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Everything posted by brassnecked

  1. The questionnaire is important, two things your appeal likely removed POFA protection as you likely outed yourself as the driver, all is not lost though so long as you provide the info requested,.
  2. Letter from PE as per Dave and the original PCN if possible there are flaws as LFI indicatyes in their case and if it ends up in court the 30 minute allowance of itself would not be in their favour
  3. Yes that letter with Dave and Nicky's amendments should leave the CEO with no illusions as to their ability to cancel. The original snotty letter is evidence that PE should have pulled back at that point.
  4. Yes that should do the trick, they can't say they weren't warned that their position is hopeless, as that letter would also be useful in a WS pack if they were stupid, any Judge would see that greed clouded their brain.
  5. Could also add that it will look very bad and rebound on the University Trust and any PPC if the press get hold of the fact they are seeking a CCJ against a Keeper who cannot defend as has no capacity to do so due to Alzheimer's and likely the Guardian, and Telegraph not to mention the Sun and Mirror if they were to send a Letter of Cllaim as there is a cast iron defence to rebut their case anyway, so they should cancel and stop the sillyness now before they end up looking downright stupid petty and nasty. If they did ignore the letter LFI suggests Nicky Boy#s suggestion is best way, then kick them into touch with an absolute defence.
  6. Yes tells them why they are wasting their time, excellent.
  7. Excellent yes you nailed it you give no inkling why yo know claim is pants Gladstones aren't the brightest lamp. by any means.
  8. If they are stupid enough to ignore the letter and keep pushing LFI's post gives an absolute defence that would get them laughed out of court.
  9. Do as DX suggests don't engage in phone calls at moment you could put as part of reason for variation that debt was subject to CCA so use of HCEO should not have occurred as Fees higher than a Court Bailiff as used for CCA debt The HCEO hasn't visited yet have they? its a Compliance letter you have
  10. Its ok to say you don't know who is driving, its not like a police speeding ticket where you are legally bound to name the driver. Just don't admit to being the driver yourself There is no way the fleecers can force a keeper to name a driver, one did try to use threat of a Norwich Pharmaceutical order a few years back but it would be overkill and court would likely regard application in a Private parking case as vexatious.
  11. No you never counterclaim, in any case its just a Letter of Claim could you post it up please Now the mention of Counterclaim rings a warning bell, is it actiually a Claim Form from Northampton County Court you have?
  12. It needs to succinct with no mention of why you think their case is pants just that you know that they know now you know, as previously mentioned read up on a few.
  13. Certainly tell te court what your availability or lack of it is there are delays and backlogs so they might schedule for when you know you will be back.
  14. Sort of Dear DCBL I know and you know that your claim is pants if you are silly enough to try it out in court and risk a thrashing be my guest You know and I know that you are on a sticky wicket post anytthing up you do propose sending to give the team a chance to tweak if needed. but don't give them any clue as to what you would use against them if they did issue a claim Plenty of snotty letters on here Anything you send copy to Parking Eye
  15. You have submitted the standard skeleton defence so if you read up as suggested then start looking at what is wrong with their claim.
  16. That picture of the alleged Hunt is used on various DCA letters under different names, perhaps its worth sending a letter with proof of posting that the address for service of legal matters is now in Zimbabwe
  17. Yes post it up please, they have done so much that's wrong they would be in for a pasting in court
  18. And with the letter get a free proof of posting from the Post Office they are greedy and stupid enough to ignore you can use it against them later.
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