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Everything posted by Nystagmite

  1. But if the job centres shut down, it also affects the public too. If my local one closes, I've got no idea at all where my local one will be. I know there's one some 6 miles away though.
  2. It's meant to be slightly warmer here next week. And wet.
  3. We had snow in Plymouth during the week. There's now reports of flooding on the Barbican. (nowhere near where I live, thankfully) Predictably, there's issues again with the train line at Dawlish. I do wonder if anything will ever be done. We had the same issue with the train in 2014 and had no trains for some time, I seem to remember.
  4. Plymouth is meant to have a snow storm here next week. Last time this claim was made, (about a month ago) we had a few snowflakes. I'm expecting the same thing again. It is very cold though!
  5. Not surprised. The sooner these assessments are ended, the better. I've never seen the point of them. It's meant to be how you are half the time. How does a one hour (which is long mine was) show that?
  6. Not surprised. It was suggested I could do things that are physically impossible, with no evidence from them. (actually, they did produce evidence backing up my claim and proving their lie...)
  7. People on esa can't be made to look for work. They can suggest you look at work you might be able to do.
  8. Having to spend today in hospital (I was hoping I could wait until Monday; but the antibiotics weren't working and were just making me ill) instead of a planned weekend away.
  9. There's nothing to stop you from doing this. But remember, the criteria is different and there's no mobility component within AA.
  10. No. DLA only exists for children under 16. Once you turn 16, it's PIP.
  11. Your granddaughter would need to be on mid or high rate care for your daughter to claim carers allowance.
  12. The idea of PIP was supposedly to save money. Looks like they've managed to do the complete opposite. Are we all going to be forced to go through the farce that is a face to face with ATOS?
  13. Ouch! Can understand asking people to make a contribution; but that is ridiculous.
  14. Paying for prescriptions makes no sense when I seem to remember it's a minority (1 in 10?) who do actually pay for them...
  15. You are technically right about the HB. But if you get awarded PIP, you can get disability premiums within HB, which means that if you had to pay some HB, you may not have to once you get PIP. But as you say it's not means tested and it's not counted as income.
  16. Would appointing a disabled person make much difference though? Some disabled people (generally speaking) are of the opinion that they manage perfectly well and so should the rest of us. It was, I seem to a remember, someone who once had depression, who suggested removing the mobility part of PIP for people with depression and similar disabilities.
  17. There's nothing to stop you from moving to JSA. Not sure whether you can actually request to move to the WRAG though.
  18. And now there's a so-called Japanese flu - http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/strain-japanese-flu-children-particularly-11826759
  19. Personally, I wouldn't mention work at the WCA. Knowing them, they'd use it against you.
  20. Do you know if your area has changed to universal credit yet? Also, are you aware of permitted work? It might be better to go down that route first?
  21. I've had the flu jab every year since 2014 and never had an issue, apart from a sore arm. There is, apparently, according to the local paper, now a French flu.
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