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  1. Thanks again for all your interest and help. Unfortunatley i cant view the added documents as i have internet on my phone. I want to clarify that its only recently we have been spending 7 nights and there is sometimes when we have nights apart (not that its going to make any differance now anyway). My boyfriend and i are spending time apart until we get the situation sorted. He says he is assessing finances but i will be honest its scared us both. I am going to have a chat with CAB. I dont want the label of benefit fraud. I want to know what will happen if we bite the bullet and move in together and then 3weeks/months down the line when im well into my studies my son has started school we decide we cant live in each others space what will happen to my son and i, i am jepordising my whole future whatever i choose. We live 20-25 min away from each other so its a different area,different schools.
  2. I just want to say thanks to jadeybags. Nystagmite its people like me who the states benefits are doing good for! I have only ever claimed income support for 6 months the rest of the time i was working full time!! I was unhappy in my 9-5 weekends off job and want a job in the nhs to do good and help people. Yes i have been seeing my boyfriend for 2 years but he didnt meet my son for 6 of them and we have only just been recently spending every night together. He goes to work 6 days a week so its basically just the company of a night time. It makes me sick the amount of people who are out there milking the system when all i have been having is a foot up. My boyfriend doesnt want me and my son in his house, he doesnt want all my belongings in his house why should he be forced to do that and for me to have to rely on somebody else. Im not sticking a fingers up to all you tax payers because i was one of them and will repay my money im taking now ten fold! iv have been working since i was 12, it may have been for £1.90 an hour in a cafe but i know the importance of work. Why do people on benefits get stereotyped its not fair, i worked right up until i was 8 months pregnant and went back to full time work when i had to (when the reality is i would have been better off claiming benefits from the start!! but im not that type of person) I worked my guts off putting my poor little boy in nursery from 7.30 - 6.00 just so i didnt have to claim benefits. I found it so hard coming off the benefits, i felt ashamed i had a college place secure so i could have stopped work and collected benefits for doing nothing but i didnt i worked up until college started. If i could work now i would but its impossible, not all of us are blessed with close family and friends for support. Tell me nystagmite i study college 3 days a week in that time we are expected to do 27 hours home study and complete homework, i am on my own with my son i rely on no one, i already do volunteer work when am i supposed to get a job? The next 3 years are going to be the hardest 3 years of my life working my heart out for a career im desperate for, i dont need rubbish like this and people stereotyping me as a benefit fraud which i am not. I am sorry for spending 7 nights a week with my bf and it has already stopped but we wernt sitting there schemeing together ha ha we are taking all this money because its not like that at all if anything its stressfull having 2 seperate homes. Maybe i should just risk prosecution and do what you said jadeybags with the only seeing each other at weekends, i just hope it wont effect my career with the nhs xxx
  3. It honestly makes no sense, i would probably not be entitled to college anymore and even if i was my bf would have to pay for my sons playgroup. Im so frustrated, its alot to put on someone and i really dont think we are ready as a couple to make hat huge step. What if we move in and he decides its not for him, me and my son are stuffed. I am in a lose lose situation, my bf wouldnt be entitled to tax credits so i would have to rely on him to feed my son, clothe my son pay for my tampons every month (we all know child benefit and a small amount of maintenance wont cover these things) i would have to get rid of my car (which i need for uni). I know what they want me to do, they want me to move in with him quit my studies and get a job. Thankyou all for your help ,we have a lot of thinking to do! xx
  4. So really the only option i have is to break up with him, or move in with him. Can i just stress that i am at college and i know you are probably thinking 'get a job' (have only been on benefits 6 months i was working full time previously to that and am only on benefits until i have finished my college course) but i am trying my hardest to get a career. Am i in danger of being prosecuted whatever route i take?
  5. Thankyou so much for your replies, i am going to citizens advice to ask them. I can definatley see how they are seeing this they see my partner staying with me every night and believe he should provide for me and my son.Its causing problems between us since they have been we dont have a clue what to do. We both love each other very much but arnt ready for that commitment, its a lot for someone to take on having myself and my son move into his home and he having to provide for us both and could change our relationship completley ending with us splitting up and me and my son without a home. I have no intention what so ever of [causing problems] the system and would gladly move in with my partner when i can support myself, i have learnt not to rely on anyone. Do you suggest maybe just seeing each other at weekends until we are in a position to move in together. Somebody did suggest my partner renting his house out then moving in with me but we dont want to do that either its just more hassle. That seems more like fraud to me but i think they allow that to happen.
  6. Hey everyone please help if you can I had a visit from a compliance officer someone close to me has made a bitter phone call about me which isnt true (am subletting my home so not true as i have a pet). I live at home with my young child i recieve income support and have only been claiming for 6 months while i do my course at college and hopefully go to uni (will not be claiming when i get into uni) . I have been seeing my bf for nearly 2 years he owns his own house and has a job, pays council tax etc we see each other nearly every night the odd occasion we dont. We usually spend 3 nights at mine, 4 nights at his and vice versa. He doesn't support me in any way. I pay my bills he pays his, we share food but financially im on my own. I have no thoughts of [problem]ming the system in any way and can't wait to get to work in the career im heading for. I love my boyfriend very much but am not ready to commit and move in with him. The compliance officer said that we are a unit and that i could be prosecuted i can see how they are seeing it but there is no way he could support me and my child and im not totally comfortable relying on someone else to clothe and house my child. I feel like we either have to move in together or split up. I said if its the case of me loseing my benefits i will only see him weekends, they said it wouldnt change anything. So im left really confused. They also said 'dont let it break you up though maybe its the push you need to make that commitment' They have said we are giving you 3 months to have a think about your situation, in the mean time if anything changes give us a call. I signed a piece of paper saying i saw my bf 7 nights a week but we dont support each other financially. Have i anything to worry about? Any advice would be great thankyou x
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