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  1. Thanks, I thought this was the case as I have proven - My village pharmacist gave me a list of all medication that was issued to me via my GP..This then rang a bell, so I contacted my life assurance company and I have a copy of the medical report that was sent to them and this medication is also on this report. Thanks again...I just need to get this sorted so I have some firepower for next week.. Regards
  2. I will keep this short and sweet - I have an appointment next week with PALS this is due to medical records being tampered with, some time ago my solicitor sent me a copy of my medical records and I noticed that some medication/appointment were missing, I have asked to see my GP to discuss this but she/he seems to put me off and delay me, so I asked PALS to complete a check on their computer system. I now have an updated medical report that this information that was withheld is on, I am due to visit PALS next week to view and discuss my findings. I realy need to know how easy it would have been for my GP to copy/paste/delete then print this information, and then send it on to my solicitor – and what computer system do most GP use. (I will google this to get an idea) I am sure you will ask- I have a medical negligent issue, I was told I had 8 months to live with terminal cancer - This was not the case, after spending months in hospital and having lots of bit's of my body it turned out to be a desease, this is why I need this information. I thank you in advance
  3. Good point, I was advised to use a recomended Legal Team but my insurance company let me use my own....So I googled a good firm, Oxford, Bristol, London offices and I am dealing with a partner from this firm, you are correct my wife and I both feel that my current solicitor is not doing much, I wish now I found a 'No Win No Fee' solicitor as they have to work HARD for there money, and alway get results..
  4. Good point, I was advised to use a recomended Legal Team but my insurance company let me use my own....So I googled a good firm, Oxford, Bristol, London offices and I am dealing with a partner from this firm, you are correct my wife and I both feel that my current solicitor is not doing much, I wish now I found a 'No Win No Fee' solicitor as they have to work HARD for there money, and alway get results..
  5. I had 70% of my liver removed, a new bile duck reconstructed, and gall bladder removed as I was told that the cancer had invaded all the above, this was not the case when it was all removed NO cancer...
  6. I have spoken to my legal team with regards to this, was told that the consultants/doctors can use 'outside' the NHS trust for there defence, but I can't use any 'outside' research as the crown courts will not accept this in the UK court of law...It's very one sided, I did some time ago email a few but never got any joy....I might just google it again..Thanks
  7. Been very hard work - I have 'Quality Systems' from the ######## Primary Care Trust they are looking into deleted medical records...MRI scans had also gone missing, it's never ending.. I had colicky pain and jaundice late 2007, I was aware that I was not very well, was told first that my gallbladder was enlarged with stones this was blocking my bile duct to my liver all this was from an ultrasound, blood was OK. I have letters from 2 NHS Trusts saying it's terminal, and a copy of the scan that I paid for (£800) this was lost to start with but now found when I asked for my money back..!! I am sure the insurance company will cover my cost if I can get as much information for them to move this forward..
  8. .....It's a funny one...I have an insurance policy that is paying for my legal team cost's, I have come to an issue that the insurance company feel that there is no case unless I can get a report from a radiologist this will cost ME £7000 plus, but if I can get as many reports that give different quotes with none quoting the word 'cancer' then I feel I have a good case to go back to my insurance compnay to pay for this report...One consultant said unable to be confident as the imaging is not sufficient, another said a bening stricture cannot be excluded, and the last said, the definitive treatment for this would be cholecystectomy (Remove the gallbladder)...?????
  9. Thanks JenD. I have a medical negligence claim this has been on-going for some 2/3 years with my legal team, I have found out that the original radiologist who viewed/looked at my MRI Scan (that I paid for out of my own pocket) told my consultant that I had termnial Cancer....I sold my company, updated my will, said my good by to my son,wife,mum,dad, etc etc, arranged my funeral as advised.. After many months in hospital having most of my liver removed etc etc I was told that this was NOT cancer but a desease...!!! I have sent this CD to 3 Consultant Radiologist and NOT ONE has said it is cancer, I am looking for some more consultants who might also look at this imaging and give me a second opinion.
  10. I am looking for a Radiologist to look at a MRI Scan that I have on CD this MRI was misinterpret and this has caused me a lot of probelms. I am willing to pay for a second opinion from a Hepatobiliary Radiolgist. If you know of one please can you contact me via this forum. Thanks
  11. Up date for you all, things are moving on now and my solicitor now seems to be on the case (after I sent a 7 page letter recorded ) - The problem now is my missing medical records from my GP. this information is relivant to my ilness. In the end I contacted Legal & General (I had taken out some life assurance with them) all information that was completed and signed by my GP I have to hand, also I have a list from my village pharmacist of medication that was missing from my records. This information is a 'General Practitioners Report' signed by my GP on the 1st April 2008. This shows the missing information that was not on my 'Summary Of Medical Records' I have from my solicitor, information that is missing and is very questionable as to why. I am unable to provide copy prescriptions but have provided a list from my pharmacist and also now this. Not sure what to do next, is this againt the law to deleate or hold this information back from my legal team?
  12. Thanks for your reply B-T-B, I am age 49 and have been riding bikes since I was 17 - I have done many trips on my bikes with Motorbike clubs ie France, Spain, Jersey ect and I would class my-self as a very skilled rider. I am an Observer for the local Police and run the 'BikeSafe' for my local county, I have also many delelopment records for my driving skills... YES I was a fault, but the road was a dual carriageway with a small amount of traffic. as the weather was bad and (I am sure you are aware) observation was limited due to the rain I was making 'Good Progress' to get home, in the end I stayed in a Travel Lodge that night and made my way home the next day when the weather was better.
  13. I held my hand up to it - 37mph in a 30mph - on a Automatic Camera Device with Photographic Evidence, I did not know the road and the weather was very bad and I was on my Motorbike... I was told that I could do a Speed Awareness Scheme local to me so I applied to do this, 3 months later I was told that this was not available to me and I would have to attend a course 138 miles away, I phoned the police and was told that my correspondence (emails, letters, phone calls) have been carefully concidered and that no further action would be taken on this occasion... Happy Days...
  14. Thanks for your post littlewillie, and my thoughts are with you - a sad loss I am sure, but you are true to your word:- 'it is difficult to find an honest solicitor'. I have found information on the net and also in my files that my solicitor has not found, but then again I have time on my hand to move this forward, and dig deep, very deep.. I will NOT be putting a line through this and go to my local MP for personal advise if I do not get any joy from my legal team. I have phone call's that I have recorded from hospitals, I have all my personal paperwork, original emails and letter on file that I have in my safe at home.. I am aware that my legal team have and will been paid from my insurance company, but I wish now I did a 'NO WIN NO FEE' as I am sure I would get more effort to bring my case to court. Withholding evidence (as they have) makes me think why...What else has been held back..??
  15. Thanks MsWeatherwax..I can see you point 100% - But I do not want to 'upset' or 'rock the boat' with my GP - they have all been very good to me over the last few months as I and my family were on tenterhooks with regards to my health. I think I will ask my solicitor to ask my GP direct, I think this might be better comming from him..Keep smilling as they say:)
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