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Everything posted by axil23

  1. I did exactly this. They said that they informed me by letter to which my reply was submission of AST for which they replied and then I replied. But they are so understaffed that a simple letter takes a month to reply but I think their out standings are automated so by that time the court case is called.
  2. I showed them the AST for the tenant living there. They did not agree for a month that the T was living there even though I had a valid legal document. since they did not agree I used my 6 month empty allowance to get the council tax for that period abolished. Now they are saying that since it went to court and bailiff I have to pay those fees.
  3. The city council have now wiped off the charges other then the £80 fee's I just want to get it over and done with so called the Bailiff who says that he will only take cash or credit card. I really don't want to give him my credit card details. Why can't they take cheques?
  4. I claim they do, but I was moving house in the last 6 months so lost quite a bit of mail. I don't recall getting it. I don't own the car, my wife does so that means they can't touch it can they? Yeah the council have been very rude about this. They saying that they don't believe the agreement so I have to pay the full amount. I asked for time to appeal and they declined my request.
  5. Firstly excuse me for double posting as I have not had a answer on that website for this. Had a T that moved in Feb 09. After 2 months he advised me that he would like to change the tenancy over to his family member as he was leaving. So April 09 the family member takes over the Tenancy and signs on for 12 months. He then stayed on till Jan 10. I have submitted the Tenancy from April 09 to the council in May 09 and have a stamp on the tenancy agreement from the council to show this. Dec 2010 !! I get a letter from council to say that they need further proof on the tenant who moved in April 09 like gas bills and won't accept rent book. I have advised them I submitted the tenancy on May 09 to them so why has it taken them until Dec 2010 to object against the tenancy. They now say that they don't believe he was living there. Spoke to someone three weeks back who asked me to send in Gas or Utility bills for T. I don't keep these. So I advised that I would like a senior manager to call me back. I don't hear nothing from them until two days back when the Baliff shows up and sizes up my car on his documents. I speak to the council who then advise me that I pay up the £1,200 and they won't put a hold on the Baliff if I want to appeal. My question is, what have I done wrong. I had a genuine Tenant who moved in on that date. He stayed and if they are too slow at getting him to pay why chase me now. I have a valid tenancy agreement which stated the T was responsible I gave to them within a few weeks of the T moving in. Shouldn't they have queried this in 2009 as they had the agreement in May. Why Jan 12??? What should I do? Baliff says he will be back in a few days.
  6. No she does not. Say they do come and levy on it in the meanwhile, can they actually do that without seeing who owns the car? I will have a formal complaint in the post tomorrow.
  7. I have appealed to the council for this. They have advised me that they will not write off their court costs of £82 which I am ok with but the Bailiff also wants £120 for his costs. He came today again and this time posted a letter which sizes up my car. What should I do next? Its not my fault so why should I pay? The council isn't listening. Can I appeal to a independent tribunal? What will happen to the Bailiff in the meanwhile?
  8. Was away for the weekend and got back tonight and discovered that I had a burst water pipe in the attic. Luckily the damage is limited as I got back in time so its only damaged 3 rooms and that too not that badly. However it will still be a big job as the carpets, sofas and ceilings are spoilt. I was only away 2 days and it was very mild last week so I don't take any precautions like draining the system or leaving the heating on at a low temp. The cold spell just kicked in over the weekend here. I don't want to risk the Insurance company denying my claim so was wondering if its better to go through a claim management company who then charge you for their fees. My first ever claim in 25 years of being a homeowner so scared and confused.
  9. Thanks. I will do that. If they don't do anything will the ASA or trading standards take any action?
  10. I placed a order with a online company for a product that was at 50% discount and it successfully went through. No money was taken but my cc was authorized and after a few days I got a email to say its now out of stock. Fair enough! A week later the product is available online again so I place the order again and after a few days get a email to say its out of stock again. Fair Enough again! So the product came in stock again last night and I placed the order again and got the same email today. There is nothing I can do in regards to this right? I know that until they charge my credit card there is no legal contract. Does a authorization count? Actually I am not bothered and would normally leave it but the retailers is really making me angry with their snobby attitude.
  11. Is this a good enough for a win? No I simply wrote back appealing to the council and they rejected my appeal. But I did not specify anything in that letter so they had full rights to reject it. Shall I appeal to the council again or wait till I get the letter to appeal formally.
  12. Shall I scan and paste all the pages of the traffic order that I got from the council just so we are clear?
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