how they made you feel -how dare they!!
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