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Everything posted by lady-in-red

  1. Hi again back from holidays, well the new solicitor cant take the case as well now because notes are missing they said they cant prove neglect without the nursing notes, but i wont give up, i have also through facebook found all the nuses their full names who were in the room with us when they admitted neglect then again when they said the notes were missing i wonder if we got it to court would they lie? anyway we have another solicitor so i will let you know how we get on take care all
  2. i have been reading all your posts nightowl and i can where they went wrong in my sons care and safety, they were short staffed, and couldnt turn him from prone to supine it took 8 people and there wasnt enough people in at that time so he was in prone for 20 hours thats how he got the mark on his head, i can understand the saftey issue for the staff but my son suffered badly because of this, who is to blame then really it cant be the nurses they did what they could do, we need more people like you nightowl to make a stand and tell the managers you want more staff or even wrote to david caeron someone has to listen because patients are at risk more now than have ever been when a hospital makes a mistake and nearly causes a death they should speak up and tell the truth not hide it thanyou nightowl for all you have done to try and make your work place safer for patients and staffxx
  3. Hi last night i wrote a 18 page letter to my solicitor telling the story about my sons stay in hospital, i did day to day, and i hape i have shown to her just what went wrong and how they admitted neglect then to retract it, i also have a piece of paper from the local hospital where they admit that the pressure sore got there because he was left in prone for to long, by the time the solicitor reads it all she will have some idea what happened, but what i noticed more while wring the letter was the difference in care between the 2 hospitals how the local ignored him and london worked so hard to save him they were so dedicated and wonderful people why cant our NHS round the country be the same and if they do something wrong because of short of staff then admit it maybe by admitting the short staffed is causing some dangerous situations, than to lie and make out that the family have made it all up,there are some wonderful doctors out there but when something goes wrong with a family member you get to not trust any hospital, so i hope my solciitor can now see just what they did to my son will let you no im off on holiday to turkey just for a weeks rest i need it desperatly but hopefully will have some better news on my return see you all then take carexx
  4. i will do we have a new solicitor so hopefully she will look into this for us thanks to this forum i have had alot of help and will let you know how i get on but thankyou all for all your help and thankyou nightowl especiallyxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. aww bless you and thankyou for the info that you have already given me i appreciate it very much,xxxxx
  6. can i write to NHS Litigation Authority and will they look into it or will they also hide what the hospital did, who are they for the patient or the hospital thanks
  7. no my solicitor hasnt ask we have he signed for his notes yesterday but will they send the pics with them or a copy of the pics, we know what they did to him im not giving up i know it will be hard to prove but surely if they have no nursing notes thats neglect and shows they are hiding something, it all needs to be looked at thankyou nightowl for all your helpxx
  8. no my solicitor hasnt ask we have he signed for his notes yesterday but will they send the pics with them or a copy of the pics, we know what they did to him im not giving up i know it will be hard to prove but surely if they have no nursing notes thats neglect and shows they are hiding something, it all needs to be looked at thankyou nightowl for all your helpxx
  9. Hi miss alexandra, i have been reading about your delivery, and im so sad that your little baby didnt make it, how you are coping i dont know because to lose a child is the worst a mother can suffer, but it to be caused by hospital staff is even worse, they cover up everything and they can do this they can make your notes go missing, they lie to protect themselfs and others, you should sit down and write it all out every single thing that happened their names times everything, even the midwifes names or nurses, it makes it worse them saying your lieing, my son was treated badly in a hospital 6 monthes ago, he now has lunf failure and is on oxygen, they have denied it all even though they admitted neglect to us, they have lost his files now but every day he was in hospital ITU and before that i wrote every single thing down daily names nurses times everything, keep pushing them you know what they did do not give up my heart goes out to you for your loss of your babyxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. will the london hospital send those photographes they took of my sons face when his notes come to us as we have asked for them will they send them or do they have to keep them
  11. at the local hospital no photographs were taken by staff but we did and have them now, it was when he was transfered the london hospital took pics of his face and asked us how he got the head injury we told them we didnt know because no one would tell us even though we asked is all they said was that he was put in prone and when they turned him it went seriously wrong but wouldnt say how serious they just wouldnt answer us,i remember a nurse filling out a form cos she said to another nurse that we were undtaffed and couldnt move him(my son) but the london hospital had no idea what happened to him and was constantly asking us maybe that why they took photos of his face because it wasnt them who did it, they have never explained his injuries to us each time we asked they would say we are getting to that but firstly lets discus this or that never what happened my son was bringing up green phlem, they saw this but still gave him icecream he was sick as soon as they gave it to him and he aspirated
  12. hi thanks for the info, the london hospital did everything brilliantly i couldnt fault them he owes his life to the team, and the nurses were brilliant always spoke to us and told us how he was doing everyday, the doctors never gave up on him and said he was the sickest man in the hospital and they would just keep pushing and hoping he would pull through, without their support i dont know how we would have coped, the doctors used stand and watch him for ages, trying to think what they could do to make him better, and the nurses were so caring to the patients and worked hard every day looking after them in ITU, when he was transfered back to local hospital there wasnt that care anymore even though he was in ITU it was very noticable, today we have asked for his notes from the london hospital because i saw photos of my sons face, why would they have taken photos of him we think it was a safe guard for the london hospital incase the finger was pointed at them, i just hope when his notes come from the london hospital it will have those pics of his face in the notes and give us more info, why did the local hospital not swab him for swineflu yet the london one did straightaway, this is neglect, they neglected him from day one when a patient aspirates you dont give them ice cream and paracetamol tabs do you he was chocking and vomiting, had a massive high temp so hot to touch, and yet they did nothing till i yelled at them to get a doctor to him its digusting the way they work, but not all nurses are like those at our local ive seen dedicated nurses and im glad i did, just have to prove all this and i will
  13. how can they have NO nursing notes he was in ITU from 17th october till the 28th october 2009, where are they?
  14. thankyou nightowl you have just told me what i needed to know, when my son was transfered to the london hospital we thought his notes went with him we didnt realise they didnt go till you told me on his return to the local hospital thats when they took us in the same room to tell us that when my son returned to the local hospital the 2 conversations were missing when his notes came back with him but you said they dont leave the hospital, also he was on grey mattress untill 2 days before his transfer when it all kicked off in his ward and they knew they had done something wrong to him, also the solicitor dealing with this has said that a nursing person that has looked at my sons notes has said the waterlow was not implememnted for my son so no one watched his pressure sores, the solicitor has said that there is nursing notes for my son, , now today he has phoned to have his usual CT scan before he see his lung doctor but when he phoned today the hospital have said they cant find him on their system what the hell are they playing at they are trying to make out he was never there this is rediculous any help would be very much appreciated night owl and i wont say where i got the imfo from either thankyou
  15. nightowl im sorry that you have been dragged into this being a nurse, but your right not all nurses are like that, you sound a lovely person and work very hard at your job and i can now see what is happening in the NHS BUT my son has lung failure hes on oxygen and was in a wheelchair and all because of neglect at my hospital, the lies they have told, and to admit neglect to us then retract it is disgusting, but with out his notes i will have trouble in proving this but i have pics of him in ITU i also did a journal everyday so its all written down daily, thats my proof, i wont ever trust a hospital doctor again after this, if they can lie like they have done, but i wont give up till i make them admit what they did, my sons lungs are damaged badly hes 34 years old,
  16. when he was transfered to the lung hospital they asked us did the local take a swab i said i have no idea, so they did one it came back my son had SWINEFLU but the local said they dont swab for swineflu yet he had lung failure kidney failure and his liver was failing, he had swineflu yet they didnt treat him till it was to late by then he was dieing
  17. so why are they deny they told us this was neglect and by the director of ITU himself, and a nurse, they put my son in prone position for 20 hours there was not enough staff to turn him and when they did they said it went seriously wrong he has a massive scar on his head we dont know how he got this, his mouth was cut open he had a big black hair stuck to his lip, he wasnt on the right mattress and had a towel rolled up under his forhead for 20 hours, do you think this is right? also a nurse shouted at him after he woke for short time she shouted at a very sick patient and yes i have complained about her but you can guarantee they wont do anything to her she was rude to us and very nasty to other visitors in ITU , i have pics of my sons face all bashed and swollen he never had this when he went in and being in pron position he was heavly sedated and had a paralsis drug so he could even move so how did he hurt hiself, we believe they dropped him but there is NO nursing notes no chat about the neglect its all be taken out this is disgusting
  18. i have to pursue this because my son wants to know why he looks like this and on his return to the local hospital back ITU again a nurse approached him she said "oh im shocked to see you still here i was the one who found you my son said found me what do you mean the nurse said i found you in a non deployment position, so something did happen to him why cant they just say if it went wrong instead of lying this just makes it worse for them how many people has this happened to and have they got away with it its unfair and im so bloody angry
  19. thankyou for your answer, we just want to know what happened to his head, and why they didnt swab him for swineflu, why he was left in prone for 20 hours, why they admitted neglect then retracted it,we need to know why he suffered so much and us as well i have to have counceling now as i cant cope its been so very hard for us as a family watching all this, it has to stop hospital hiding notes and removing papers, and i will take it to the papers although i doubt that it will get printed i tried to release it to the papers that my son had swineflu and they wouldnt even get back to me its a closed shop but we intent to go on till we get answers
  20. this is what the report said just a small part of the report, this was done by a nursing expert report, we have the nursing report to be somewhat unsatisfactory as it does not address the root cause analysis or the fact that the hospital did not perform pressure sore assesments as they should have done every day while he was in ITU my son was in ITU from 17th ocotober 09 to the 28th ocotober 09 then flown to london put on ecmo he remained in london for 7 weeks in ITU there
  21. the clinical negligence person who has read the notes that they have said there are no nursing notes about my son in ITU, so she cant say whether it was neglect or not as she has nothing to go on
  22. the doctor who admitted neglect was the top man who runs the ITU and this happened october 09, when he was flown to london the london hospital took pics of my sons face i saw this myself, they also asked what happened to his head we said we dont know all we know is that our son was in prone position for over 20 hours as we saw this, when he was turned they said something went seriously wrong but they will not tell us what went wrong,
  23. thats exactly what we are doing this week thanks
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