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Everything posted by brassnecked

  1. Mention of Jopson v Homeguuard as to loading not parking as how else would you be able to bring stock to the premises, just run it past the team what you are going to say get it all tied up neatly and concisely
  2. Plus they get the satisfaction of wrecking someone's credit rating for 6 years, so it matter's not a jot to the person they got a default CCJ on whether they pay after the 30 days or not, if backdoor CCJ Set Aside is relatively simple, so long as a defence to original claim.That then makes the CCJ go away gone wiped.
  3. Send them a snail mail Cease and desist with a free proof of posting citing they have ignored your email to correspond by post only, so the emails are archived and will be used as evidence as will any subsequent emails them may send
  4. Especially if there is something from the school, as the school willcome under the Council, and there might be planning stipulations about school drop off and pick up/parking.
  5. The Jopson case of itself is compelling as normally if you are delivering 20 minutes is a baseline figure at least if you were a courier dropping bikes off at the bike shop so no reason not to apply in some circumstances for an individual such as yourself.
  6. Realistically as POFA not satisfied, so long as someone doesn't out themselves as driver in a pointless Appeal, they have nowhere to go however many threats and admin charges, that cannot be levied on the keeper anyway to their threatograms.
  7. That could bite them if they have been told no email you have the proof you sent a cease & desist using email, and they still send them, those you save and use later.
  8. Absolutely no need to send 2 forms of ID to fleecers Ctax bill more than enough. the clock is ticking for them after 30 days you can do something to them if you wish.
  9. You don not appeal to do so is pointless |Parking Fleecer's always turn appeals down, also any court action they might unwisely take would as LFI indicated fail due to non compliance with POFA so long as they don't know whowas driving. there will be other issues fatal to their case likely inadequate signage with T & C's hidden in a font size you need a magnifying glass to read. Basically you will get some ever more threatening letters some from a powerless paper tiger DCA they might even add £60 Debt Collection Charge, something expressly forbidden to try to scrape from the keeper. indeendt was something that was highlighted in PE's favourite case Beavis where it was decided the sum demanded included cost of recovery, so any additional charges abuse of process. You sit on your hands until a Letter Of Claim arrives. meanwhile get pictures of the signage at entrance and around the car park in case are ever needed.
  10. You have been submitting monthly meter readings if not a (not so) Smart meter? Just to make sure they aren't chasing assumed debt as in estimated bills? Asking just for completeness.
  11. If you have already had a similar claim from them kicked out, and you are prepared to see it all through, please keep us updated.
  12. so hopefully it will be EPS You have been Gladstoned.
  13. They are hoping to get round GDPR, once they cough up or if they get silly inform ICO about vexatious application to DVLA and unlawful; processing of your data perhaps.
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