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Everything posted by lady-in-red

  1. how sad for the baby and the pain he must be having, take photos of his foot now and write everything down now so you dont forget it, im sad to hear that this little baby is unwell adn hope he gets through this infection very soonxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. our hospital admitted to us in a private room with nurses present that they had neglected out son, the chief of ITU himself said he could lose his job for telling us this but my son wasnt look after as he should have been he has many scares on his face caused by the lack of care when he was sedated and paralised, they wont tell us how he got the haematoma on his head, then after 7 weeks stay in the hospital they said the conversation where they admitted neglect had gone missing, they will lie for them selfs their nurses will lie, im disgusted with the NHS and how they cover up accidents done to our loved ones, they were in THEIR CARE AT THE TIME
  3. hi i think you have already read my blogg, the hospital actaully admitted the neglect then my son was flown to london on his return to the local we were taken to a room where we were told the neglect conversation had gone missing from his notes, these trsust even get their nurses to lie for them because if they dont lie then the nurses get sacked not fair is it how can anyone stand up against the NHS and tell the truth they cant or will lose their jobs
  4. well in the notes we have got it says couldnt fill in an incident form because the office was lost, thats all the mention of the haematoma, they wrote in his notes family have been told jamie has a haematoma and they were ok with this absoulte liers, why do they think we have been digging for a year now if we knew the answer, when they found the haematoma, they didnt even dress it or put anything on it or even drain it they are disgusting and played it down in his notes, as i said before we were never told he had swineflu in ITU really ITU should have been closed or jamie moved, all those other patients and their families were in danger, as we also were not wearing masks we did in brompton straightaway and was gowned every time we visited him right up till they sent him back to local, even though he was cleared of the swineflu
  5. hi just a follow up, brompton have the photo and are sending it to us, we now have some of jamies notes which show he had a haematoma from being in prone, we have also found that he contracted swineflu in hospital but they didnt tell us because he was in ITU and not in a room we didnt have gowns on or masks and could have spread this to families in the waiting room, the hospital told us that they do not swab for H1N1 its not their policy, but in his notes they took a swab and it was positive why do they lie so much to us,
  6. when veg is cheap buy it cook it then freeze, this will save you a lot of money
  7. Well done middleaged, i gave up in 1979 it was hard but i did it and have never smoked again my lungs are clean, it is hard and you will have bad days when you think "oh ive had enoguh im gonna start again" but if you do then you will only let yourself down no one else, as you get older your lungs dont work so well but smoking will make it worse, and it wont do your heart any good either keep it going think of all the money you will save, put it away in a box and see just how much you will have to buy yourself a new outfit or something else keep going dont give up
  8. Hi there, no they have never explained it they told us when he was in prone and they went to turn him something went seriously wrong but they didnt say what, we thought they had drooped him on to the matress as it was the day they changed his matress, and his face was massive he had a cut across his nose and blood coming from his nostrils, and his lip was all split it all seems to coinside with this heamatoma, but this is the first time we have seen this in writing, no wonder brompton kept asking us what happened to his eyebrow if it was a pressure sore why did brompton keep asking us what happened to his head maybe thats why they took pics, we are asking agin for that pic from brompton as they sent us his notes but no pic so we phoned pals so lets see what happens, thank you for that night owl very much appreciated & bless youxx
  9. hello there hope your well, just a question for you , you know i said jamie had a pressure sore over his right eye, well we have bromptons notes, and in them blackpool calls his pressure sore a heamatoma, whats the difference it actually says heamatoma on all his notes are they the same thing my husband john says they aren,t,
  10. thankyou spartathisis, we have now been through 3 solicitors but as they cannot find any nursing documents they say we havent a case, we have just had my sons notes sent to us and from the date on which his head and face were damaged there are no nursing notes, they didnt even fill in a form about the accident they say in his notes that the office door was locked so couldnt get an incident form what aload of bull, im sick of our NHS lieing, they know they did wrong admitted neglect to us personally, then said the conversation had gone missing from his notes its all wrong and i wont give up till i find the truth because more people are going to get hurt and the NHS need to force their staff to speak out
  11. hi scarletpimpernel thanks for your post, the team were the coordinaters who took my son to brompton he was flown by plane to heathrow then picked up by ambulance to brompton hospital, they fly all over this team, ecmo as you know is a special machine and only specialist nurses can use this, and are taught by leicestershire ecmo team, as they told me when i asked for the DNR to be taken off my son before he flew with them i said" will you resus my son please" the doctor said of course we have never lost a patient in flight before andwe are not to about lose you son, the team had also flown to ireland in the morning to bring a man of 55 to brompton who had swineflu, then a young mum from glasgow 2 days later with swineflu out of 9 swineflu cases my son was the only one who servived
  12. we did sign for him to be flown and put on ecmo we had to sign but never saw any other paper we also had to have the DNR taken off my son before he was flown to london because the leicester team said they would resus my son if they had to on the plane
  13. where shall i ask for the transfer notes who do i ask for this, it was leicester hospital teams who came to fly him to london they were a specialist team who work the ecmo
  14. no no one has told us about any transfer notes didnt know we were allowed to see them as everything to do with a persons files are so secretive to the trst they dont even like you reading their white board, we did see the discharge note because i opened the letter photocopied it then sealed the letter back haha it said developed respiratory failure, 2 aspirations pnemonia, & H1N1 infection, required ECMO, developed pseudamonas,
  15. no nothing scarletpimpernel, just that there is no documentation of him being in ITU but we have photos we took of him in ITU
  16. thankyou Gallache i appreciate your help and good luck, i hope you case highlights what ever happened to you and stops it happening to others but i doubt it because no one gets in trouble for it if you kill someone you go to prison for it but the NHS cover up so much we dont get a chace to bring it to court because evidence goes missing like my sons, i wish you well and thankyou again
  17. well night owl we wont hold our breathes roflmao, and yes night owl wouldnt you think the appauling photos of my sons head and the condition of his lungs would be enough but its their lies and hiding his notes i would have thought they had something to hide wouldnt you? if they had given him antibiotics the first day then all this wouldnt have happened but they failed in all his care and we have to prove this,
  18. thanks night owl we are using them at present, but today they have said that we have to proove neglect even though we have sent photos of my son in ITU, which the hospital say they have no notes for him being in ITU it seems with out his notes there is no case its all about the NHS and hiding evidence no matter what we show as proof solicitors are still saying we have to prove it, it has to show they failed to care for my son, today in the daily mail there is a piece on hospitals about pressure sores and how nurses are ignoring this, what do WE have to do to proove neglect he has scars on his face mouth and eye he was in ITU sedated paralised, how did he get these injuries no one will answer us its a cover up
  19. what site is that nightowl please where do i look thanksx
  20. we also took pics of his head the day it happened and he was on a ventilator you can clearly see he is in ITU why are they lieing to us
  21. hi i have a thread on here about my sons neglect in hospital 6 monthes ago, just to get it across quickly, he was in ITU and had lung failure and kisney failure he was in prone for over 20 hours and left, he was sedated and paralised, and on his front, but was found by staff in ITU in the wrong place he couldnt have moved he had a big wound on his head a cut lip and a cut on his nose we took photos of this, since leaving hospital we have tried to get a nursing report done on what happened to him in ITU but they have lost the nursing notes for when he was in ITU so they dont know what happened to him all this is is a cover up for neglect, where can his notes have gone to why are they hiding it all i have proof he was in ITU yet they cannot find any notes to say he was in ITU, he didnt have this head injury when he went in there we have a video of him in the hospital before this head injury uis all they said was " he was in prone position and when they turned him on his back it went seriosuly wrong and wont enlighten on it and with no notes what can we do, do hospitals cover up qwhen they have done wrong is there no one who will say what happened thats why we need his notes but there are none any advice please
  22. Hi has anyone on here ever used IRWIN MITCHELLS SOLICITORS please just wondered what they are like they deal with hospital neglect cases thanksx
  23. thankyou for your support xxxx
  24. Thank you night owl, for all your help that you did give, because some of the things you told me made me look at it again, so we are going to carry on untill we have been down every avenue, i know they did wrong they admitted it he got these scars in ITU which i have photos of one day the date and time he had nothing on his head the next day he did, how we dont know because they had given him sedation and another drug to paralise him while he was in prone position, when they went to turn him they said something went seriously wrong, i need to find out what went wrong, thankyou again nightowlxxx will let you know if we succeedxxx
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