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Everything posted by delicarik123

  1. Many thanks for your replies John. I will have a look, got to go out soon but will definitely have a good look. So even though they say what they have sent me is a "proper enforceable agreement" I can still demand eventually a "real one"? Sorry if I sound really thick, this is so new to me, and had this wonderful site not been here I would accept that what they sent me was indeed legit.
  2. Oh and I won't answer their security and it winds them up, I personally find it amusing. I called them earlier just to check what date my account was opened, he told me and then tried to discuss the account with me as I am reaching default,at that point I hung up. I am considering changing my telephone number to stop the array of calls I am getting
  3. So I sit and do nothing? Do I not write to them to tell them that I think what they have sent me is not a true copy of an original agreement? The phone calls are every day. I am never abusive, just factual in my letters (with the help of caggers:D) I would not be surprised if they dont action my SAR, my hubbies is to up on Friday.....I somehow doubt we will get it, what would be next course of action on this? For myself I wait for the SAR and if they dont send it it is LBA? Cheers Deli x
  4. Hi John, Thanks for that however, due to hubby coming out of work last year and being unable to pay most things, my credit record is rather at rock bottom now, so I suppose this gives me a slight upper hand - as far as I am concerned they can go ahead a put what they want I do not intend applying for credit anywhere, move house or anything, so it really does not concern me What is my next move? Do I wait for the SAR, I have only just sent this off.
  5. Yeah John and I have received nothing of the like as yet (well I thought so, and I think you agree ) The letter accompanying this was quite a threatening letter, I presume this is normal practice from them? It says things like "you clearly have a valid and enforceable agreement with Capital One as evidenced by the documents sent to you and any claim to the contrary will be strongly defended" clearly? really? "we issued a default notice on the 9th november 2009 and you need to make a payment of XXX by 4th December to avoid a statement of default against you" "We have not received payments from you for the last 3 months , we have reported none payment (none? - is it not non? sorry i am being picky lol) to the credit reference agencies. Wehave a legal obligation to report a true refletion of the way your acount is run to the agencies" Then a load of garbage almost half a page long then: "We will continue to pursue the outstanding debt and will defend any application you may wish to bring against us" "Financial Regulations require me to advise you that this is my final response in relation to this matter............ " Hmm!!!
  6. They sent me 5 pages of some credit agreement terms and conditions, but they are just a direct print off from a computer if you know wot i mean. THey are certainly not belonging to the other thing they sent (as in not photocopied!)
  7. I like you 2!! lol It was apparently September 2002 (I thought I had this way before then, but will be confirmed if they comply to my SAR)
  8. it is possible that I have signed things since can't remember, but this "agreement" does not even look vaguely familiar!
  9. ok ok lol!! Hubby going to copy it now, so will be posted soon
  10. have now received another "agreement" which does bear my signature however, the signature is very neatly across the line (i would never sign in such a neat way lol0 also it is not dated (I never sign anything without dating it too) also, it has on it my current address, I was not living here when i took the card out (but about to ring them to be absolutely certain) and the terms and conditions are just computer generated (not actually part of the agreement) I am not convinced that this is a true copy! Any thoughts on this anyone? If you want me to post a copy I will
  11. telephone calls have started again. Had a letter from them stating that they dont find it unreasonable. They also say: "in response to your comments that your account is in dispute, we advised you in our letter of 18th November that you have a valid and enforceable agreement. Therefore, your account is not in dispute and you are required to maintain your required minimum monthly payments" Well to date I have seen nothing that resembles one! I am still of the opinion that my account is in dispute as I have had nothing but from them that suggest I have an executable agreement. I am at a loss with these fools! I have today sent of a SAR to them to see what comes out of that. I am sure that it will only produce the same as what they have already sent me, which was just a general letter.
  12. Thanks john. You are so right in that they are wind up merchants. I have not been doing security with them, and it seems to bug them, so i will go back to that! They should be in receipt of my letter to the CEO regarding the telephone harassment so hopefully they may listen (or not!)
  13. Grrr I rang customer services and asked them to remove my telephone numbers from their system as i was fed up of their calls, despite writing to them twice they still were not responding to my request. The woman said that she had removed them. I continued to get calls, but only for the remainder of that day (8-11-09) However, they have managed to somehow start calling me again, I received a call, i did do security only so i could point out that the account was in dispute. The woman informed me that this maybe so, but the "dispute department" would be dealing with this and she was from collections:confused: So I just quoted some of the dispute letter about not having to offer them money and they shouldnt be asking me for any...but it fell on deaf ears. I put the phone down. They are so annoying!
  14. I can see why. until i found this forum, i just went along with everything, it seems they are all bullies. I have been guilty of letting them say and do what they want until now. I am realising now that I do have some rights and fighting back is quite a nice feeling after years of taking crap off them.
  15. I am liking your way of thinking !
  16. will do. the CEO (or their PA) will be sick of me, already sent a complaint to them about the phone calls... Thanks again.
  17. Thanks again Craigers, will get it sent off on Monday. I will send the account in dispute letter in with the SAR (this will be the 3rd dispute letter).
  18. Really? Even though they have sent me something? It isnt the original agreement tho as you will see from my previous post, it is just a generic letter. thanks for your response
  19. Hi craigers thanks for your reply yes i have sent them an account in dispute twice which details that they have defaulted and this took effect on 29th October,the default letter is dated November. As i say, i have sent this twice. Once on the 29th October, and then again when i received their so called "agreement".
  20. OK Part 2 lol Received more documentation from them today...! my files must be enormous at GE! anyway I have some printouts from them, now these are going to take me a while to go through them. I thought that when i took out the secured loan that we hadn't taken PPI, but it looks like it was and is added to the loan...to the princely sum on over 5700 so i am also paying interest on this. I really can't remember asking for this as I more often than not stipulate that I get paid for being off sick and therefore i dont see the need. How do i know if i agreed to this? Also, The loan term is 156 months, but the insurance expires on 23.1.12??? erm doesnt sound right to me? Any suggestions as to what i am looking for with this would be greatly appreciated. Deli x
  21. HELP! I sent a second letter as advised just to say that the account was still in dispute as in my opinion what they had sent did not comply with my request. Today I have received a DEFAULT! Can I do anything about this? Thanks for any help x
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