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Everything posted by lateralus

  1. that's why they have soap on a rope and thanks for the bumps,guys
  2. another nice donation, this one from the u.s., and it's looking do-able. might raise the target again. went for a run at 7am today - sun was out, it was chilly but not too bad, no traffic, it was great! (later we had wind and hail and lots of weather) after not running for 18 days we did our longest distance yet - 4.5 miles and it was exactly 60 minutes. so maybe 90 for the 10k is realistic after all - maybe even 80 if we put the pedal to the metal. all donations are appreciated, no matter the size. http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell
  3. had a good night at the pub - collected £64 in sponsorships. plus the £180 online contributions - makes a good 224 total. great!! but being the greedy sort - i'd like to make it a bigger total. Running tomorrow morning - first time in 2 weeks. please sponsor me if you can thankx http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell
  4. I have a small nest egg in First Save - currently paying 3% in a 90 day notice account - only opened it 3 weeks ago. yesterday received an email saying it's going down to 2.5 on 1 july. ok, just checking things out and on their home page there are 3 products - fixed rate accounts, notice accounts and easy access. next to all three is a notice proclaiming that due to the success of first save - new accounts are unavailable until further notice. so this is a bank which is not accepting any money - do we think i should get my little nest egg out of there? i'm serious. should i be worried? thanks, lattie couldn't figure out (after this many years here) where to post and anyway i like you guys - i think all the really clever people hang out here!!!!
  5. right, back to the running again on monday. that means i've got just three weeks to build up the fund a bit more. first ever jane tomlinson hull 10k, 23 may. if you'd like to sponsor me, i'd be ever so greatful!!! http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell
  6. only six more days and i can run again...............
  7. thnx again, chris - hope you are going someplace gorgeous and have a super time - with no volcanic ash to delay things!
  8. thankx chris, i'm planning to run again a week from monday (a bank holiday i do believe). giving us 20 days from then to the race. meanwhile, i'm twiddling my toes! http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell
  9. thanks jm, i think it's a bit of overkill on his part but i'll take his advice and lay low for 2 weeks. might get me out of some work anyway - there's always a bright side!
  10. :eek:what a girl won't do to get back on page 1. it seems i have developed a PVD. there is no tear in the retina, :Dbut because i have had this pvd thingy, the eye guy said i've to take it easy for 2 weeks to let it settle down. it's apparently age related (i've had no knocks to the head that i can remember). so no running (or gardening, etc.) for 2 weeks which means we will only have 3 weeks to up our mileage from 4 miles to get ready for the 6 miles on the day! yikes!!! it will now be nip and tuck whether we are ready for the race we will complete the course even if we have to walk but we'd rather run. so, still looking for sponsors;) and some words of sympathy would be good too. this is me today after drops in my eyes: http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell
  11. you are probably sleeping - but if you aren't - well done, dave, just added to your fund. go have a beer and soak your feet - you deserve a big sloppy kiss.... XXXXXXX
  12. don't worry mazck, whenever and whatever is perfectly ok with me. ran 4 miles yesterday and we didn't fall over or pass out - so, all is well. running again on monday. i've decided on a goal - my goal shall be to finish before the guy who is running the race backwards. yes, one noble soul has decided to run the hull10k backwards. don't you just love the great eccentric british spirit! always someone to try something a little different. i could try running in high heels but think just completing the 10k will be challenge enough. thankx pete for the bump and mr. lex, i will think of the 3m's on the day, along with quite a few others http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell 10K runner Jon putting his best foot backwards | Hull Daily Mail ...
  13. thanks so much guido for the most generous donation! and thanks you guys for resurrecting that old thread - it still makes me laugh! thanks again guido and jm - you are gems
  14. it never ceases to amaze me how many people's have been affected by cancer. it's about bloody time we get to grips with it and get rid of it. my total for last year's race for life was just over £800 - thanks in no small part to the generosity of caggers. bring it on - 10k this time - it won't be pretty but we'll do it!
  15. here's my latest training pic - thankx mazbck, any donation - no matter the size is appreciated!
  16. bump to page 1 http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell training update - ran 3.85 miles. 5 weeks and 5 days til the race.
  17. ta for the bump and TA for the donation, pinkd! long time no see (me, i know - just been busy - and lazy!) so, how goes everything? i do so much appreciate your help thankx again
  18. how did i miss this?? here's one for you - -- belated good wishes!!!
  19. bookie, that's the way my mind works - like the t-shirt says - i live in my own little world but it's ok because they know me here......... and hey, if i've raised a few hackles - that's ok too! http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell
  20. dear johnnymitch and tillie, thanks for the donations - i'm really thrilled with all the support. jm, i think you are right -i'll put up my goal again. better to start small and put it up than be struggling. bookie, i bet i don't like her as much as you don't but as they say, all publicity is good publicity and no one does publicity better than she does. don't think she will get me for plagerism do you?! thanks again guys, i'm truly grateful
  21. thankx jo, i just saw your donation. very much appreciated and thank you, thai, as well. i feel inspired with all the support i'm getting. just hoping the inspiration reaches my feet!! thanks again, guys!
  22. and thank you for the donation, pete! went running this morning (and a beautiful morning it is here in 'ull). we did 3.5+ miles then went for a coffee. morning is defo our best time to run. no traffic - this week no kids - just us and the spring flowers. hull is awash with dafs this year. we will up the mileage each t ime a little. we only run twice a week and it's 6 weeks sunday til the race so we only have 12 more runs before the big day. thanks again, pete and to the others who have donated. http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell
  23. oh chris:eek:, i hope you haven't overdone it! thank you for your incredible donation...... you know i will think of you and ruby and all those who have lost loved ones. this is also for those who might not have to go through that ordeal because of the advancements being made all the time for the prevention and cure of cancer. thanks again for your fantastic help. mr.l - i think you may be right. i'll up my goal a bit.
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