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Everything posted by axil23

  1. I have taken a Tenant to court for unpaid rent what all charges can I build into the claim for monies due? - I paid £100 for court costs and since this was my first time doing this I had to take paid advice on how to do it (don't have a bill) - Taxi to and from Court - Tenant has left without cleaning the flat but I still need to go through court as it has to be done legally. - It has taken 12hrs of my time as the first hearing was rescheduled due to the Tenant not bring a translator and claiming he can't speak English in court. - The gas boiler needed fixing during the tenancy due to Tenants fault and I have bills and proof for that. Can I bill him for this? - The property is now infested with bed bugs and it wasn't at the start of the tenancy so I have to dump the beds and get a professional to treat it. Can he be billed for this? - Countless journeys to get the rent when I had been promised but did not get which cost me petrol and time. - Carpets & Furniture are a mess and will need changing
  2. How should I pay the £50 as they say that all payments are to be made to the Baliff who won't accept the payment unless I pay the full amount.
  3. The council had sent me the original bill for a property which was vacant for a short period but they had sent me a bill for 3 odd months. I sent in the letter to explain the situation and asked for a reduction in the period of liability for me and for them to bill the Tenant directly for the period that he was liable. It took them 3 months to agree that my liability was only for the £50 odd pounds that the property was vacant. In the meanwhile the case was sent to the magistrates court and then onto the bailiff
  4. Got a phone call from the Council to say that the they have wiped of 50% of the outstanding which was around £100 so I owe them £50 which is ok with me but they say that I would need to pay the bailiff directly. However the Baliff says that I would need to pay the Court summons costs and their fees so the £50 bill is still £170 odd! Are they right? I have been querying this with the council for 5-6 months now and its not my fault that they took ages to resolve this and in the meanwhile sent this to the court and then the baliff.
  5. I had the debt collector around for council tax payment of £198 which was only actually around £90 odd but they seem to ave added another £100 onto that. I am not liable and I have provided the council with the proof almost 4 weeks back and its still getting processed in their system due to back logs but that doesn't stop the Baliff from dropping by every week with a warning letter. I have advised the council and baliff of this but they won't budge. Any Advice would be appreciated? This is the 3rd time this year when its happened since I have a few properties. The council sends me the bills even when the Tenant was liable.
  6. I booked a house move with BT in July and was given a date 4 weeks out so decided to wait till that date to move home as I use my landline quite a bit for business purpose. A few weeks back that date finally came only for the engineer to come out and say that they have not sent the right person as it needs to be a new install rather then a simple plug and start. So I got a phone call the next day that someone would be out a week later to do it. This was followed by a email and a text message. I took another day off as its a all day call out and waited but no one turned up. So at 4pm I called BT who then advised me that there had been a mess up and no one had been assigned that case. Now I have been give a date 4 weeks out for the move. In the meanwhile I moved house when the first move was going to take place and they have cancelled my old line. No amount of complaining has escalated the case yet, although I have been very polite so I am sure that hasn't helped my cause. So this is now costing me lost business everyday + I have taken 2 days off work + I have not had broadband since the house move and won't have for another month. Problem is that my calls are all incoming and its not a business line so I am not sure if complaining about lost business will help or might cause them to start billing me business rates. What can I do?
  7. 10 days along and BA have accepted that they have no idea why the check-in staff didn't allow the extra suitcase but they have asked Customer services to reply to me and this was 9 days ago. Despite numerous reminders they are not replying. The problem is that the luggage is still at the departure point and I am not sure what to do next. Can anyone suggest?
  8. Which is exactly my point. I paid so much for a reason and that was one of them.
  9. Ok I will do that. But what do I do about the 1 suitcase that I couldn't get along with me? Shall I ship it over and bill them or buy all the essentials that I need from it and bill them? I was on a business class ticket so it was a huge error on their part as obviously business class allowance is more then economy which they allowed me. I paid more for that privilege which I was not allowed.
  10. I checked in for a BA flight where I was allowed 2pc's of luggage but at check-in was made to wait 30 minutes and then told that my allowance was only one for that flight. I then asked them to check with BA which they refused, I asked them to check their training manuals which they didn't have. Eventually I had to send the suitcase back home as there was not enough time to check it in or I would have missed my flight. The problem here was that the staff at this particular airport are outsourced and thus unaware of company policies and only do what the computer tells them to. It was not fault of mine and now I am stuck without half of my stuff for the next 4 weeks of work. I will have to get it sent across via Courier and BA are not replying to my emails on this matter. What can I do? Buy the essentials that are missing and send in a retro claim to BA or get my luggage shipped out to me and bill them for that? Or cut my looses and take my business elsewhere next time? This was at an airport within the UK.
  11. Thats good to know. Thank you. Just out of interest how do they do it? I know in USA they base it off your Social security number which is unique.
  12. The current I know for a fact is going to be really bad. Is there any way to carry forward the credit history?
  13. I have built up quite a decent credit history after living at the same place for 30 years. Now I am moving to a new property where I know students used to live. My question is when they do a credit search that is based on your address right? Is it possible for me to take along my credit history to the new house?
  14. So I just have to show them where it has come from and for what purpose and they can't question me on where that person got it from right? That's their headache?
  15. Going forward I can keep records but I haven't been for the last 12 months. Basically is there a rough amount you can deposit into your account without it raising any eye brows?
  16. Not sure if he declares it, I am technically self employed, Not a part of the salary at all. Yes the bigger purchases are paid for by cheque.
  17. Got a couple of questions - I normally spend around £200 a week on bits and bobs for work. My boss pays this to me in cash and I in turn deposit this cash into my credit card. Now I could pay cash and keep the cash but I route it through my credit card to earn some points + its easier then carrying cash around as some times it can be nothing for 2 weeks then a £500 purchase. Now since I deposit this cash directly into my credit card will I have to show where it has come from down the line? I don't want to be in a situation where I have changed jobs and the tax man asks me to show where the 12,000 paid into my credit card 5 years ago was from. Second question I have a relative who lives in USA and is coming to UK for a few weeks and wants to wire money into my account. He is buying something big so will be sending around £5,000 as he doesn't want to carry the same. Now in this same instance can I be asked my the tax man where it has come from and why? I can prove that its from my relatives account and it was for his shopping. Basically shall I avoid both these activities or are they too small for the government to care about?
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