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Everything posted by Andy77799

  1. OK thanks for that, the cash is all declared to the penny, they even calculate tips(even if I get less)! All my spread sheets I send to accountant are taken from the companies weekly cash sheets and the monthly account cheque sheets. If they used a tax return ( in a years time)! I take it it is not up to them to deduct the tax on the earnings but to pay me the cash flow lost during the loss period and for me to declare as earnings in the normal way. If they did then would they be depriving the inland revenue of that money? I will let you know their reply. thanks.
  2. Hi all, I got hit from behind and was without a Taxi for a week before a rental was supplied. I am trying to claim for what I have lost. Initially I was told that the previous 13 weeks earnings from the company sheets would be sufficient. I gave them those and now they want tax returns and bank statements. I have explained that two taxi companies merged a year ago and the earnings have increased and the figures on previous tax returns would leave me out of pocket and the bank statements do not reflect any earnings. This is because a lot of the income is cash and doesn`t reach the bank(used for bills etc) Only the account work which is paid by cheque goes into the account. I am simply trying to claim the actual loss at the time of the accident. Being a 3 month old car, I wasn`t happy at it being smashed but certainly don`t want to lose out over it. The taxi company is the only real proof of earnings and those sheets I have already sent them. Where do I stand please? With thanks in advance.
  3. I just feel that due to someone damaging my car, I had to use a different car and therefore cost me more in fuel per mile so why shouldn`t I claim that as a loss?
  4. Sorry not sure I understand what claim for consequential is?
  5. wanted 13 weeks of earnings,different each day, then they wanted various tax info, now they just asked for last tax return. I have told them that what I earned last year is not relevant to the time of the accident as two companies have just merged and my earnings have increased, so I have sent them the 13 weeks taxi commission sheets of my earnings prior to the accident. I also want to claim excess fuel consumption for the 5 weeks I had the rental taxi as it used more fuel @ £105 can I also charge an interest rate for the time taken to recieve the payment? Sorry for the delay. Andy
  6. Hi all, I had a non fault accident (rear ended) The paperwork has cost me a lot of time and I resent this. Can I claim £10/hr for dealing with correspondence, emails etc for my time lost? Thanks in advance, Andy
  7. They are now, I just didnt think of it when it went in.
  8. How do I stand if I forgot to tell them about supaguard? Should they have noticed? or asked?
  9. Hi all, I`ll try to be brief! New car hit by coach. Put in garage I was told to. New back door and bumper, old window put back in new door! I "forgot" to tell them the car was supaguard coated which I paid for when I got the car new three months ago. I want the garage to pay for it to be done at a main dealer, they said they could do it but there is no way I am taking it back there. Initially, where do I stand if I don`t trust them to treat the car with respect? I know they were slamming it from D to R in quick succession and driving with handbrake on and threw something on the bonnet and racist comments while in the car. (dashcam was still on the front). Still waiting for solicitors to reply from my ins co. on this matter, but wondered where I stand. I don`t want to give the garage the footage but my solicitors also want a copy. I wonder if it is worth the grief and stress of the fight? Or should I just forget the coating and put the footage on facebook and youtube?
  10. I would follow one of them to see who they worked for but certainly don`t want the wife doing that! I did suggest blocking so they know who they are and there are other deterents but I will see when she gets home if any more have come and gone.
  11. The companies lease the land and units and the parkers certainly do not have permission.....
  12. The company my wife works for must rent the 2 units as do DHL in the middle having the same problem. Would blocking be a problem if it is not a driveway?
  13. Hi All, Where my wife works they have a few empty parking bays and they are suddenly being used by lots of cars. When questioned, they said don`t worry about it they will be gone in the morning. They sneak in and go fast! How can they be stopped? Signs up and clamped by here company? Blocked in? I think it is airport parking co swapping cars round ready for customers to collect...
  14. It wasn`t about the LA tests, they are done just the same, nothing changed apart from forcing drivers who use a local garage to them, being forced to go to depot that may be miles from home rather than a local garage/test station, at twice the price for their "non" profit [problem]. That`s all! Oh well end of post, no point in any other comments, I am sure something will happen to question it in the future statistically! Thanks for your help all.
  15. I am all for safe, and on time! Sadly it seems a certain type of driver always seem to be in the paper! Only last week a driver hit some well known road block and wanted to charge a young girl more for going round it, had no more money so he dumped her in the middle of no-where at 2am! The mentality and greed makes me sick, I will say no more but thanks for your input folks, will just have to accept the greedy council decision and live with it.
  16. Missed the point, it is ALL about having to go to THEIR depot for the MOT, Nothing else has changed, we have always gone to the council to visually inspect the vehicle and check the first air and fire extinguisher etc and taken the new test certificate along and get the new plate. It is a decision THEY made forcing all drivers to go to their depot and pay twice the optional price & they don`t have the resources to put things right if it fails. An MOT is an MOT where ever it is done. But the question was not about the MOT itself. MM: The something in the rules is that THEY made the decision that we have to go there for twice the price without any facilities to fix things. So the question really is can they legally force drivers to go to THEM for an MOT.
  17. It`s certainly not good value at twice the price for the same service. Also 900 drivers NOT happy with being forced to use a test centre miles from their homes and/or repair place. But I guess I am sadly just getting views on this rather than any laws they may be breaking. I did read a "law" on here in another post that I can`t for the life of me , remember what it was, about affecting other businesses. The taxi part doesn`t directly affect me personally apart from listening to others moan about it in the office! But I still don`t agree it is right they can get away with it. I guess they can just monopolise the situation as usual and charge double and get away with it. No more shopping around for the best deal.
  18. Its a normal MOT, but they are inspected every 6 months as well by the LA clean, fire Ext etc. Wondering if they are doing something like restricting other businesses (MOT)? Something along those lines. Or the higher price they are charging? From the way they put it in the paper, its like saying all the other garages in council area have slack mot`s.
  19. Not ALL mot stations are dodgy! much harder now they are computerised.
  20. Can Reigate and Banstead Borough Council insist that Private Hire & Hackney Carriage are ONLY tested at their centre? Claiming it is not for profit yet they charge £54 for a test and drivers can get it elsewhere for £25. Is this legal? To quote out of the Gatwick & Horley Mirror:- "ARROGANT" decisions by R&BBC are costing taxi drivers money and business. The condemnation comes from cabbies after the authority ruled that MOT`s for private hire vehicles and hackney carriages must only take place at the council`s own centre in Earlswood. The decision was made last year by members of the council`s Regulatory Committee, who said it would ensure safety standards are maintained. According to some drivers who spoke to the Mirror, they have heard on occasions that drivers have been unable to work for a week while waiting for the council to book a new test. "According to confused.com, if a car fails an MOT test it should not be driven irrespective of the certificate status because you`de be guilty of driving a car that has known faults. The council also quote:- By carrying out MOT`s on our licenced taxis we can ensure that they are all done at a consistantly high level. Our main priority is for the safety of our residents - we need to ensure that when a resident in the borough uses a taxi it is safe to do so. My main question is really can they force us to use their depot at a higher cost & what is it saying about the QUALITY of all the other testers in the area that would be more local and convenient for everyone.??? Hope you can help.
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