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Everything posted by Andy77799

  1. Hi All Just received PCN by Brighton and Hove City council for being in a bus lane Have I any hope of appeal? By the crap picture it looks like I am trying to get in the queue of traffic, I wouldn`t "drive" in a bus lane I was in Private Hire Vehicle.
  2. Hi all Sadly we have a family death but pension payment 15/7 to 22/7 date of death 26/7 Surely the pension paid weekly but in the event of death, they wouldn`t begrudge not paying the 4 days she was alive and also the attendance allowance gets paid saturday and death on friday so they want the weeks worth back!!!
  3. yeah scared of court, which I can understand but I mainly helped out of principal(probably wrong spelling)! I save dash cam when I go in there but the garage have lost £100/week customer through greed. another one!
  4. Oh well, thanks for your help people, he paid it. Not gonna help anyone else, they can do it themselves or pay these rip off people if they can`t be bothered. Andy
  5. ok My friend is not willing to go to court and I can understand this with confidence issues so he has a week to pay the reduced amount or send a letter. Any recommendations on what to say, he spoke with the garage and it was a case of nothing they can do! susprise surprise! I spoke to him thursday and he was ringing planning at the 3 councils to check and also to motor fuels group which I contacted on facebook. Hi Andy, this site is owned and operated by an independent company, Motor Fuel Group, who are responsible for their parking policy. We recommend your friend gets in touch with them for support on this. Tel.: 0 1727 898899 E-mail: customercare@motorfuelgroup.com Kind regards, Esso GB
  6. ok, any advise on a letter template? Could the letter 1st ask for proof of planning as a check they don`t have it or just state that the signs and anpr are illlegal, therefore contract breach? or just say they haven`t got planning. My thinking... Just because a cab driver hasn`t found it, doesn`t mean it doesn`t exist!
  7. I am thinking but trying to help a friend, literally just got off the phone to him and he is ringing the 3 councils about planning tomorrow about the signs and anpr I didn`t find anything and searched today again under exxon. So if HE also can`t find anything about planning for the above is that enough to make the contract void and a simple letter or ignore, good enough. OR do you mean that they don`t need planning PP for such items??? as was suggested that they do above?
  8. Permission is sought for a single storey extension to the northern side of the building to allow the creation of an accessible disabled toilet. A ramp to the main door will also be created along with alterations to the night pay point to allow disabled access. The proposed extension will be 0.8 metres That was under crawley council planning!!! The bollards one was Reigate and banstead council.
  9. If I am doing it correctly I can only find one planning for esso and that is for stand alone ATM machine and 2 bollards.
  10. Yes before we had proof it was false info. Have to pay for land registery info. I will get friend to ring planning.
  11. I did, but struggling to understand it all, have tried searching planning but can`t find anything, tried reigate and banstead and mole valley and west sussex as the garage is on the border of all 3 councils. I guess not finding it doesn`t mean they didn`t get planning for the cameras or signs
  12. The bottom of letter didn`t scan but says with a copy of the hire agreement and a copy of a statement of liability signed by the hirer under that hire agreement. Please note that we have a right to recover unpaid parking charges from you. PP blank reverse.pdf PP blank.pdf what more can I do......?
  13. dx100uk not sure what your link was for? eagerly awaiting advise for friend though. recommended cag to 100 of customers for various thing in the back of the taxi. petrol station sign says if using jet wash, register reg number with cashier(if you look up) but nothing about eating a sandwich/hot dog!
  14. No the driver went in for fuel and a hot dog and parked while he ate it then left but this took him over the 15 minute limit which he didn`t know existed! You only really see the signs if you look for them, he fills up there twice a week and didn`t know, when another friend last year got a ticket at same place for being there 4 hours! He was in there and home in less than 15mins and we had cctv proof. This current friend ate his hot dog so was over the 15 mins, in the first instance last time CAG asked if he went back in later which he didn`t but you gave me this template There has been no breach of contract, my vehicle was provably elsewhere between those hours you claim it was parked at MRH Esso Petrol Station – Horley. I therefore put it to “strict proof” that you put it there for the time you claim or I am minded to sue you for damages for your breach of the Data Protection Act for obtaining my keeper details without reasonable cause as per VCS v Philip, Liverpool CC Dec 2016. So was wondering if the same template should be used again? sorry it was ECP 30 dorset Sq, London NW16Qj
  15. Hi all, my friend has got a ticket for staying too long at esso horley surrey longbridge roundabout, he didn`t realise there was a limit. Last time another friend got a ticket for being there 4 hours which we had proof that he wasn`t would the letter be the same provable to be elsewhere and minded to sue? could say he went back in??? Andy
  16. Thats what I thought, my problem being is it is a private hire and I have paid for re plating on 10th Jan I refused a rental due to excess and was only gonna miss a weeks work so wasn`t claiming loss of earnings due to hassle(last time it took 1.5 years to get it). So not sure I could claim re plating back if not done in time!
  17. Hi all Car got hit by post office van, looking at insurance pics I got sent, it looks like they are repairing the wing and bumper instead of putting new ones on, is this normal? Do I have right to new parts? Andy
  18. Thanks guys and gals I am pleased to inform you that your appeal has been successful and the notice has been cancelled. friend very pleased! ECP reply.pdf
  19. Thanks, brief letter printed and send in the morning. Can`t believe you only get 15 mins! what if you fill up, check your tyres and munch a sandwich! Sign quite high up to see from a car. Will let know of reply.
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