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Everything posted by thorntondog

  1. maintenance- what's that??? I reported every detail about my ex to CSA. He was remarried and ordered to pay £14 a week to me. I recieved it for about 5 months then it stopped. I asked CSA why and they said his circumstances have changed and he has no surplus inome. His wife was expecting a baby. In my experience CSA promotes absent fathers to Have a kid- reject it -get away with not paying for it. Then have another one. Makes sense !!!!! CSA- rubbish in my opinion, waste of time
  2. Thanks Glo. That has given me peace of mind. I wont give in - Im very stubborn. I have reported my card lost and cancelled direct debits. I will check a couple of days before payment is due that no direct debits have been reinstated.
  3. after contacting 5 PDl companies explaining I wouldn't be paying the expected amount on 31/3/11. WDA emailed me back and asked me for a bank statement before they could agree to reduced payments. I emailed back saying I am under no legal obligation to supply a bank statement to you.............am I????? I hope I'm right----- not sure!!
  4. I havent got a template, but I just emailed 5 PDL companies this morning stating that regretably I am unable to keep up the agreed repayments and plaese accept my offer of £20 per month until my debt is cleared. I asked them to forward their bank deatils to me so I can set up a standing order. Haven't had any replies yet!!! Good luck
  5. Make payment to PDL companies by standing order only, that seems to be the advice throughout the forum so that's what I am going to do too. Don't give debit card details.
  6. I am defaulting with WDA this month, I am offering £20 for a loan of £425. I just went on my bank account online and cancelled my direct debit to WDA I will check they have not set it up again a couple of days efore payment is due. You can cancel direct debit online, Im with barclays.
  7. Report your debit card lost so it gets cancelled today!! I am about to default on payday loans this month. It is quite nerve racking but once the dust has settled it is ok. In the past I have defaulted with paydayuk and quick quid and they were ok. I paid £30 a month on debts over £500 on each.
  8. Remember when things are bad they can only get better. report your debit card lost, cancel all pdl direct debits and be in control. next month dont let anyone take your money, you will pay whoever you agreed to through standing order only!!! You will never be this desperate again.
  9. Dont rely on wonga to get your money back. Think of another way to get some money. Have you got any books to sell on amazon?? if not, go to charity shop and buy some, the study books sell best I bought a book for 80p and sold for £30 on amazon. sociology and psychology books are popular. I have had to do that in the past. Sell on ebay. Pawn something at cash converters, You can buy it back later, they like games consoles, gold, computer accessories or games. Keep calm - you will find a way. I have done all these things durimg desperate times. Be positive, dont stress. I have been there honestly. one step at a time. are their any mates who wouldn't mind helping you till pay day?
  10. I know this is very bad attitude to work and I am not like this usually. I never go sick unless I physically can't get out of bed. I am trying to put myself in your situation and I would feel desperate and panicky. At this distressed time, maybe you could throw a sickie for two days while you get your head together and continue to contact wonga, after all there is a vomitting bug going round. Good luck - I know this is not an ideal solution.
  11. O yeah when I asked if any more interest would be added if I default she replied " a one off fee of £56 or was it £59??? can't remember now, I thought that wasn't too bad, thought it would be a lot worse. I said what if I haven't paid by 30/4/11 and she said no more charges would be added. lets wait and see.
  12. Thanks all of you. I have contacted swift sterling and they were very nice but when I said I can't pay this month the woman said " sorry we don't do rollovers and your account should be paid in full on 31/3/11" When I asked well what happens if I don't pay, She repeated the script and said I will get a call from an account manager on 1/4/11 to discuss it. They were very swift!! in answering my email and very nice on the phone so far!!! I am going to test the waters this month by keeping my account but I have a new debit card, I am going to ring my bank a day or two before my payment is due to check no direct debit has been set up bty swift as I have other essential bills coming out. If it goes wrong this month and they take the money in full I will reloan for one more month then get a new account for next month., because I cant go on living under the stress of paying out most of my wages each month to PDLs. Do you know I tried to open a halifax basic account and it wouldn't accept me because I have had a CCJ in the past three years despite working full time with a regular income of £1500 a month. I cant even get a basic account!! I currently have a barclays account.
  13. I suggest you contact the cccs who are very reassuring and will prioritise your debts for you whilst also contacting your creditors for you. The conditions are that you must not take out any debt while you are on a DMP with them but they dont charge you. As far as I'm aware it is a government charity to help financially distressed families. I think they are a great help, but have made a huge mistake of getting payday loans without telling them. visit their website
  14. Forgive me for being so thick, I didn;t realise you had already updated today. Can't think straight!!
  15. It is now 8th Mrach. What happened?? I would really like to know as I am about to dfault with swift sterling and I'm not sure how they are goming to react. I am dreading them ringing me at work like you were.Did you get on ok?
  16. Thanks to all of you for great advice. It is unbelievable to think the PDL companies can set up a direct debit with my account details. Don't I have to authorise a direct debit???
  17. Thanks for your reply. I will take your advice and make my offer before money is due, but from what I have read on the forums, I understand I should pay them by standing order- Is that correct??
  18. I have a dmp with cccs and explained to them that I work in a school and in term time i supervise at lunch times but I dont get paid for this in the school holidays. The lunch duties can amount to an extra £200 in my wages if there are no school holidays in a month. I told CCCS and they haven't included this as my income, although they have told me to pay extra whenever I can. So I think just be honest with them because overtime is not a stable income
  19. sorry I am due to pay back £805 NOT 3805! slip of the keyboard!!!
  20. Thanks for your reply. I have cancelled my debit card now, but still have the same account. Are you saying that they can only still take the money if they store the CVV number? My plan is not to tell them I have defaulted until 31/3/11 when my loan of 3805 is due to be paid in full. Then I ma going to offer them £200 a month for four months. The original loan was £620 with swift sterling so £185 is interest. Can they add morew interest if I default?
  21. IF I cancel my debit card can Payday loans still take money if they have my account number and sort code?
  22. If I knew everyone with a pdl wouldn't pay at the end of march, I wouldn't pay mine and it would be a huge relief. I have nothing left to live on each month after paying them. That is a gREEEEEEaaat idea.
  23. Im in a big mess but I am making positive steps to get out of it. I am on a debt management plan with cccs but unbeknown to them I also have 4 payday loans. I have made arrangements to settle three of them with WDA, LENDING STREAM, POUNDS2DAY, I stupidly got PDL out after DMP was set up. but My problem is I have still got a payday loan with swift sterling and havent missed a payment. I have been keeping it going for nearly a year and feel as though I rely on it to pay basic bills now. I am a lone parent with two teenage sons and literally I spend £30 a week on food which is ridiculous. Its pizzas and loads of pasta. I feel so bad that I cant provide properly. I have made a plan that I will have finished three of my payday loans by May 2011 which is just a breath away, but when you are living every day with your stomach in a knot and then going to work trying to be normal it is not easy. I am so tempted to default on my swift sterling loan but I don't want to be hassled at work as I will be so humiliated and I haven;t told anyone. There is a phone in a small staff room and in the past I nearly died when financial plus left messages for me. I was so nervous at work as sometimes if theres a message, a collegeuge will just play it out loud as its usually an internal business message. I caught a couple of messages for my debts in the past and in the end I had to repot Financial plus to the financial ombusdman for harrassment, I dont want to experience that agin with swift sterling who are based in malta I believe although loan agreement says loan is taken out under english law. Any advice will be gratefully recieved, Thank You
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