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Everything posted by delicarik123

  1. Hi all, Can I just check whether there are certain things to "look" for when trying to claim back mis-sold PPI? I have a secured loan and a mortgage with the same company and both have PPI on them, I remember being told in both cases that we would not be considered for either the loan or the mortgage if we did not take it. I have recently written to the mortgage department with regard to PPI as I want to cancel this, it is more than double I would pay if I took it elsewhere, am i able to just claim back what I have paid or is there more to it than this? I haven't been on the forum for a while and it has all changed and I am still trying to navigate round it, any help pointing me in the right direction would be great. Regards Deli
  2. Well, I am back, I have been poorly for some time now, had a really bad few months, and as a result have not been able to do this. Can I still proceed or will I need to go back to them and tell them my intentions again? Thing is, I have just had to put another complaint into them for their shoddy work, I have just cleared my arrears, had a letter stating that I only owed them £35 yet they took almost £90 extra which is what we had been paying, so of course I queried this only to be told we still owed another £155! I was mortified, apparently its arrears on PPI??? first I have heard!
  3. I agree with dx, I had HSBC credit card, and I couldnt pay it, this was a substantial amount, I tried to speak to them but they were not helpful.After I gotonto this site I sent a sar to HSBC to look at all my agreements etc. they never sent this to me so I put my accounts in dispute. Despite this they got Metropolitan to harrass me, however, they got nowhere, I just ignored them. I have had several other companies that have been instructed by HSBC to chase me for this money, but none of them can actually enforce anything as my account is in dispute. 10/10 for trying though!
  4. I had a £3000 overdraft with HSBC and after difficulties they demanded I paid it back, I did this quite quickly, unsure how though! It was very tight, Anyway, I found it hard to pay the £170 for the last 3months so I called them up to discuss. I spent an hour on the phone with the guy who would not budge an inch, he said that I had to pay it back at that rate. SO I told him that I would go down to the bank on pay day and withdraw all of my wages and they will not see a penny, he told me that I could not do this, I said "watch me" After a whole hour of going round in circles with him he finally agreed that I could drop my payments to £40 which was much more affordable, but it did take perseverance on my behalf.
  5. Thanks for that, will get the ball rolling
  6. Thank you so much, you are a star. Will get this done tonight hopefully ready to get into action!!!
  7. Thank you very much for this. I will get this sent off. much appreciated. Deli
  8. Sorry, no I didn't send it using the anti tamper strip, I didn't provide them a sig at all. What I did do was call their usual number to confirm my identity as they won't speak to you unless you pass their security and I made them make a note of why I was calling, purely to identify myself so that they could send me the info I required. Maybe I should write and tell them this.
  9. Ok, have the N1 form now and wanted to know what I put in the brief details of claim. Am I just putting there that I am claiming back charges relating to my account being in arrears ? Do I need to word it in a certain way? Thanks for any help. Also, BAE are you able to help me with the POC? I don't know where to start with this Thank you
  10. I must admit, I have left this for a number of months, they didn't comply, sent the letter saying they would send to my local branch, when I did go to collect, nothing there! Then I got a letter again saying they wouldn't send due to no signature, so they contradicted themselves. Thing is, I am still getting the usual suspects sending me letters, D&G and Central debt recovery. I did send D&G a letter to say that the account had been in dispute since whenever and I heard nothing. Then, I got chased by central, I haven't bothered contacting them. Should I still persist with this or leave it now, as I suspect that it may not be enforceable due to the lack of compliance on the agreement, or should I persist and see if there are charges i can claim back? Any advice would be great. Thanks
  11. Absolutely, I have had Central debt recover and D&G, if they had something on me, then they would have had me up in court by now i'm sure. If they want to play games, I can play them too!!
  12. I have had the same with these people, they keep sending letters, but phone calls stopped. My account has been in dispute since last October, but they keep passing it around amongst debt collections agencies (most of which I suspect are in house) certainly MCS are! Each time I have sent a simple letter stating the account was put into dispute and gave them the date, they still continue to pass it around but I am no longer replying to them. I get a letter a month approx but the gave me the run around on my SAR saying that I had to sign, I phoned their number and verified myself over the phone, I then had a letter in January saying that all my info had been sent to a local branch, so I left work early one day and low and behold, nothing waiting for me, then a contradicting letter came saying that they weren't going to send it!
  13. Yes it is nice to hear of successes. I just wish we were able to claim bank charges back too, my bank have charged me over 6000 in charges over the years, oh well, will just continue with mortgage and cap one for now
  14. Can I just ask - within this settlement figure, did you ask for your court fee back?
  15. Well done. This site has been great, but got a bit dis heartened as I seemed to be getting nowhere, however, I have restored faith and you are absolutely right, I am proceeding to the courts, surely I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Thanks for your advice, this has spurred me on
  16. Yes the claim is for credit card charges and we have hubby's SAR - it is an "old" account that we settled a couple of years ago but we have everything from them.
  17. Thanks for the reply. Yes I would like some help with the POC please as I have not done this before, and I am looking to do with with cap one also Your help is very much appreciated
  18. Yeah, as I suspected thanks. Now, where do i start? or should that say how?
  19. Also, while I think about it. I put MY account in dispute (the one we been talking about is hubbys) and although they have actually stopped chasing me for the debt, they still would not send me the SAR stuff as I refused to sign my letter. What do I do now? There will be so many charges on there also which I would like to claim back but they won't send me the stuff.
  20. Sorry been slow with this. I did write to them and say that I rejected their offer. They have come back again and said they stand by their offer and that's that. What do I have to do to take this to court, can someone point me in the right direction please. Cheers! Maybe we will get somewhere with these jokers soon (I hope)
  21. I think you are right there, and this must be the route I now take as they have written to me and said the following: They said they sent me a response on 12th December and that they never received a response (I always respond so baffled by this) They have reviewed the account and can see it has been in arrears and that the charges applied to the account when arrears reach a certain level and reflect the general cost to them of maintaining a dedicated department for accounts in arrears. The cost is a result of contacting us by telephone, setting up arrangements, monitoring my account for payment and sending out letters. The £40 admin fee is applied every month my account is in arrears. TFor each direct debit missed, various(!) costs are incurred. I incurred costs when they tried to repossess my house and the solicitor sent invoices for the work carried out (I haven't asked for these fees back - should I?) They then assure me that all their fees are applied within the terms and conditions of my mortgage! They also know that their answer isn't what I was hoping for but they are confident that I will understand why they are unable to refund the charges. Advice please? Should I proceed to court? Thanks
  22. Got a letter by 25th June but just saying that they wouldn't have dealt with it and would reply to me by the end of this week! Watch this space
  23. Thanks beyond Post? anyone? Can you have a look at prev post - their response to me querying the figures? thanks
  24. Thanks beyond, will do. They seem hell bent on saying they are right. Just need someone to look over the letter they sent me (someone who is good with figures! cos I am not) and let me know if what they are saying is complete tosh.
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