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Everything posted by lateralus

  1. come on! 7 more votes gets him back into the top 100!!
  2. guess there's a lot of proud mama's on here! congrats, emily and bb! and everybody keep voting for bailey!
  3. just voted (again) about 2 hours later - i still don't know why it lets me and not others - but i'm not complaining. only about 20 votes between bailey and getting back into the top 100... come on - we can do this!
  4. make that 1002 - it's just a habit now - every time i log on, i vote! Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery
  5. he's back into the top 100 - hurrah!!!! keep voting folks! Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery
  6. i kind of feel sorry for b......(don't want to confuse anyone) ,same age, from ipswich - he still only has 12 votes - but not sorry enough to vote for him vote:Bailey, age 5 from Ruislip. link: Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery OMG - he's #100 in the top 100 - vote, vote, vote - he can't fall out of the top 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. i went to tesco this morning for a couple of things - used the self service machine - spent £3.84. put in a £10 note, got my club points - collected my receipt and my £1.16 in change and 20 minutes later - realised i hadn't taken the £5. Went back, hadn't been turned in - probably made someone's day extra nice but it made me swear!
  8. nobody is voting for the "other child" by mistake are they???????? he is pulling ahead............(shock, horror!) vote - Bailey, age 5 from Ruislip. on this link - Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery
  9. stopped off to change planes in chicago a few years ago - they had great pizza and loos that flushed themselves when you stood up (that's pretty common now but then it was a big wow!) - and the paper on the loo seat (another first for me) automatically progressed to new paper - i was amazed....... almost missed my connection! try the pizza
  10. bailey is in danger of falling out of the top 100 if we don't get voting more! i don't know about this router and static and stuff - i just voted once about 4:30 then again at 6:30 and it took my vote.
  11. quick - strange child has pushed ahead i voted about 2 hours ago and it just let me vote again - i sincerely hope no one counts that as cheating. i think some of these children must be on some voting loop of some kind. let's get voting for bailey!
  12. only 2 between him and the s...... child - come on guys - get voting! (don't want that other one getting a complex!) he's 92nd now - big push to get him up onto the next page - - get voting!!! Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery vote - Bailey, age 5 from Ruislip.
  13. i saw the article and had to laugh - anyone of us who have dealt with the hsbc thread could have given her the addy for metropolitan - plus phone numbers and probably a list of their staff. i think she is a gutsy lady who speaks her mind - too bad more politicians aren't like her. you go, girl!
  14. of course, sod em, and for johnnymitch - - - - wait for it a statue of the big guy enjoy, johnny!
  15. i'd like to give castlebest a real castle fit for a king - for you, pete..... xxx
  16. here you go - a lovely hat for you...........do you like san francisco chic??? i'd like a nice pair of socks, please!
  17. i'm hoping the strange looking child doesn't see this forum - he may be scarred for life. voted for bailey
  18. well done mad...! and is your eyesight really good now? any pain? good on you for asking questions and making a judgment that was right for you! (singing "i can see clearly now" )
  19. Just got this info from an email - I don't know if it is correct but it's interesting and some bright spark with time on their hands could verify it for us. This is to do with Bar Codes on products - the first three numbers tell the country of origin - - - - - - here's the key: 690 - 692 Made in China 00 - 09 U.S and Canada 30 - 37 France 40 - 44 Germany 47 Taiwan 49 Japan 50 UK So, true? or is someone going to snopes me. I do like to know where my things come from - so this is helpful if it's true.
  20. if you could find them - i'd help you go bash em!! i'm pretty handy with a rolling pin!
  21. just googled them - sorry to say - it doesn't look good.
  22. what a guy! i was actually crying with laughin by the end of it.........
  23. well, at least you didn't suggest i run in front of the bus! glad you liked brid, chris - me too. i like the fish and chips on the prom. thankx for the pic mr.lex - i tried to put it on here but it didn't copy. i'm such a technoditz! oooh, i did it through google!
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