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Everything posted by honeybee13

  1. Hello crazygirl. It's not your fault it didn't go your way, it's the system. In fact for most people here, 12 is an amazing score. If I might say, I think you will need to regroup once you find out when your tribunal is, which could be some months away. In the meantime, you have Loan Ranger who understands your psychological problem and others here who understand the tribunal process, including myself, but not for Aspergers. Try to take it easy for now and we'll help as much as we can. HB x
  2. Hi Priority one. Could it be because diagnosis methods have changed and different conditions are better understood now? I have no qualifications for any of this, just mentioning what I've heard anecdotally. HB
  3. Dan and Sidewinder, I just found this on the HSE website. Employer without compulsory insurance fined This employer was fined for not having Employer's Liability insurance, which I'd forgotten about. Dan, did your employer have this, would you happen to know? I need to remind myself how it works, but it might add an interesting dimension to this. Any thoughts, guys? HB
  4. Thank you locutus. I didn't do a very good job on this one, too many sherberts at lunchtime, I fear. And I could have used a better title with hindsight, but now I can't change it without the site team, can I? This case is sounding worse and worse as the details come out and if anyone can help, I'm sure Goldie and her colleagues will be very grateful. HB
  5. Hello again Dan. Sidewinder has told you all the right stuff. I think a personal injury specialist could have a field day with this. If it were me, I'd get some satisfaction from shopping them to the Health and Safety police, but also maybe saving someone else from the same fate. Sidewinder, do you have any thoughts on trying to get hold of the CCTV footage before it is conveniently wiped? Come back to us if you need more info. HB
  6. Loan Ranger, I don't think it's directed at you at all. I had something disallowed too, just when it was getting interesting. I think we all agree that CAG shouldn't get into trouble with the authorities and I hope this is just unfortunate. Please don't leave us now. I don't understand exactly what's going on either. HB
  7. Hello there. Personally, I would check out very carefully what cover you have in Spain if anything goes wrong. I don't recall if the EU gives you the same protection as Atol and Abta here. Sales people always sound OK until something goes wrong, I find. Do you know who they're regulated by? I booked an appartment in Greece a while back with a UK company that went bust while we were there. The Greece rep asked us to pay again for the accommodation and said we could claim from Atol, but Atol said as we'd booked the flight and accommodation separately, we weren't covered, and our credit card company didn't want to know either. I could be out of date here and stand to be corrected, but I would advise you to check it out carefully. You could check the terms of your bank account, debit and credit cards. HB
  8. [sigh..]. Wouldn't it be nice if the DWP joined the Plain English campaign and explained things properly. Loads of them are standard letters, after all. I've received letters in the past that are complete gobbledegook, I'm sure plenty of other forum members have. HB
  9. Hi Andyandflo. Someone on the forum, I think I remember but I won't embarrass myself by saying who, in case I'm wrong, said they thought the ESA50 was very important in their case and wished they'd spent more time on it. HB x
  10. Goldie, a quick search on ACAS and directgov hasn't thrown up anything on serious misconduct and I lost patience, I'm afraid. Is this covered in your employee handbook at all? HB x
  11. Hi Goldie. This is what ACAS say about gross misconduct. Personally, I'd have thought it would be extemely unfair to try and hang this on you, but I'd be interested to know what the others think. - gross misconduct: are acts which are so serious as to justify possible dismissal, such as theft or fraud; physical violence or bullying; deliberately accessing internet sites containing pornographic, offensive or obscene material; serious insubordination; serious incapability at work brought on by alcohol or illegal drugs; a serious breach of health and safety rules; or a serious breach of confidence I think it is more serious than serious misconduct [if you see what I mean], but given what mariefab has suggested as a possible tangled scenario for your own and J's case, not too surprising they might try to threaten you. Hoping you don't need to go this way, but I'd have thought a good employment lawyer could have a field day with this. HB x
  12. Hello Dan and welcome to CAG. What a tough experience for you and your wife. I can see why you're angry. We have employment gurus on the forum who will probably turn up later. I'm just the warm-up act. Could I ask some of the standard questions please? 1. How long have you been with the company? 2. You were injured at work and this is why you've been off sick. What was done after you were injured, which is arguably their fault? Accident book, report to the HSE or anything else please? It's a shame about the phone call. I'm guessing you don't have witnesses [difficult] and you wouldn't think to record a routine phone call, I know. So it's your word against the boss's daughter? Maybe you could tell us the answers to those points, so we can have a think about a grievance or a tribunal. Your length of service could be important though, we need to know that. My best, HB
  13. Hello there. I think you're taking the right attitude here over telling the truth. I hope it will work out for you this time. If not, try to learn from it and move on. [i hope that doesn't sound patronising, it's not meant to.] Good luck. My best, HB
  14. Hello there and welcome to CAG. I'm very sorry to hear about the problems you're having. People here will help as much as they can, try to relax a bit. Maybe watch a spot of football . One last option you have is to go to the fos later, if you still feel aggrieved, but that won't get you replacement cover. We have insurance experts who will be along, social life and football permitting, I'm sure. How have you tried to obtain new insurance please? Comparison websites, insurance company websites, a broker..... Is there an organisation for home music teachers that has links with insurance companies who understand how you work? The claims part of this is not my field, but someone will know. My best, HB
  15. Great news, well done. Worry is a dreadful thing and gets completely out of proportion. Now make a nice cup of tea or whatever you like and settle down for the evening.....in front of the football? HB x
  16. Hi Goldie. I've sent you a 'test' PM. If you scroll up this screen nearly to the top, you'll see your username and 'your notifications'. If you want to reply to my garble, you click on 'reply' at the bottom of the message. If you want to send me a PM, you either click on honeybee13 above the moving bee, or you go into Your Notifications and type honeybee13 into the addressee box. Fingers crossed that will work, HB x
  17. Me again. I just put this thread on IT. I hope I got it more or less right, but if they have anything to say, they should turn up here. Damn, I forgot to put on a link for them, will go back and do that. This is the thread. HB x Goldie66 on the Employment forum
  18. Hello guys. Once again, I'm acting as go-between for the other forum and we need your help, or rather goldie66 and her colleagues do. It's quite a long thread and I'll copy and paste her comments after mine. The company, or a department which sounds 'sick' in corporate terms, has monitored the emails of one staff member, 'J' [because she complained of being sexually harassed, but that's an employment issue]. In doing this, they uncovered some emails that goldie sent to some colleagues and decided some were offensive. Goldie says one was from a Wallis clothes catalogue and nothing worse than many of her colleagues view in the Sun every day. So some of the emails were 'offensive material' and others were Goldie supporting her colleague who was being bullied and calling the bully a few names, as I understand it. It's getting very complicated and J is at a disciplinary meeting on Monday. Goldie had her meeting yesterday, but has not been told the outcome. This is what Goldie66 just posted: IT issues: 1. Can a personal email be deemed as offensive if it it viewed (without authorisation) by the person discussed in the email? 2. The personal emails were not sent with any intention to offend. 3. The email recipient did not find the email offensive. 4. In my staff handbook, an email can be offensive if it contains 'libellous, defamatory, obscene or untrue statements'. The content of the email discussed a manager who was actively bullying the email sender at the time. 5. The manager authorised the monitoring of the victim's emails and was subsequently shown them by HR (they were doing the monitoring). On viewing the emails the manager felt distressed and offended. Do you think this is clear enough and covers everything needed? Thanks again HB G66x HB again now. If anyone has time to have a look at the thread, it would be great. Thanks, I owe you a half of shandy [virtual], IT people. This the link [i hope, not good at this, to the Employment thread. [b]Re: Suspended for Gross Misconduct. Meeting with Investigating officer tomorrow. HELP please[/b] Honeybee13 xx
  19. Goldie, I will send a copy and paste of what you said to the IT guys, plus anything I can add from a quick skim of your thread. I'll come back later with a PM tutorial. HB x
  20. Hello there and welcome to CAG. I'm sure an insurance person will be along soon, but they may be out drowning their sorrows for all I know, it being Friday night . Motor is not my field, sadly. For what it's worth, it doesn't seem a silly question to me and I'm sure there is a simple answer. If you have a particular company in mind, have you asked them this question? HB
  21. Goldie, I'm still watching. If you have trouble doing a PM, holler, but if you click on my username, you should get through to a screen, if I remember rightly. HB
  22. Qais 1, thank you for posting all that information. I am not a solicitor or an employment specialist, but I have followed this forum since I became a cagger and can search the internet for information and interpret it. If you would like to know more, I'm happy to PM it to you, but I am unable to put it on the forum for personal reasons, as I'm sure you'll understand. We give our advice as best we can, in good faith and voluntarily, but if you want to double-check it, you may have to find a solicitor who is willing to act. HB x
  23. Hi there. Do you want to PM me with what you think are the issues on IT? Then we'll work out something to send. I was thinking mainly of insisting on viewing emails and then being offended. Otherwise, if you think there's a particular post that sums it up, you or I could send a link to them. Looks as if you won't be seeing much of the football. HB x
  24. 'I think the statements were indeed deliberately shown to the manager by her HR friend. Part of the bullying/harassment code of conduct at work expressly states that there is an 'intention to upset the email recipient'. Had the managers NOT been privy to the email content they could NOT claim to have been distressed by them! This seem such strange situation-am I correct in thinking that any logical minded person, unconnected to events, would be able to view this for what it is?' For what it's worth, I agree. Remind, me, did this one go to the IT forum? If not, you might want to put just this part of your question, rephrased a bit, to them. They're great guys. Don't copy and paste a whole post, could get you in trouble with the site team for duplicate threads. HB x
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