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Everything posted by Nystagmite

  1. What a waste of tax payers money. I thought a) you could only be refused on a point of law and b) the idea of PIP was to save money. Looks like given the amount of people who win at tribunal, (last I heard it was 65%) they've spent more than it's saved.
  2. They do put it with the application, yes. But in my experience, they ignore supporting medical evidence.
  3. I didn't use one for my reconsideration and won. (the people who filled in my form were awful) I wouldn't focus on how short the assessment was. I'd just go through the criteria and see where you'd score points, giving examples.
  4. Still not had a response from my MP. Council have finally responded. They claim they will start sending me letters in large print. Wonder how long it will be before I've got to whinge at them again.
  5. Do you have the report that was used to make the decision? You need that to base your reconsideration (where they look at it again) on. As part of my reconsideration, I pointed 1.5 pages of inconsistencies.
  6. In general, you can only appeal (take it to tribunal) if there's been an error in law, rather than you not liking the decision. It sounds as though you do have good grounds to take it to tribunal. Can't see how 14 minutes is long enough to make a decision at all. Might as well have not bothered!
  7. That's ridiculous. So, if you're having a good day, you can't travel alone on the bus then?
  8. I would ask for it in writing. My understanding of the companion pass was that someone could travel with you. Not that someone had to. (kind of like the with the disabled persons railcard - where you can buy a discounted ticket for your companion)
  9. I agree with scrapping prescription charges. Or at least for those of us with long term health problems. Makes no sense that some of us pay and others don't.
  10. In regards to the HB stuff - if you're in your own flat, it's the one bedroom rate you'll get, as long as you're over 35 or on mid or high care DLA or daily living PIP. But as someone who is sharing a house / flat with someone, you'd only get the shared room rate, regardless of how old you are.
  11. You have to score a total of 8 points to get standard care (or mobility) and 12 to get enhanced. So, if you score 4 points on question 2 and 4 on question 3, that would get you standard care. It's the same with mobility. I get enhanced rate because I scored 12 on the part about planning a journey. But, you can also get enhanced if you scored 8 on one section and 4 on the other mobility section, for example. As long as you get a total of at least 8 on both mobility sections, you get lower mobility and enhanced if you get 12 points.
  12. They send the forms out a year early or so. So, unfortunately, it sounds about right.
  13. My local one is closing. And I'm sure the closest one is actually miles away.
  14. Compliance isn't the same as an interview under caution. If it was under caution, the letter would say it would be under caution. I've had one of these. Someone had reported me for fraud. But they didn't supply enough evidence and the job centre / DWP were just checking everything was above board. Whereas with interviews under caution, they would have received far more information. (they'd just been informed I'm not that disabled and nothing more)
  15. Did you declare the out of court settlement you received? By not declaring it and spending it how you did, it can be classed as deprivation of capital.
  16. PIP won't be affected. Will he be working over or under 16 hours? If under there's something called permitted work.
  17. It's 4 weeks from the date of the phone call. You can ask for an extension. A diary isn't required; but may help. However, when I did mine for my reconsideration, they ignored 99% of my evidence. (my diary backed up what my consultant said - but because I was seen on a good day, that was all that mattered, apparently)
  18. You can also get SDP if the person you live with receive mid or high care DLA, which the OP says they do.
  19. There should be a final page which states how much income based ESA you have? It should say you have contributions based of x, which counts as income. The law states you need to live y and z is y - x
  20. Where would the money come from? I don't think it's wrong to expect someone to pay for their own education.
  21. If part is IB, (any amount, even £2) entitles you to help with dentist, prescriptions, eye tests, glasses, etc.
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