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Everything posted by mariner51

  1. Please do not start more than 1 thread on same topic.
  2. Did you specifically deny access on the form & return, or just did not return the form?
  3. That's the Mantra used by most shoplifter's and those wanting to benefit from an accident. We, as yet, do not know how many ££s OP thinks is suitable recompense? People think using a NWNF Solicitor will result in a big payout for min cost, but most won't accept a Case unless it is strong. Cavaeat Emptor!
  4. Get father to pay the Admin Fee. His cancelling the DD triggered it! Harland's response is fair & reasonable IMO.
  5. Ask your Insurer but I doubt you have any claim against any Airline.
  6. My interpretation is that OP ordered £950 blinds without ability to pay in full, so agreed to a repayment Agreement which was not met. OP now expects to pay min/affordable payment.
  7. What would 'We Buy Any Car' offer for the VRN and mileage? Can you provide Service history or receipts for purchase of new tyres/battery? What was the estimated value at last renewal? Suggest they offer £1200 in full & final settlement, but be prepared to settle for less.
  8. Sound like CC Co has an ind transaction limit for unauthorised overdrafts and each of son's transactions were only fo £6.50. Personally, I would ask Police to read the Riot Act to son over fraudulent use of CC or get son to pay your overdraft fee. Your choice.
  9. What item(s) did you order, custom made or made to measure? Did order them using a Business or personal name? dx - if you use chargeback Bank will attempt to recover the repaid amount from the Supplier.
  10. who is your LL? 'When did you notify him, in writing, of any repairs requiring his involvement.
  11. The 'informant of death' has no legal resp to Creditors', just the 'Estate'. Anyone dying 'intestate' (no Will) should have a Court appointed Executor/family rep who can decide deceased Estate falls below Probate threshold. Debt does not disappear on death but poss on presumed Grant of Probate. Unless you can show continuous occupation at your Mother's address for 2yr at time of her death (CTax/Electoral roll entries) the Council MAY grant Succession if your Mother was the initial named T on AST.
  12. Nationwide could foreclose and sell at Auction, leaving you liable for any difference, or you could lower your asking price for a quick sale, it appears you have £90K buffer.
  13. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?483931-In-a-Mess-and-need-to-deal-with-it-now Is this the link to your previously related thread? https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?483931-In-a-Mess-and-need-to-deal-with-it-now You were advised to start new thread for each claim brought against a specific Payday Lender to avoid confusion, not to start new thread when updating your base OP. eg, Orig thread + related updates. New threads 1. Claim against PDL1 2. Claim against PDL3 ect
  14. Make the 1st hour a 'walk in surgery'. (no appt required) but restrict time to 5 mins and 1 symptom ONLY. This would free telephone for non-mobile patients to request a 'home visit'?
  15. No stop over is mentioned on the outbound ticket, just departure and arrival times. Flying East to West across the Atlantic is flying against the jet stream, which takes more fuel and there were several Atlantic storms in 2017, so if the fuel was miscalculated, it is possible the a/c had to land & refuel en route. Despite an unplanned 7hr delay be grateful you arrived & returned safely. Have you tried claiming for Stat. EU flight delay compensation rather than insisting on full ticket refund for both out & inbound legs? (which you ain't going to get).
  16. It is the passenger's resp to check accuracy of ticket info when they are received. Flights can be modified/cancelled at any time for various reasons, but a 7hr stopover in Detroit suggests more than for refuelling, IMO you can't claim a total refund of all tickets, but you may have an option, under EU Regs, to claim for a UK outbound flight, based on final arrival time.
  17. I meant CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group). Only the GP Partners or Govt can enforce change in this archaic Practice.
  18. He has to return the Deposit but not the overpaid rent before he can re-serve a new s21.
  19. Complain to whom, the Surgery? The CCQ may have some influence. They can't allow patients in before appointed Opening Time, for H&S reasons. The Govt are trying to 'encourage' Doctors to work longer, provide some evening/weekend surgeries or even on-line, remote Consultations. I can already book an appointment on-line, prob not for same day, order repeat prescriptions on-line and have them delivered by a Pharmacy. Things are not perfect, but better than the queueing/waiting system of 30-40 years ago.
  20. https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=B4s-Wtz8EKGYgAaBorX4Bw&q=bank+holiday+calculations+for+part+time+staff&oq=bank+holiday+calc&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0l3j0i22i30k1l7.1220.21563.0.31423.
  21. There are 8 Bank Holidays per year in E & W, and not all fall on a Mon. There is a Holiday Entitlement Calculator on the Gov.UK website. The Co can move Stat. Holidays slightly, to maintain max working days in any one week.
  22. Pre death gifts can have different limits, depending on reason, in addition to the person's annual allowance. Can't see why one of your nieces is interested is stirring it, unless she feels slighted. Gifts within a family can be contentious. Maybe the mother took advice from an IHT Panning Consultant. The only person likely to benefit is the Tax Man, at the risk of tearing the family apart. You still have not said how much your mother gave your sister?
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