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Everything posted by lady-in-red

  1. well done to you as well keep going think about your lovely clear lungsxx
  2. Well done to you its not easy i did it many years ago but have never smoked since, keep going dont give inxx
  3. i must agree with you feebee with this one, depression is an ilness and the patient should be seen more regulaly, and when they patient feels the need, a pysiciatrist will only see you once a year if your lucky, and then you never really get to know them not like your GP who you see more of and trust
  4. it wasnt the swineflu, he aspirated twice, they should have given him antibiotics straightaway, knowing the tabs had gone into his lungs, why didnt they look after him with his hygene we could see it all were they blind or didnt they care if he died because then they could have covered it all up nicely, thats why they put a DNAR on him, they wanted him dead, they said they couldnt turn him to supine because he was critical yet they did 4 days before he was flown to the other hospital, he went by ambulace to the airfield then to heathrow then to bromton and yet he lived?? a lot of travelling for a very critical patient who couldnt be turned from prone to supine ??
  5. Hi frankieg, thanks for your posting, i havent got his notes we had a solicitor and she went for a nursing report, but it came back as they couldnt find much do to his nursing notes were missing, so they couldnt say why his condition was so bad, we have some notes that went to the receiving hospital and thats where we found he had a haematoma and not a pressure sore, he was in prone for 17 hours, this was to long, i know he had problems with his lings but his face was oedema and massive yet they still put him in prone for 17 hours, a nurse slipped up and said"well we couldnt turn him because we didnt have the staff here that day"one doctor put a DNAR on my son and told us he was going to take down his care, 2 days later a consultant said that the doctor was wrong to say that to us, i know its neglect i just have to prove it, i did a diary every day he was in hospital so every word is written all they said to us is written with photographs as well
  6. oh i forgot, when he was flown to london from our local, the receiving hospital said his hygene was very bad when he arrived, we know he had a big black hair stuck to his lips and the receiving hospital took a photo of this, also his catheter was put in wrong and he had a big infection there, the receiving hospital also said that our local was using the wrong tape to hold his intubating tube in thats why his mouth was all cut, so really its neglect and also they hadnt done anything to protect the haematoma from infection he never had any thing put on the haematoma , but the receiving hospital covered it with cling film to keep it clean simply hygene but our local forgot to do neglect i dont care if it takes me 10 years i want answers to what went wrong in their ITU
  7. Hi my spirit soars free, nice name:) yes i can see where your coming from about the swineflu, and each hospital have different policys, but why didnt they tell us he had this i saw the swine flu swab in his notes it was posotive, but we were told they do not swab swineflu at their hospital?, no he never had no bruise on his head before went in that hospital its a haematoma also on his notes, it states in his notes he was found with this on his head we have proof it wasnt there before, he was hit over the head with an instrument he saw no one just the bang on his head he passed out, they were going to treat him , they told us he was going to be taken to another hospital who deal with brain probelms they couldnt do it, it had to be drilled then drained, but 2 hours later they said your ok you can go home now and gave him paracetamol and sent him home, he was in such a state and couldnt lift his head up he had pains all along his jaw, and was feeling very sick, the hospital did a CT Scan and found he had an area of ahaemorrhagic contusion was noticed on his left frontal region, slight mass effect,Blood extending along the faix in the frontal region, subarachnoidal haemorrhage also noted also noted along the right fronto-parietal region of the brain and in the right sylvian fissure, mild swelling of the brain subarachnoidal haemorrhage likely due to the trauma, this is what it says of his radiological report from the hospital, and they sent him home, im so angry with both hospital in two different areas as well, one said he was never at their hospital( the head injury) and one is lying when they admitted neglect to us, verbally yes but i heard it, and i wont let them get away with this, i will take this to the papers and with the photos we have you can clearly see one day his head is ok next day less than 24 hours he has a massive haematoma split lips, cut on his nose and another mark on his forehead how did this happen and why wont they say how it happened, they said it was neglect they said the hospital had let him down badly, they said all this verbally, to us 4 plus one of their nurses was in the room as well, now to cover up what they did they lie well photos do not lie and you can clearly see on the photos how his head was clear no marks then the next day we took more photos and there it is clear as day light the neglect
  8. Hey i just ordered that book on ebay £1.00 and £2.75 postage not bad thanks for that
  9. wow thankyou very much, i will get that book maybe they might have it on amazon so ill try later, as i said his bang on the head was 5 years next month but because he was only diagnosed this april 2010 he can take them to court, he was never diognosed they actually said he had sorry cant spell this schitzaphrenia, and he has been taking tabs for this for 4 years, seraqual, hes now on quentap something, he lost his marriage because of the way he had changed, he has very bad moodswing, and paces about, laughes so loud it hurts your ears,, is usless with money, and never feels bad about what he has done to us all it just doesnt sink in, he has no emotions, and yet before he had his own business, his own house, and family, he lives with us back at home, he cant trust himself not to do it again, he drinks heavly as well at home although we do tell him off about it, then he wants to have a go at us all, its very hard to cope with as well but we have to there isnt any help for our son, the case for his head is doing ok, and his solcitor said it will be very substantial amount to him, because its for the rest of his life, and we wont be around for ever to take care of him, i just want our local to say sorry to us and tell us what happened the day they turned my son from prone to supine and it went seriously wrong what went wrong thats all we want to know, im going to have alook for that book thankyou again let me know how your case is doing as i will also and thankyou for your helpxx
  10. no please dont think like that i know you were trying to help me and i appreciate your help and honesty,, the trouble with my sons case its so many things they didnt do properly their words, and yes i know its going to be very difficult to prove, if i cant then as long i can give them a big kick up their backsides i will feel a lot better, he had a bang on the head 5 years ago and was sent home with a bleed on his brain, the hospital a different one to this one said he was never at their hospital and we couldnt prove he was, but a piece of paper turned up unexpectly and it was his hospital number the day he was admitted, the scan they did on his head, it was all there, so now they have had to hold their hand up, but for 5 years my son has had mental health problems which has devasted us all as a family, he has to be watched 24/7 now because of his suicides, he has organic personality disorder caused through the blood clot left on his brain to go rotten, all this has been caused through hospitals neglect, he hasnt got a life now hes 35 years old and has lost so much, they neglected my son, and i want them to know it thankyou for your help i really do appreciate it honestlyxxx
  11. we have alot more evidence than they know of, no they wont ever admit neglect they all stick together they are not caring people at all, they would sooner my son have died then get found out, but when they see what we have and from another hospital as well, even if we dont prove neglect, we get to show them that we know dfifferent, then the press will have a field day with their trust, and to have photos of it all we cant lie not like them they are full of lies
  12. but its usually the consultant that lets the your GP know whats actually wrong, when you go to your gp and tell him you have a problem that he cant deal with you get sent to a consultant in that field where he send you for tests and so on then when he gets the tests back he notiflys your gp so id say its usually the consultant who has the last say
  13. he also got swineflu while in their hospital they told us they do not swab for swineflu yet in some notes we have they did take a swab and it was posotive for swineflu this is what failed his lungs
  14. thankyou frankieg, i understand what your saying, but even though he overdosed, it should have flushed through him, he should have been given antibiotics straightaway to stop any infection in his lungs, they also put him in prone for 17 hurs, when they turned him to supine he had a huge haematoma on his forhead, the vent tube had cut his lip open, his nose was cut, we were told it went seriously wrong when they turned him, we have pictures of him in ITU the pics do not look nice, when he was transfered by plane to london to another hospital that hospital also took pics of his face, they said his hygene was very poor at the other hospital and he had infections in his cuts they also took a pic of his private parts because the local hospital didnt put his urine catheter in the proper place and he had a very bad infection there also, im not giving up, and we are paying for this solicitor this is a new solicitor, i know they will never admit the neglect in front of anyone but at least i know what they did because they admitted neglect to me, i will take these pics to the papers and show people just what some of these hospitals do and this was all done in ITU, they even tied his wrists to the bed this is barbarick,
  15. Hi stalin dead, i think its the consultant who decides, we had the same problem, and although the doctor showed us on the screen what was wrong it had to come from the consultant so we rang his secretary and she sent us a letter stating the diognostic, he decides then notifys your GP its the GP who sends you to see the consultant so the consultants say is final i would think
  16. the chief executive of the hospital will back his staff all the way, pals cant do anything , there isnt really anyone who will stand by you in what you say, we were told by the chief executive of ITU that they had neglected my son and there was a nurse in the room at the time and four of us, and now they denign all they said even though i wrote it all down i did a diary every day of what they did in ITU nurses names doctors names and photos, but they will always find a way around it, there is no justice to help us, i have some horrific photos we took in ITU, of my son, with split lips, cuts on his head bloody nose haematoma, and they say this can happen when a person is very sick , so it just happens?? if they wont own up to this then its the papers that i will go with photos of how they treated my son in ITU it wont look good for the hospital, and it will show people just what they can cover up im not ready to give up
  17. thankyou very much for your kind words, i intend to get the answers, i have now gathered more evidence, as we saw our own GP this week and my son asked how he could have got this haematoma over his eyebrow, when he was sedated and paralised the doctor said your would have got this by a FALL or been DROPPED? the answer we wanted, i will not give up till they answer and tell the truth what they did wrong, they must be doing this all the time and think they can get away with it well they cant and they wont, i will expose this hospital to the press and when they see the pics we have of my son in their ITU in that tate, they will want to run and hide i have never seen any one look like my son did being in ITU, his scars resemble a motor bike accident, its really bad, and he needs answers why he looks like this but thank you again Celticbadboy for those kind wordsx
  18. Hi EIVAD5 hasnt the GP got any notes about your mums condition, what medication she was on and what about when she was an inpatient then released the hospital usually send a patinets release for to the GP telling them what they did meds ect, he must have some paperwork and now they are all computerised it cant be wiped off, just a thought,
  19. its not about the money id like them to say sorry but that wont happen, i have given them the chance to tell me what they did to him but they wont say how the hematoma was on his head or how it was done he was in ITU in prone paralised how did he get this hematoma on his head why was he left in this condition why was he dieing, because one he caught swineflu in there hospital they failed to tell us that its full of neglect
  20. This is the second time a hospital has neglected my son, in novemebr 2005, he came out of a club and had called a taxi to go home some young girls were getting trouble off of some fella close by and asked my son can they have his taxi he let them and waited for another one, someone hit him over the head with a bottle he didnt see anyone, and passed out, when his taxis came the taxi wanted him to go to hospital but my son just wanted to get home he felt unwell, the next day he had a small cut on his head but had a massive headache and couldnt lift his head his jaw was aching and he felt ill, by the evening he was worse so his wife took him to hospital, he was put on a ward, to await some doctors, the doctors came examined him gave him a ct brain scan where they found a SUBARACHNOIDAL HAEMORRAGE, the told him he would have to be taken to london to a specialist hospital where surgeons would drill into his head and drain the blood off, 2 hours later they said he was fine sent him home with paraceptamol and that was it he was ill for along time he went back to his doctor who said just to rest, everything started to change for my son, his sense of smell went his taste went, he was tired, he was miserable snappying at every one, he had depression bad, but no one would help him, as the years went by his wife left him she couldnt put up with him anymore his moods were really bad he started drinking at night, then verbally abusing his wife and shouting she was scared of him and yet he was a gentle fella before , he took many overdoses and was in ITU many times suffering with fits, he drove 2 of his cars ioff the road smashed to pieces and he now has damaged legs, one of his cars landed on him and we almost lost him, he moved in with us back home we tried to sort the hospital out find out why they didnt do anything to help him but the hospital had nothing on my son said he was never here, 4 years alter we put in for DLA as he cant walk properly and is in pain, but they refused, we appealed they refused, but they sent us all the appeals letters and hey presto the piece of paper fell out and it showed his hospital number D.O.B. and the |CT scan which showed he had a subarachnoidal haemorage, he has now been diognosed with organic personality disorder, and a solicitor has now took his case on after 5 years because if you havent been diagnosed till 5 years later your claim starts from then the diognose of your complaint,,he stands to get a big payout but that has to last him as long as he is alive, now we have this other claim which really is a follow on from the head injury,, and where the hospital has neglected him again so do hospitals ever learn no they dont, nearly a year ago this month my son lay dieing with a DNR on him, he was flown to london put on ecmo for 36 days, today he is alive, when will these hospital stop harming opatients why dont they just answer what they did wrong instead i have to get all the evidence together against them, even though they have lost his nursing files, i have got the file from the hospital in london who saved his life, and photos of how he looked when he arrived by plane to london his lips were split he had a hematoma on his forehead, a bad urinary infection because the local hospital put the catheter in wrongly, a big hair stuck to his mouth so the london hospital took pics of him in this state,now im going to prove neglect, sorry this has been long but it is a long story and all because of neglect my sons health isnt good
  21. so many people getting caught with this interest thing i have no idea how it works, but if it was me in this predicament id write to very tell them im giving them£1.00 a month and if they dont like it then take me to court, they wont like it but at the end of the day they cant get blood out of a stone, these people are just thieves, i wouldnt pay them anymore than £1.00 tell them this but say you will pay more when things change for you ie your husbands wages , what can they do to you?? Nothing at all yes you will have bad credit so what, who wants credit, i only have what i can afford thats it
  22. ops sorry just realised your opost was in january sorry
  23. paypal is safe but never heard of paying a debt this way, id give them £1.00 a month alwayas offer to pay never say no im not paying just tell them there is other people who have to be paid as well as long as you offer £1.oo you will be ok they have to except that as you say life is to short to worry about those things and crdedit cards and loans have been ripping us the customer off to long karma is coming to them but bigger
  24. why cant the government put in place where if a doctor or nurse or anyone to do with the NHS can say what they saw, with out them losing their jobs, im sure there are thousands of nurses who see things but cannot blow the whisle because they will be bullied and victamised by their work colleges, this will never stop patients are put at risk more and more because NHS workers are to scared to speak up, its not fair, we the public deserve to know what happened to our loved ones in hospital yes there are mistakes as with my son, and the doctor admitted it was neglect, then weeks later says the conversations are lost in other means they have been taken out because he will lose his job, are the public not allowed to voice our opinions? this is whay the NHS keep getting taken to court not for money but to prove they lie and when found out all they get is a slap on the hand, these doctors must tell the nurses to keep quiet, is all it takes is one nurse or doctor to be honest surely in their heart their is some good surely they can see what people are going through, when my little grandaughter was in hospital not long ago a small asian boy was in as well, he was due to go home that day and was laughing with his dad, with in less than half an hour he was dead, the mother and father were doctors and nurses in that hospital, what did they do they called the police, now why didnt i think of that i should have phoned the police also when they put the DANR on my son i should have called the police when we went to visit him and found he had a huge haematoma on his head and demanded to know who this happened when he wa sedated and paralised, is this what the NHS want us to do? i will if it ever happens again, just as that young man phined the police because he was dying of thirst
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