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Everything posted by axil23

  1. Got the appeal back from them including the traffic order. I can't make heads or tails out of it can you advise?
  2. Tried working this out with the council and they are not agreeing. The time taken due to their department taking months to turn around the details has cost me. Can I appeal to someone? What will happen to the bailiff in the meanwhile?
  3. The car is parked outside my house but doesn't belong to me. Its in my wifes name. She is not on the letter so what if he clamps that?
  4. What does levied mean and how would he do that. My car is normally parked outside. He says that I owe him £80 for council charges and £40 odd pounds for their fees x 2 different cases for the same property.
  5. Ok thanks will do. What do I do with the Equita Bailiff that comes knocking at my door every 2-3 days? He sent me a final letter the other day.
  6. Tried it but its often the call centre that I get put through too where I need to explain the whole thing again. Done that 5 times this week and all of them say that I need to pay the charges. Equita is the Bailiff
  7. I am a Landlord and get frequent requests for council tax from my local Council. Problem is that they are so busy that if they send me a bill and I then in turn provide them a AST for the tenant living there it takes a month to turn this around. In that month their computers automatically churn out a request for a baliff to knock at my door. It doesn't happen every single time but in complicated cases it does. As I am facing right now. So the council now agrees that I am not liable but they still want £80 court charges + Baliff wants his cut. The council and the Baliff are not backing down and insist they want their money. No council tax is actually owed by me just charges of their which I don't see why I should be liable for as I have all ready provided them with a AST way before that. In this type of a situation what do I do? I have tried reasoning with the council but its just too time consuming.
  8. Would this be the latest up to date one. Great! Thank you very much. So first I should still try the appeal and if they turn it down then request to see the traffic order? Shall I mention that there is no traffic order?
  9. Ok I will try that. If that is the case then shouldn't this one also pull through in a tribunal? Also if I appeal now and they take 28 days to get back to me then will be still be allowed the lower penalty amount? You guys are great !!!
  10. Thank you. But I am really confused. What would I be appealing against?
  11. I am confused. Can I risk fighting this one? You guys helped me out on my last one. Took 5 months but I eventually won and I actually kind of enjoyed the mini battle.
  12. I just drove past the place again and it looks as if Google maps is outdated. The sign is just for Loading Bay and has no times or charges on it. That means it was correctly issued right and should just pay it?
  13. I just checked my ticket and I have been issued a PCN and it was issued on the following grounds "Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle" Also its for £70 or £35 if paid within 14 days when the sign clearly reads £30.
  14. Thank you very much for the quick reply. Here is the gmaps link http://www.google.co.uk/maps?ll=54.973741,-1.619411&spn=0.000012,0.011812&sll=54.973634,-1.619481&layer=c&cid=4220838109395664000&cbp=13,125.87,,0,12.02&panoid=Um7RZkXdAbI1OfMuQbFWTg&t=h&z=17&vpsrc=0&cbll=54.973515,-1.619587
  15. Here is the picture of the place from Google maps. No markings on the floor. http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/6988110/img/6988110.jpg
  16. BTW the sign there says £30 fixed daily charge all days/all times and free for loading via a truck sign and there are no road markings at all Do there have to be road markings or is a sign enough?
  17. Sorry people but I did search and could not find anything relevant, plenty on PCN for loading bays but nothing specific. Just a couple of questions - 1. Got a PCN today for parking in a loading bay for 1 minute while I nipped into a shop to pick up something. I thought there was a 10 minute time limit before they issue a PCN? The council worker was writing my ticket within seconds of me walking into the shop. 2. Say if I park on double yellows, can I get a parking ticket within seconds too? Anyway I can appeal this PCN or shall I just pay it?
  18. Thank you very much for the detailed reply. A few more questions - - Can I bill for Interest that I have paid against a overdraft at the bank. This was at close to 8% so the charges are quite excessive. - I had to change locks at the property 5 times due to the Tenants fault. Can I bill for this? - Can I claim for late payment penalties. - The house now stinks of smoke so that means I need to change the furniture for next tenants.
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