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Everything posted by Nystagmite

  1. He may also find that he could get some pension credit if he doesn't already.
  2. Yesterday - charity caller at the door at 8.30pm But thanks for the hint that I should switch my intercom off.
  3. You can be sick / unable for a certain amount of weeks and still claim JSA. If renting, you can claim housing benefit / the housing element of UC and you can claim council tax support too. You don't need to be on JSA for either of these.
  4. Oh dear - we had a load of thunder and lightning yesterday morning in Plymouth and some of the roads were flooded. Not helped, apparently, by some of the drains being blocked. And a load of trees were down in one of the local parks.
  5. You can spend your money on replacing that you need, such as a new bed. But if you decided you wanted a holiday in the Caribbean, that would be seen as deprivation and you'd be treated as still having the money. Anything you do buy, you do need to keep the receipt.
  6. If people can't afford these fines people are proposing, what happens? I'm sure there's a notice up in my surgery saying after x amount of missed appointments, you'll be told to register with another GP.
  7. PIP is paid every 4 weeks. UC is paid on the same date every month.
  8. For PIP, you have to supply your own equipment for recording, which has to be able to record two copies at once.
  9. Been having trouble using my card over the last week. Finally managed to get into town why this was. I was told another card had been ordered and he couldn't tell me anything more. My card has been compromised. Having checked my emails, it turns out I'd ordered something with a dodgy company. Couple things that are a bit weird - order was February and I've changed cards since.
  10. Did you inform them beforehand? They can stop the assessment / refuse to do the assessment if you plan to record without getting their permission before.
  11. Oh dear! And a quick Google would tell her that... Hope all goes well.
  12. They won't take your PIP off you. To claim PIP, it just has to be reasonable to suggest you have those needs. It's unreasonable to suggest that moving out means you're now able to do everything yourself. Many people (myself included) live alone and claim PIP.
  13. As I understand it, there are no descriptors as such, like there is with PIP. You have to prove that your child has more care and /or mobility needs than a child the same age or the same needs as a younger child. The mobility criteria for children is the same as the DLA mobility for adults.
  14. It has to be a dual cassette / CD recorder so that the assessor can take a copy as well.
  15. You have to remember that the criteria is different for both PIP and DLA. You can only appeal if you feel you meet the criteria and not because the money isn't enough.
  16. We'll win the group and get beaten by some underdog in the second round...
  17. Having been reported and had to go through a compliance interview, I agree with you completely.
  18. I hope you did it because she's actually committing fraud, rather than just out of spite.
  19. There is a chance your award can be removed, it can stay the same or it can be increased. Whatever you're awarded, you keep during your reconsideration.
  20. Contributions based ESA might be an option.
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