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Everything posted by Nystagmite

  1. surely if he's your boyfriend (as you said in your first post) then you are a couple?
  2. The CAB adviser who is helping me, told me they can use whatever evidence they wish.
  3. Yes thank you. I've looked Nationwide and they seem pretty good. Any others I've looked at, (Chelsea and Skipton) just have savings accounts.
  4. To me it sounds as though whilst she doesn't score 15 points, they agree that she has limited capability for work related activity - which I believe means support group.
  5. You'd get more money. But on the other hand, you wouldn't have as many costs. It's not unreasonable to expect your son to help you out. I pay my parents money every 2 weeks and I'm on benefits.
  6. I'm looking at changing bank accounts. I'm currently with Lloyds and have had nothing but problems requesting statements and have been told a few things that aren't true. As a result of this, it took around 4 weeks to get benefits sorted out. I've been around to other banks to see what they offer and it seems as though they all offer pretty much the same - basic account with debit card and interest banking, plus savings accounts and ISAs. Only difference being the interest rates. According to a relative of mine, I should avoid Santander - they blocked her card or something and she's had to wait weeks for them to sort it out. My parents have told me to stay with LLoyds and that all other banks would just mess me around too.
  7. Thanks for the link. The HMRC one says roughly the same as Direct Gov.
  8. Isn't there a limit on time in which they can use reports from? I seem to remember it asking on forms if you've had any medicals for disability benefits (IB, ESA, etc) within the last 6 months. ETA: In my own case, they've decided to use medical evidence from my consultant from almost 4 years ago. Despite me sending in evidence for the same test from last year, stating how I am now.
  9. It might be worth making a complaint. It's not her job to assess people and then write stuff that implies they're fit for work, based on her opinion of the welfare system. With regards to DLA - are you keeping a diary? Can you get statements from friends and family, explaining they've had to help you do thing?
  10. If he accepts any temp work during those 3 days, his JSA (apart from the first £5-£20) would be affected.
  11. Interesting. I've never had this. I claimed in September and was never asked, ditto claiming again in Januury.
  12. There may be help through the learner support fund at his 6th form.
  13. That DLA is based on needs and not the condition itself. There are aids that vibrate that he can use instead of alarms.
  14. When they sent you a letter about appealing, ("do you wish to go ahead with the appeal?") did you tick the box about taking an appeal at short notice?
  15. How does being deaf mean he has care and /or mobility needs? That is what they care about. It doesn't matter how many tests he's had done stating that he's deaf.
  16. LHA is based on the set rate by the council and not how much rent he pays.
  17. I've just been offered a job and am trying to find out how much better off I'll be working than claiming benefits. I've tried entitled to, HMRC and Direct Gov. All have given different answers. What is the most reliable one out there? Entitled to says I'm not entitled because my income would be too high (12 month salary is roughly £13k - I'm disabled and would be working for 37.5 hours per week) - unless I put the same wage in for 2009/10 (was a student and wasn't earning) and 2010/2011.
  18. It's up to them who they contact for the best information.
  19. The OP is suggesting fraud. DLA forms are meant to be done on an average day and not your worst.
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