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Everything posted by delicarik123

  1. So not worth going to fos then?
  2. I know I was slow on the uptake here, but have sent a letter to GE money asking them to look at the charges again and quoting the gmac stuff. Have had a letter back to say that they are looking into my complaint and endeavour to get a reply to me by 25th June! Will wait and see but not hopeful that they will pay up, my luck just isnt in at the moment. Will keep you posted
  3. please can someone look at what I posted up, i need to know if I am still taking this to fos
  4. Can someone look at this for me plz
  5. Here is their reply, they have quoted figures, I am useless with this stuff, but they reckon they are right, what do you think?
  6. helppppppppp. They have written back and told me they reject my complaint as they say my agreement is correct! What to do?
  7. Sorry to sound thick here, but I am expecting them to ring me shortly (in fact i'm sure they have just tried to ring!) What exactly am I expecting from this, their figures don't add up and I am asking for them to look at it, so what is my likely outcome from this I suspect that they may want to rewrite it????
  8. Ok thank you. Will do that. I will say that once I get a full explanation into the reasons why then I will come to an agreement with them. After they messed me about with payments I don't see why I should make it any easier for them! They told me to claim an "overpayment" back would take forever! Yet shoe on other foot they chase you every day!!! Anyway, thank you for your help will get the letter sorted tonight and posted tomorrow. Regards Deli
  9. Been a bit poorly over the last couple of weeks so haven't sent a letter yet - tbh I am a little scared to, as this is a secured loan. I did however, shoot down one of their telephone bullies the other day when he told me that I hadn't paid, despite them "doing me a favour" by removing some of the charges, I told him straight that they did that because of a massive ERROR ON THEIR BEHALF!! cheeky **** Anyway, can you tell me do I just adapt the letter for account in dispute to say that I am disputing the account due to incorrect figures showing on my agreement?? Please help, am getting worried that they will summons me to court soon! Thansk Deli!
  10. thank you So, do I put the account in dispute and tell them thaqt I do not agree with the figures that they have on the agreement? Does this mean the agreement is still enforceable but i need it re-doing? Thanks for your help x
  11. i don't like pm'ing, wouldn't they object to it????
  12. Well that's interesting then, could do with the money soon, hubby out of work at mo Thanks again, will keep you posted
  13. thanks for the bump anyway, just don't know what to do :-?
  14. Quite funny really, how can they go from an offer of 72 quid to over 300? They "kindly" looked at the claim again and have said they are prepared to offer this 3oo and odd quid! How very nice of them compared to the approx £1150 I was asking! That'll be a NO then lol What is the next letter I need to send, will respond and tell them I will accept as part payment but do I go on to say that I will still be seeking the full amount? Is it letter before action? I'm lost!
  15. Please can anyone tell me what this means? what do i need to do? Thanks
  16. postg? have u had chance to look at the attached yet plz?
  17. I am assuming by the payments worked out on my post i can use the same letter as you are going to present to lynn, if you can have a quick look for me when you have a min post thanks x my post is here : http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-finance/228244-welcome-woes.html and a little bump up for lynn too
  18. I also have a thread re: welscum Martin, are you "up" on their stuff? Just I think postg got caught up he was going to look at my agreement but hasnt replied, someone did though but I didnt understand what it meant. If you wouldnt mind taking a look? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-finance/228244-welcome-woes.html
  19. Thanks Martin, I will send SAR. Wow, to put a date on it, probably 10 yrs old? Maybe? Can't really remember...might even be older than that. Last time I heard from them was several weeks ago.
  20. Not store cards, but catalogues. Had the kays one for donkeys years, additions for a few years. They are still currently with shop direct (although not heard anything lately so maybe in process of handing them over?) I do have some statements yes. Charges galore over the years me thinks
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