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Everything posted by Homer67

  1. Interesting, some PPC's have been known to send out bogus forms, get on to the court it is issued from and check that has been submitted properly is the first thing to do.
  2. Firstly you need to get some advice from some of the established posters on here. Have you received actual court papers which are stamped or is it just another threatening letter with court action written on it?
  3. You said you parked on the street then later in your post refer to a car park. On what basis was this 'notice' issued?
  4. Do we have another troll? PPC company's have been known to trawl these forums and post conflicting information - in fact a recent job description from a PPC included doing exactly that as part of the job - perhaps kirkbyinfurnesslad has recently had a change of career! Do not be intimidated by these posts, you do not owe anything, you can safely ignore unless you are one of the very few who receive stamped court papers which are easily batted off with the standard defense as the PPC cannot 'fine' you, only Plod, Court and Local Authority can do that.
  5. Yep, Debt Collector has no powers - never speak to them, never call them and if they call you simply state 'Any alleged debt is denied, refer to your client, no further contact by telephone or in person' (in person is unlikely for a PPC invoice) The Debt Collector letter is just another bit of free toilet paper in the chain of begging letters designed to intimidate you into parting with your cash for an unenforceable invoice - do not pay!
  6. I have a friend who works abroad and returns every fortnight for 2 nights to pick up mail and indulge in a hobby before going back He owns a house but rents out rooms and keeps one for himself, he also has a car registered at that address which is kept there and he uses it when he is over I have asked why he keeps a car and the reply is that it would be very inconvenient to have to hire a car to do all the running about he needs to when he is here, therefore I understand your reasoning for keeping a car in the UK What I don't understand is why you haven't paid the ticket as clearly it was received correctly and now you find yourself on the wrong end of a compliant Bailiff claim Yes they wrote to 'the occupier' but I expect this is because they have been told that you don't live there, as the car is registered there what else are they supposed to do? You have been given the best advice by 2 different posters - pay the costs before this escalates further If you want to then complain about Newlyn sending a letter addressed to the occupier then you have all the time in the world to waste on it, really how much sympathy do you expect to get from the local authority? This does sound like you are trying to get off on a technicality and have shot yourself in the foot while doing so I don't think your complaint has a snowball's chance in hell of being upheld and if the Bailiff presented information in Court on why they wrote to the occupier it could be suggested that you were trying to evade the fine by giving obstructive information I don't know for sure but I reckon that could be an offense or contempt
  7. Private road therefore red route lines do not apply, either ignore or send them the dispute any charges letter and refer to their reason for charging you as unenforceable.
  8. If a big bloke wearing bullet holed leathers and a glowing red LED eye turns up looking for Sarah Connor you might want to leg it Other than that ignore unless you get official signed and stamped court papers then come back for your simple and effective defense. Sarah Connor indeed, what name are they going to use next - Jack Sparrow?
  9. Keep calm and carry on ignoring (apologies for any copyright breaches!) Debt Collectors are just the next desk along in the chain of begging letters, they have no powers at all.
  10. I once bought a new build home which had allocated parking spaces, as my home was freehold my parking space was also freehold, there were other homes which were leasehold and their parking spaces were also leasehold. I'd been there a while and as I only had a motorcycle my parking space was free, friends and family used it when visiting and eventually a mate asked if I would look after his old Camero as he needed the garage space to work on another project, I agreed and he brought it round and left it parked in my space After a couple of months the tyres started going down (this was before the days of SORN) as the vehicle wasn't being driven and eventually I get a knock on the door by Plod Conversation went like this (I'm not a fan of authority) Is that your car? No why? We've had a report it's an abandoned vehicle It's on private property though Is it? Yes, I own that space Oh well then it is your car No it isn't, I'm just looking after it 'Laughs' well you're not doing a very good job, it's got flat tyres Is that illegal then? Well no but it doesn't look very nice and people are complaining Is that illegal then? No although your tenancy agreement may require your vehicle to be in a roadworthy condition It doesn't And you just happen to know that do you Yes 'Sighs and rolls eyes' How is that? Because I don't have a tenancy agreement, is there anything else you want? You must have a tenancy agreement, you need to look into that No I don't You should, you could be illegally occupying this property without the owners knowledge (see how we've gone from an untidy car to my status as a resident?) The owner is aware I live here And he (typical misogamist Plod) doesn't mind? the other residents do Look, I'm the owner of the property, that's my space and I can park what I like there, do you want anything else? Other people are raising complaints and that's taking up my time having to come out and deal with them, don't you think there's better things for the police to do? I'm sure there is, so take it up with the people raising the complaints and leave me out of it I shut the door. A few days later I get another knock on the door, this time it's the local busybody - I mean Residents Association Chairman, a wizened old pervert if I ever saw one. I understand the police have been to see you Do you? About what? That car (points angrily at the beautiful Camero) Yes, and? Well when are you going to move it? What has that got to do with you? It's on my property We (he means the Residents Association) want it gone, it's an eyesore Listen mate, now you've demanded that it will stay there even longer, now f**k off before I knock you out He left, quickly Moral of this tale is that no matter where you go there will always be some jumped up little Hitler who thinks he can tell you what to do, never back down or give an inch because bastards like them will take a mile. The car stayed there for about 18 months in total and my mate then picked it up and sold it on. After I moved out I read in the local rag that someone had been in court and given a non custodial sentence for entering people's houses on that new build estate via the joined loft spaces (they had a kick out wooden panel built in for some reason) Yep, you guessed right, it was the old perv from the Resident's Association who had been entering both his neighbouring properties while they were at work - apparently one of the neighbours got suspicious when things weren't where she left them and set up a hidden camera which caught him coming through the loft hatch I nearly p***ed myself laughing
  11. Since October 2102 the PPC has the right to direct any invoices to the RK of the vehicle in question if no other driver is identified. This doesn't make the invoice any more enforceable
  12. This PPC invoice is going nowhere, the land is yours to use and they have no rights to issue their invoices on any vehicle parked on that land, the whole basis of a PPC's contract is to have authority to manage parking on private land, you have not agreed any such contract so therefore their invoice is issued without any authority at all The only problem you have is that your niece as the registered keeper of the car will continue to receive all sorts of threatening letters from the PPC and whatever ridiculous Debt Collector they use to try and intimidate people into paying Your niece needs a strong stomach to ignore these so you might want to write a letter to the PPC explaining that they have no contract and have committed trespass (copy in the Housing Officer as well) and that any more contact will be reported as harassment to the BPA for the PPC and the OFT for the Debt Collector Never contact the PPC or Debt Collector by telephone and if they contact you by phone, in the case of the Debt Collector tell them 'any alleged debt is denied, refer to your client, no further contact' then hang up, in the case of the PPC you can tell them to Foxtrot Oscar and don't call again.
  13. Never under any circumstances talk to a Debt Collector at the door or on the phone If they phone you simply say 'Communication in writing only, do not call me again' and if they turn up at your door do not confirm who you are (always insist any caller provides ID before you say anything) then state 'Any alleged debt is denied, refer to your client, communication in writing only, do not come here again, now leave' then close the door. Debt Collectors have no power and if they refuse to leave or shout though your letterbox or make threats of telling all your neighbours you can't pay your bills - call the Police and report a breach of the peace. Write them one simple letter denying any debt and referring back to their client, include the information that you will report them to the OFT for pursuing a non existing debt, there's probably a template letter on here for this. Do not be intimidated into giving any information, you do not have to talk to a Debt Collector and do not be intimidated into paying the PPC charge which is an unenforceable invoice.
  14. I think that's your problem there, after October last year the RK is able to be held responsible for any PPC tickets issued.
  15. Fair enough, I don't want to do anything to cause problems for the site.
  16. Private land and it's a Parking charge Notice so an unenforceable invoice. All road markings on private property are graffiti and mean nothing, the blue badge scheme does not apply on private ground. Ignore or send the breakdown of costs and proof of contract letter (check the stickies) and then ignore all their threatening letters unless you are one of the few that receives official, stamped court papers then come back here for the standard defense which easily bats their spurious claims away like the annoying little blood sucking gnats they are. Remember - it's not a fine and you do not have to pay anything.
  17. You have had all the advice you need for the defense, have a read of the forum especially the threads which discuss PE court cases, also look up those cases on the net (the links are in the stickies) and read them. PE may well pull out before the court date or fail to represent or turn up on the day.
  18. The OP has submitted the standard strong defense and is waiitng for the allocation questionnaire, in the interim the OP should be doing lots of reading on here to gain some knowledge of what might be said in court and how to counter it, although the defense should be enough for the Judge to bat it off.
  19. Desk Monkeys any more? I noticed some of my posts have been edited to say Desk Jockeys instead. Hardly insult of the year is it? I call the PPC lot far worse in real life What can they do if they are called names? Run to the BPA and whinge or is there an actual chance they could take the site to court for defamation of their (decidedly questionable) character? Wouldn't they have to prove it was aimed at an individual?
  20. I have ignored several PPC tickets and played with others, the only time you MUST act is if you receive official, stamped court papers, then all you need to do is enter the defense and sit back and wait for them to withdraw quicker than a teenager who couldn't find a condom.
  21. Then it is nothing but the usual bluff and bluster from PE, ignore it and wait for them to withdraw before it ever gets near court.
  22. PE must be running out of Desk jockeys with any capability at all to come up with that load of tripe. The basic defense shoots holes all the way through it. Exactly what SM said. What is this one about? ParkingEye v Mr Kevin Shelley [2013] I can't find any reference to it?
  23. If it is a Parking Charge Notice from a Private Parking Company then you can ignore, you are in Scotland and you do not have to declare who was driving. It is not a fine either, only Plod, Local Authority and Courts can fine you, it is an unenforceable invoice. Have a read around the forum, you'll get the idea.
  24. Firstly you need to know that you do not have to pay, no matter how many begging letters, threatening letters and letters declaring you are legally obliged to pay you receive - you are not. You can choose to ignore which works for most or you can play letter tennis with the PE Desk jockeys and send the breakdown of costs, proof of contract and losses letter, then appeal to POPLA when that is rejected and then ignore after your POPLA appeal is also rejected (it's not binding on the driver, only the PPC). Ask yourself this when you are dealing with these Desk jockeys; if I sent you a letter saying it costs you £100 to look in my windows when you pass my house would you pay? They actually have less grounds than me for charging you as at least I am the landowner, they are not.
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