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Everything posted by delicarik123

  1. Oh dear. total mind boggle haha....we have all the paperwork so I don't need to do a SAR??!! What is next move please Sorry I blame my condition :S
  2. Great thanks dx. so next question is, how ? is it a SAR? Thanks for your help
  3. Hi Thank you citizenB that would be great, he also took 2 further loans after that (added to mortgage) which I believe he has also been charged insurance on - all of these loans are now paid up, does this matter when reclaiming? Many thanks for your help
  4. Hi I wonder if anyone can help, My parents took a mortgage out in 2001 and alongside it was Total Mortgage Protection, now my step dad has always been careful with money, and cannot recall asking for this or it being "sold" to him. Is this something that could possibly be claimed back? He has never thought about it before until these have you been sold PPI people got his number. Thanks in advance
  5. Hi thanks all, I can get a prescription list no problem, my doctor would be more than willing to write me a letter of support too. I drive to my job as I have no other choice, atm this is quite hard due to the fact I drive a manual car, but I am looking for an automatic atm, stoney I don;t have joint hypermobility syndrome - apparently it is fibromyalgia I have but I am back to the docs on Friday as I need to speak with him, it's just too intense the pain now and getting worse so I am not sure what it is. I think this is a long road I am going down to even get close to getting the right medication etc. I did fill in the form thoroughly but seriously they seem to just ignore what I say and make their own assumptions. I have help from whoever I can, if noone is around I simply have to try and cope on my own, therefore I don't go out and I don't eat basically.
  6. Hi, Yes I think I still have the list of charges somewhere. As for PPI I don't think that there was any on this account. I also keep all my statements so yes I will have them somewhere too I just need to get myself organised I think. I also need to do this with Capital one. Thanks for all your help x
  7. That and the medication I take to try and combat some of my pain/depression/anxiety
  8. How do I back it up? I have told only the truth The only thing they have I supposed is my doctors say so.
  9. Hi, thank you for your reply. Sorry, I meant to say that I did explain to them how these affect me, as I am aware that what is wrong with you is irrelevant as much as how it affects you. I won't go into too much graphic detail, but mainly I need help with getting about basically, this is due to the severe pain i suffer in my joints, this also restricts me from cooking and preparing a meal, last time I did this on my own I burned myself quite badly, I have severe pain in my wrists and fingers and shoulders, basically all my joints I have help getting in and out of bed. I don't go out of the house on my own, my anxiety is horrendous. I am often house bound, don't go anywhere as I have nobody to take me. I can drive but even that is proving more difficult, and am looking for an automatic car now,,, the list goes on. and on.
  10. Hi all. Just wondered if anyone could help. i have suffered (for approx 9 years now) with CFS/ME. This was only diagnosed in October last year though after years of suffering after being told by a "specialist" that I was just more tired than normal people! Anyway, I was advised to claim for DLA, because not only do I have CFS and fibromyalgia, I also suffer with severe anxiety, severe depression, IBS as well as many other things. Of course I applied and was rejected, I appealed and again this was rejected. It appears that no matter what I have to say, they dismiss it and basically say I am ok. Can anyone help at all? I think I am hanging on to my job by a thread as I have had so much time off ad even occ health said that they expect me to have more time off in future, and I believe this too because as of yet the doctor and I have not found the right medication to help me. It is ongoing, I did claim again back in Feb and am awaiting Tribunal now, which I am told may not be until October, I am going to attend this time so that i can try and explain things clearer. Any pointers? I am not looking to cheat them into paying me if I am not entitled though. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi slick No i haven't claimed anything back. I started to some time ago, but my health has taken a turn for the worse over the last couple of years, so all my energy is taken up trying to work for a living. I had worked out that i was owed over 1000 in charges etc from them, i asked for it back etc and of course they didn't oblige but I didn't have the strength to go to court. I have even forgotten where all the links are on here to start that up again, it's been so long!!
  12. Thank you both. i will give it a go, but worst case is it stays until 2014. Not long to go
  13. great thanks for that. it does look like this will fall off in less than 2 years, so that's good was just thinking if I could ask for it to be removed now then my file would look better. I am not after applying for credit or anything, but I just like to know I am on top of everything. Thanks for your help it is really appreciated
  14. Ok, I am sorry I am a little confused. I see on some of my accounts : Worse 2 Last OK Which presumably tells the story that I have paid the last one ok, but I have previously not paid upto 2 payments. This says Worse 6 Last 6 So it looks like I am still not paying??? Sorry if I seem thick, it is the first time I have properly looked at my credit file. Thanks for your help.
  15. Oh ok thanks, even though I have maintained payments for about 3 years now?
  16. Can you answer me another question about credit file please? I have one account that constantly says I am 6 payments behind. I did fall into arrears and they won't let me capitalise those payments, so shows that I am always 6 payments behind. Is this right? Thank you x
  17. Thank you so much, I will do that much appreciated x
  18. HI thanks for your response. I have looked at my file today. The default date is July 2008, and says reported until July 2014 It has been some time since I wrote to them about this debt, couldn't specify how long tho.
  19. Hi If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. I had a credit card with HSBC some years ago. I got into difficulty etc and defaulted on it. After becoming a member on this wonderful site, I asked them for the credit agreement, which they never produced (I knew they couldn't as they asked me over the phone if I wanted a card - there was no application!) Anyway, I haven't done anything since, as I have been really unwell. Well they stopped chasing me for the money (yay) however, it is still showing on my credit file, should this be removed? Can I ask them to? I am pretty sure that they have charged me lots of fees etc. but as they will not send me the paperwork I cannot check this, Any advice would be great. Thanks
  20. Hi, can anyone advise me please? I had a barclaycard that I didn't pay. I am now in an arrangement with an agency. However, barclaycard is still showing on my credit file as default, but is also showing with the agency, surely this isn't right?
  21. Sorry I meant to thank you for your reply too
  22. I did fill it in with as much as possible. Stated that I could not use pans, utensil and such like because of the pains in my wrists/arms etc. As for medical evidence, what like? My doctor is very aware of what I am like, and he backed me up, but when they sought advice from one of the "specialists" they said that I was merely on "standard" medication...and that I didn'tseem to be taking anything for the pain, which they never asked me about, the reason I wasnt at the time is that doc thought it would make my fatigue worse! I am now on some medication, and yes it is making me more tired, which in turn is making me more depressed. I feel like I am in a vicious circle!
  23. Not sure if I am in the right place here. I have CFS/M.E and applied for DLA and was refused, everything I put down on my form they basically ignored, for example, I said that I cannot prepare or cook a main meal, and they say I can....I don't understand, when no-one has even had me in for a medical or anything. They have virtually made out that I am lying, cos all the stuff I said afects me, they say don't. I am sorry if this isn't the sort of advice offered here, but I am at a loss as to what I am supposed to do I also have a lot of other symptoms such as anxiety and depression, but again they seem to have dismissed these Any help would be greatly appreciated - oh and I appealed but the refused me again so I have asked for a statement of their reasons.
  24. Thanks dx will have a look, i pay the premiums alongside my mortgage and loan
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