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Everything posted by Andy77799

  1. If it halps I had a ticket a few weeks back for parking crooked! I am now happy to ignore completely albeit one more answer. As I was told I will get a few letters from them and then one from a debt collector and just ignore, it will go away! Great init!
  2. OK Great Just noticed and just checking my NCP ticket is a "PCCN" Hope that makes no difference or the fact that I wrote back in the first place admitting being crooked and being the driver. Those were my last niggling Q`s to help satisfy the wife! Also, is it worth writing and argueing the point again BECAUSE Their letter states that in time they will refer to debt collector who will seek to recover + his costs too! I am betting you will say ignore!!!!! The nasty side of me would love to write a hilariously funny letter back to them though just for a laugh!
  3. Where do you stand if you think a clamp should not have been put on and you cut it off?
  4. Follow the advice of Crem etc, but I would be inclined to write saying I don`t own a "colour" "make" etc.....? If they said it was a white BMW and yours is black I would say sorry there must be some mistake as I dont own a white BMW of reg mark etc. not sure what others think but follow their advice not mine.... good luck
  5. CREM: could this be a company like NCP? therefore ignore?
  6. always plugging the mike into the laptop and recording any conversations!
  7. Cheers for your time guys! I will post on here what comes through the post and we can all have a giggle at it then!
  8. That guide was great, little over my head but the added details helped a lot. I am convinced now, my only question(forgive me if being thick) Is should I just send a cheque for £2.40 for the extra bay I HAD to use? Or as suggested in the guide, totally ignore due to silly £50 request and all the other rules...?
  9. Well reading those links has given me a headache! Its way over my head but is there a few sentences in there or the basic reason for my ticket being useless, that I could quote to friends to help them? Also to help me in a basic way to understand it all!!! I am am thinking it is the fact that they are breaking rules somewhere which is a loophole for us motorists to use! Whatever the answer is, if it works then I LOVE it!
  10. OK divore looms nearer! If I get the ticket scanned and put on here, will it make it more clear? Tears tonight, it hurts! She has gone to bed now, my determination still prevails. Are there similar cases on here that would convinvce her? And others that I could post at work to convince others at work? REALLY need help and details on this matter please!
  11. Yes I have been reading the threads I can find that are relatable but the circumstances are a bit different. I parked crooked, end of story as far as the courts are concerned. She still has the hump over it, but I say just chill, I am getting to old to worry about what people write with pen to paper but she worries and yes so do I to a degree, I dont want this costing me a bomb which I cant afford, ok 50 or 100 quid makes no difference, I have the 50 fine so far but dont want 3k costs etc, just cant do it.
  12. Any more news on this? Did you get the 2 letters as promised?
  13. So an NCP Parking Contravention Charge Notice is just an invoice that they can`t inforce? Notice of breach of terms and conditions of parking at a car park owned or managed by National Car Parks Limited. etc etc
  14. What annoys me is I always get a meter ticket, dont break the law & recycle and all that stuff, dont hurt anyone, help lots! And I get this crap! I went to court twice to help as a witness and got called a liar basically! (nothing to gain personally)made me feel like crap. Another time for a prang(up my arse) and it went 50/50! appealed(cheap solicitors on training) automatically represented myself but still 50/50 so ins could make money. NO faith in judicial system then and now for this so I need help convinsing me and the wife! That I am doing the right thing in fighting this. This is the last chance the government, police or anyone will ever get my help if I lose this. Over the next 40-50 years (if I live that long) I will be foe not friend. I am sure that would help the planet no end but I will have givin up caring by then, getting too old for this..... off soap box now, going to bed!!!
  15. Thanks for reply, I appreciate you probably answer these same questions quite a lot, not read through posts as just found site and had to munch dinner, type fast and go out! Where do I stand on this though? Problem being, never argue with the wife over 28 yrs but she has the hump/worried about it (ticket/cancer) etc Much as I`d hang this out and pay more if I lose, her health won`t like the worry..... Need to convince her really. Andy
  16. Grateful to find a forum for this, hope you can help. Got woken in early hrs to help dad back in bed, got told I got cancer(curable) got letter from NCP rejeting my letter to squash ticket! Bad day! I was in worthing for birdman and parked in a car park which has a row up each side and a sort or funny shaped end to it with no marked bays. I didnt want to park in that bit in case I got jammed in so I took the last bay available. I was 2nd to the end, on the end was a big van parked crooked, he had to, but the only way I could park there was to go crooked with the van so I could get out the car. Obviously I got a ticket, the van had probably gone when the warden came round and saw me parked crooked. I sent them a letter and they sent me one back saying pay £50 within 14 days. What do I do ignore for ever and end up in court? I did ask them to scrap the fine and reimburse me for the cost of parking as a good will gesture and said I would rather go inside for a month than pay but did explain why I realise I got a ticket under the circumstances etc etc Hope someone can help please. Andy
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