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Everything posted by lateralus

  1. Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery
  2. it's a mountain to climb - but come on!!!!
  3. Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery just practicing my copy and paste - it worked!
  4. my o/h and i are both celebrating senility in about 6 weeks we are going with some others to butlins - a 70's weekend. dressing up and discoing our leg warmers and socks off. a decade themed party might get things rocking - 60's, 70's or whatever. bus pass 28 days and counting!!!
  5. thanks guys, problem sorted. seems sometimes vista just does this - took it back and drive, etc was in there - just a miscommunication between registry (which i would never touch, ever!!) and the puter - guy sorted it in about 5 minutes and we also got the wireless router. seems all is ok now. pete, we got advent (roma), has a rect. mouse thingy with two little rectangles under in. i'm slowly getting used to it - page down seems to cause me some bother, you know me - too timid to try much - afraid it's going to blow up or something. getting there. trouble is - i've said before - i type too well (puters weren't made for typists - they work better and faster with two finger typing). the touch is so heavy compared to the pc - i have to get used to it - keep missing letters out. as i use it mostly for emails and nasty letters to the council (or banks as needs be) it serves the purpose. thanks again pete and guys for your help. onwards and upwards
  6. probably a year ago - so maybe it's obsolete - you know how fast these things go out
  7. got mine for 9.99 at wilkinsons steam, cordless what more do you need? prolectrix is the brand name.
  8. I hesitate to ask as i know there will be sighs of dismay...... not another silly techy question... well, we got a lap top and i'm sooo bummed. everything i knew, i'm having to learn again - feel like a real twit! like, where's the mouse?? i know you can add one but why go lap top and then have this mouse dangling around. ok - just about got the hang of emailing again. just figured out copy and paste. so, now question for today (there will be many more, i guarantee) it's running vista home premium want to see if it will play a dvd. i've found windows media centre and got to tv+movies and then play dvd. it's making a running sound like it's trying to play it but the message says cannot detect a video in the drive , - insert video into disc player. so i google a bit and find that you need a drive and a decoder - but the decoder is supposed to be included in the vista home premium ok, what am i doing wrong? please use words of no more than one syllable and think of your dotty old auntie when you reply. ta!
  9. vote for bailey age 5 ruislip Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery thank you! and me again!
  10. there's at least a 100 groups out there working faster than we are!! but we're in it for the long haul - keep voting!!!! i can't see how they can be doing it automatically or anything with having to put that code in - so we just have to get more people to vote whenever they think of it..... vote for bailey age 5 ruislip Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery thank you!
  11. just keep at it, everybody and vote again when it lets you vote for bailey age 5 ruislip Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery thank you!
  12. have you ever noticed how you never see crusher and rooster at the same time.........makes you wonder!!
  13. just in case anyone new logs on - here's who we are supporting (don't vote for the other two!) vote for bailey age 5 ruislip Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery thank you!
  14. me too voted 3 times yesterday - it seems to let me when i've been logged off and then come back on with a couple of hours in between. vote for bailey age 5 ruislip Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery thank you!
  15. well, bailey is lagging behind - but if we are in this for the long haul - we can get him back in the right direction. hopefully some of those others will loose interest. just keep voting every time you log on and whenever it lets you - vote again!!! Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery vote bailey age five from ruislip!!! yeah, come on, bailey!
  16. now we just have to write longer posts and preferably outside bg to get more exposure! (i feel this is a tiny payback for all those who sponsored me in the race for life back in may) i'll keep voting for bailey loads and loads i've just realised that by changing my signature it changes all my posts way back to forever - so that's 7,147 times (when the post is long enough to warrant a siggy) - wow! kind of brings a tear to your eye - all that posting! too bad bear garden posts don't count - i'd have a few more! but lots more publicity for bailey!
  17. oh, bl...y h.ll, falling a bit further back - must regroup and vote, vote, vote try again after a few hours - might work! link time: Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery p.s. here's an idea - just changed my signature (through user cp) to this: vote for bailey age 5 ruislip Kinder Chocolate - Face of Kinder gallery thank you!
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