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Everything posted by thorntondog

  1. P2D didnt becuase I just started paying them as soon as I defaulted but I have had other payday loans that have and I still pay the original lender direct by standing order. One DCA was hounding me saying I had made no payments when I had actually been paying the original lender swift sterling. Eventually the DCA just left me alone I didnt answer the phone or their letters and just continued paying. I am dealing with another at the moment. Motormile finance have added about £300 on my balance and are threatening doorstep collection. I just ignore them and continue to pay the original creditor who is wage day advacne by standing order. Remember the DCA s have no legal powers.
  2. Thanks Rene -I think I know most of the PDL companies sort codes and bank details
  3. sorry- just to clarify - they did accept my payment but did not accept a repayment plan.
  4. Just pay back what you borrowed and the interest which I think is £34 for each £100 borrowed. I calculated my outstanding balance this way and when I reached it I stopped paying. I made my last payment on 30/11/11 and I haven't heard from them since - I have proof of all payments I made if they pop up in the future.
  5. I paid P2D £5 a month - they didnt accept it but I paid it anyway. Just pay them direct by standing order, dont make yourself ill communicating with them and trying to be a decent person- they are not decent so they wont understand!!! Set up a standing order with the following details paying what YOU decide not them! sort code 20-00-00 account no: 83038246 Then you need to put your agreement number as the reference -should be 5 digits long Good luck -don't worry
  6. I was thinking about creating a picture book of policing the community. I have had so many opportunities to take photos of police sitting in macdonalds car park eating macdonalds, sitting in a cafe eating with their vehicle outside. A few years ago at my son's school fete three police officers were participating in 'beat the bobbie' where the kids had to score goals while the officers had to save them. I had to take the money for the stall as they weren't allowed to. I asked them if this was voluntary and they said no, they were on duty!! one was a seargent.
  7. On the news it said the body was found with the help of a sniffer dog -not sure where though!! The grandmother's boyfriend was previously the mother's boyfriend as well. dysfunctional or what?? Poor child
  8. I swore at my son to get out of bed and go out into the fresh air at 2pm. At 5pm he came home with a black eye because he had a fight in the park. I replied what did u F***** have a fight for ?? poor sod can't win -he's 15
  9. It goes in dry ,comes out wet and gets stronger and stronger the longer it is in there. What is it??
  10. I need to get my son one of those t shirts which will remove my threat of parking my bike!!
  11. rene - sorry didnt mean to rudely butt in there, im trying to work your one out.
  12. Three salesmen went into a restaurant for lunch and ordered the chef’s special for £10 per head. Therefore, the total bill was £30. After the meal each man gave the waitress £10 and she took it to the cashier. The cashier said” there is an additional discount of £5 if three meals are ordered at once” and gave the waitress five pound coins change. The waitress pocketed two of the coins and gave a £1 back to each man telling them there was a small discount on their meal. Each salesman had given £10 and got £1 change. Three £9s are £27, the waitress took £2 which amounts to £29. What happened to the other £1?
  13. Aldi toilet paper is ok and only £1.69 for 16 rolls, Can you imagine in roman times sitting in the communal toilets and having a chat with the neigbours??
  14. Yeeah , very clever. that didnt last long did it? too many people stereotype surgeons as being male but women are surgeons too!!!
  15. THIS IS FICTICIOUS A father and his son were travelling on the motorway when they were involved in a horrific accident. the father was pronounced dead at the scene and the boy was airlifted to hospital for emergency surgery. As the boy was being wheeled into the theatre, the surgeon said " I can't operate on him, that's my son" How can that be??
  16. I loved the first bit when it showed pre industrial society to industrial society. Might be because I am a sociology teacher, i felt like it was representing my subject!! All my students should know what this process is called. If not ....Read up on it!! It was defo bizarre
  17. what tickled me was when the so called 'queen' leapt out of a helicopter in the opening ceremony.
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