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Everything posted by thorntondog

  1. set up standing orders for them and continue to pay them anyway - they wont reject the payment and it shows you are taking responsibility to pay them back. I would take a break from negotiating a payment plan and just pay what you can afford whether they like it or not. Make sure its by standing order ONLY - then they cant control the amount taken or have access to your account. Good Luck
  2. This is severe harrassment affecting your day to day life Get an injunction against him - this has just gone too far. sorry Im no legal advisor but maybe someone could advise you about an injuction. Report to the police again Have you reported him yet to OFT and FOS? -do it NOw if not. You have done nothing wrong, he is making mega bucks out of you -what an absolute A******* HE MUST BE STOPPED
  3. I think that would be the worst scenario because you haven't avoided paying your council tax. I am a lone parent and got my 25% single persons discount for many years, then I didnt realise but when My eldest son turned 18 I lost my single persons discount which put me in arrears. My son was classed as a second adult in the home, so I was not a single person anymore in the household even though he was at college and had no income. Its a craaaazzzy world! I think council tax only gets really bad when no payments are made.
  4. I would put my son first no matter what. I know people will not agree with me and say he is an adult but in times of need if you havent got your parents' support then where do you go? My sons will never go without as long as I am alive and from what you say , in your heart you feel the same. I have turned to my parents for help in my 30s, and they have always been there. I would do the same for my teenage sons. I would definitelty move out and satrt again if I was you and never turn my son away, no man is worth losing your own kids over. ever.
  5. keep your chin up, at least you have enough to survive. I work full time and havent got a penny for over the holidays either so I will also be stuck in and so will my 15 year old son as I dont have any money for him.. My wages just are not enough and I don't get benefits. Im going to sell stuff on ebay, I have just applied to be a take away delivery driver but havent heard yet!! I work full time too just cant make ends meet- too much debt.
  6. Ive got these- can anyone confirm they are correct for wonga please?? sort code 40-06-09 account- 21544926 Thank You
  7. Could someone please post up Wonga's bank details please? I would appreciate it. Thank You
  8. Can you remove the wheel , put the spare on and move the car a few streets away. -I would out of desperation but I dont know if it is liiegal or not so I may be giving you wrong idea!! Depends on the notice left. I believe there are some baillif experts on this site and I am not one of them
  9. Do NOt give them debit card number- if they refuse to take payment from your pre piad card- tell them you will set up a standing order but you neeed theri bank details and sort code . then only the set amount can be taken taht you agree t ofor Standing order. If they have debit card number they can take any amount. They cant refuse your standing order payment. Cancel your debit card again to stop recurring payments- report it lost, You are in control NOT them. GOOD LUCK
  10. That is not on. They have no right to phone you at work. I think there is a letter template in the library. Write to clarity and ask them to remove your work number from their contact list- explain you are willing to communicate through email, but your job could be in jeopardy if you recieve personal calls at work. It does shake you up and makes you feel low and embarressed. I t's a horrible experience - I used to get nervous every time the phone rang at work - you dont have to put up with it. Explain you will report them to the financial ombusdman if they phone you at work again. Bloody cheek- It's not a crime to be in debt you are NOT a criminal so they can take a run and jump -pay them a £1 a month.
  11. ONLY pay by standing order because companies can request different amounts for drect debits and it is out of your control. There are a lot of PDLs bank details on this site - so you set up SO and control the amount going out. cancel your card and all direct debits, I can cancel my DD through online banking -you probably can as well. If you make payments little and often it usually wont lead to a CCJ. Good Luck
  12. Don't panic, just pay what you can afford by standing order only- don't be bullied by phone calls or letters, just make your payments even while negotiating for a repayment plan which could take a while. If you are paying regularly- little and often, you are taking responsibility for the debt and no one can fault you. Swift sterling bank details are: Account no: 00744802 sort code; 30-00-09 reference- important- your personal loan number- 8 digits long Good Luck -I defaulted with SS in March and pay £5 a month on an £800 loan
  13. I understand your desperation -I've been there. The way I have dealt with it in desperate times is to pawn something at cash converters and buy it back later. I am not saying do this because it can lead to you paying to keep your stuff in there each month if you cant afford to buy it back and it is only for emergencies- be careful, Ive done it to put food on the table for my kids. The other thing to do is google freecycle - find your nearest- people offer goods for free, you might be able to resell them on ebay. Once I got a free trampoline and one alloy wheel- I took it to the local scrap metal palce and made £12 (not much I know) When Ive been really skint I have bought some value flour and eggs and lived on pancakes- sweet or savoury- add what you want. Things will get easier and worrying won't help- have you got any study books to sell on amazon?? -you can get a lot for some of them. -your family and girlfriend wil understand if you cant afford to buy them anything Good Luck
  14. You are definitely doing the right thing by making small payments by standing order and just pay ss direct cut out the DCA (the DCAs get really annoyed when you cut them out- it can be quite amusing). Once I told a DCA I was paying the original creditor and they got annoyed and said ' you can't do that' I replied ' I can, my debt is not with you and I wont be paying you" Ignore all threats and avoid the phone because if you get into a converstaion it can make you feel upset. Dont give them security details then the call has to end!! While you're paying you are taking responsibility for your debt and ther's nothing they can do. they cant refuse your payment
  15. definately cancel your card -it is not fraud- they will wipe you out if you dont cancel your card whatever they say they will defo take the money if they can
  16. SS add a defaullt fee of 59 pound then that's it but they will pass it on to a debt collection agency -just pay what you can
  17. Good on you. Now be prepared for them not to accept a repayment plan - just say you can only offer x amount, they will refuse it. just ask for their bank details and start making your offer. dont forget, once you default, the balance becaomes due so they can't add any interest. all you owe is the loan plus one months interest. They will give you extortionet figures but keep calm, keep paying your offer every month by standing order with the bank details. you will get phone calls for about six weeks, just decline security questions and ask them to respond by email only. Thye will probably ognore your request. eventually they will accept your offer, probably in about two months!! My advice is pay your samll offer monthly and dont be intimidated or bullied by their calls. you will feel so relieved. good luck
  18. if I were you, I would simply cancel my debit card and pay a small amount to each lender by standing order only . Even if they keep refusing to set up a repayment plan continue to pay a small amount. I refused to send any of them an income and expenditure form as it is not a legal requirement, Just try and politley negotiate and they will keep refusing -pay your offer any way. Then you will have proof of taking responsibility for your debt. Even if it was a pound a month. A small payment is better than none. Dont stress yourself trying to negogiate just keep paying what you can afford, they cant refuse your payment , they can only refuse your offer, but ignore them and pay anyway.
  19. That is absolutley correct and Just to reassure you, I defaulted on five payday loans in March 2011 and none of them contacted my work to my knowledge. I am still paying them off at 5 pound a month. They just passed the debt around and in the end accepted my offer. So many people are now defaulting on payday loans now because they are so easy to get and when you are desperately skint, cant make ends meet with no other option you just apply. What payday loans dont check is how many other payday loans you have. i admit I have been an irresponsible borrower but they are also irresponsble lenders. A bloke on the news this week had 65 payday loans. - so that's an example of how out of hand it could get. The loan company that I had a major problem with who called my work loads of times and gave me many intimidating, bullying phone calls was a company called FINANCIAL PLUS. they were relentless. they were not a payday loan company though. The way I stopped them hassleing me was to report them to the financial ombusdman. I didi get a ccj in the end but it was a relief to get them off my back. I pay them 5 pound a month.
  20. hello, do you have any other income? Your mortgage is the priority debt. I would advise you to phone cccs or debtline for their advise
  21. hi, I dont know what bank SS are with, but i got my reference numbere by phoning swift sterling direct, just dont be bullied by them if you need to call.
  22. I am also with CCCS and they told me that if I can afford to save some money and pay off a debt in full, this is a good idea. I am not in that position at the moment- cant save a penny right now. I think cccs would support you if you are in the position to pay off a debt in full but you would have to contact cccs so they can remove that creditor form your DMP then in September another creditor would get a little more.
  23. Im so pleased I could help and that you feel less worried. 'knowledge is power' sweet dreams!!
  24. I was threatened with doorstep collectors and court action, it's their usual bullying tactics to make you pay- but if you can't afford it there's nothing they can do. It is upsetting and worrying when they keep hassling you but don't be intimidated by them as it will pass. Dont talk on the phone and just keep paying small amounts by standing order, if you are paying something you are taking responsibility for your debt so they are unlikely to take court action. So many people are struggling to repay their payday loans, it is a huge mission to take eveyone to court and dont forget they are ripping us off in the first place with extortionet interest rates. If they ring dont verify your personal details but just say you will email them. If you email them ,keep saying the same thing. I told them I was in financial difficulty and I will be paying £5 a month to swift sterling direct. I said I take full responsibility for my debt and I will clear it in full but I can't commit to a time limit on this. I will be paying £5 for the forseeable future. I didnt expect them to ever agree to it. Then I got the letter confirming a repayment plan of £5 a month. The hard bit is getting through the initial bullying threats from them. Im not sure if they have taken any one to court but if they have I would assume it was a non payer. Good luck - keep plodding on.
  25. Just a little update for you. I defaulted with swift sterling in March, I have been paying £5 a month by standing order since, even though they wouldnt set up a repayment plan. Today I recieved a letter from clarity accepting my offer of £5 per month on my balance of approcx £800. So stick to your guns on whta you can afford.
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