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Everything posted by lateralus

  1. Emma, Here is something i made earlier: hope it helps: boxxer(now emma), this business of adding interest is complicated (for some of us) because of two different "interests". go have another look at the bank template library - 2. letter prelim by bankfodder - here's the quote: What I require I calculate that you have taken £XXXXX plus £XXX which you have charged me in overdraft interest for the sum which you have taken. Total £XXXXX . I enclose a schedule of the charges which I am claiming with this letter now: if you go to the spreadsheets you'll see there are two, the simple and the advanced. on the one with the blue and yellow columns - it has a place to include all those little interest charges from your statements and it will add a portion of the interest - depending, i think whether you were in credit when these occurred - anyway - the spreadsheets do all the work. all those little charges add up and that is how you come up with the "you have taken £XXXX plus £XXX which you have charged me in overdraft interest"......... after the prelim, and the lba, when you are filing your claim with mcol THEN: you use the other spread sheet which adds 8% to your total - but it's not a flat 8%, each item shows how many days from the date you incurred the charge to the date of your claim. again, the spreadsheet does all the work - so go back to your statements and mark all those little interest charges, then do the spreadsheet, then send the prelim - with a schedule of charges. when in doubt - go back to the templates. i hope that helps - it's how i did it - and i really don't understand it - just followed the instructions and it seemed to work.
  2. hopefully last update: my son called dg on friday and actually told him "the cheque is in the post" LOL - still not here. anyway, he said he wasn't prepared to muck about any longer and if they didn't do something today - he would return the aq and they would then have to pay another hundred pounds to settle. they wanted to call him back - he said, no, i'll call you. i'm not sitting in all day waiting for you to call, i've got things to do.....he called them back a couple of times and they said - it will be in your account by tomorrow - and it was. he's been in and moved it about (so they can't do anything weird). so, let's see: i've e-mailed mcol, done the survey, donated, pm'd a mod to go litigation concluded (the first HSBC since 21 sept - i really think they are inundated with claims at various stages), anything i've forgotten? now i really do feel like this belongs in the success stories. looking back - just followed cag's efficient info and the hardest part was the wait for the money. thanks again cag and all you faceless people who have given me some great support and some good laughs. good luck, everybody! don't really have to write and thank the bank, do we????????
  3. quick update: as no word from anyone by friday (my deadline for action), my son (it's his account) called j. kyle and somehow the conversation ended with them promising the money would be in his account by today (we had stipulated a cheque and as i haven't seen him to ask yet, i'm not sure how it got to that). he has just called and said it is there. so i think we are ok. i haven't had a chance to talk to him about it. after reading other threads where the bank does odd things with your money - i told him to get it out of that account asap - which is what he is doing. so when i know for sure that all is as it should be, i'll get back. now, where was that thread with the list of to-do things by sticky? anyone?
  4. hi boo, i've seen your thread before and following it as we are pretty close - think i answered you once before - it's a long time since 21 sept when they offered 100%, since then, we accepted, they filed defense, we called julie kyle, she said money in a week, got letter confirming this on tuesday this week, it says if no money in one week(i used date of her letter) call her, sooooo: yesterday called her and this is where it gets a bit iffy (i'm doing this for my son), haven't had a chance to get the details from him but... somehow in the conversation it ended up with: the money would be credited to his account (we had stipulated a cheque) by today. he just called to say it is there.... so i think we are home free. by reading some other threads i told him to get it out of there asap - just so the bank doesn't do something silly and that's what he's doing right now. i'll get back if there was more to it than that. it's such a high to get the 100% offer and sooo long to wait for the money! hang in there, but... a couple of calls don't seem to hurt. use the name and number at the top of your offer letter.
  5. quick follow-up: has anyone else noticed no new "litigation concluded" postings for claims with HSBC? Not to sound too paranoid but I don't like it. The whole rest of the claim we just wrote, waited. Now that they have offered and we've agreed - the waiting is almost unbearable. I'll let you know when the money gets here - please, you guys let us know when yours arrives.
  6. has anyone else noticed that there hasn't been a new posting on the "litigation concluded" section about any HSBC claims since 21 Sept. That seems a long time to me. Is paranoia setting in? I think there may be a good few like me waiting for cheques. What's up?
  7. congrats on the offer. see my note to you above: sent acceptance back on 22 Sept. they got it mon. 25 Sept and here we are 9 days later and still no cheque. some get it in about 10 days so i'll be watching the post tomorrow - got a letter yesterday confirming their offer and saying the cheque will be here in 7 days (written last friday - so we live in hope). this waiting for the cheque is probably worse than waiting to hear from them. it's so close you can smell it! congrats again - i can't help thinking the hardest part is over.
  8. yes, received an 85% offer at lba stage, then about 2 weeks after they acknowledged the mcol claim received 85% offer (this time including court fee and 8%), said both times i would accept it as partial payment... don't think they reply to those partial letters as such. then about a week later got the 100% offer. waiting, always waiting........it's just so good to know of others in the same boat (hope it's not the titanic)
  9. latest development: a letter today saying the cheque will be with us in 7 days (from last friday), and reading the current batch of letters in the main HSBC section - i feel quite relieved to know there are several of us with 100% offers, awaiting cheques and with a.q. deadlines looming. so will chill til friday, if no cheque - will call julie kyle and also write a letter stating emphatically that i will be filing my a.q. on 12 oct and will then require a further £100 to settle. i still think they are hoping half of us will drop dead before they actually have to cough up...... no chance!
  10. i, too, am in almost identical situation. received 100% offer 22 Sept., mailed acceptance, they got it monday 25th, tues, received all the court stuff, moving it to my local court and the a.q.(mine's due 14 oct). called dg. talked to julie kyle on thurs 28th, said much the same - they had to file defence on that day (by the way - from you filing, they give it 5 days to be "deemed served", and it's 28 days from the served date. when i checked it out on mcol - you can't press the button to continue after they have filed defence. i digress, julie kyle said we would have a letter shortly to confirm. Got letter today saying cheque will be here in 7 days (from her writing it, last friday), if not, call her and she will chase it up with the bank. so, i'm feeling better now. my personal plan, wait til friday - if cheque arrives - deposit it. if cheque doesn't arrive, call her friday and i will also write another letter telling them again that if the cheque hasn't arrived by thursday next week, i will be filing the a.q. and will need a further £100 to settle to cover the a.q. just to have it all on record. as michaelb. says - keep in the ballgame til the cheque arrives.
  11. As for adding on the overdraft interest - in our case: the charges for 6 years was about £1500 and the fiddly bits for interest on overdraft - and also d/d and s/o added on about £150. So it's up to you. I think most would say, it's your money so why let them keep it. As for the templates - that's what they are there for - copy them and then edit away to make it suit your situation. I think, and I'm sure those in the know would agree - yes, you are in a hurry to get your money... but it's worth taking the time to read all the info in the faqs and the library templates to get it right - as mistakes could result in problems or delays further down the line. Take your time and get it right. In our case, i wrongly added the 8% on in the prelim. letter, (that shouldn't have been added on until you actually submit your claim on mcol); later had to make it look like that was what they could expect if they didn't settle - so no lasting damage but it was just not following the game plan, my error. So many of these people have been there, done that. Use their advice. Good luck...........
  12. boxxer, this business of adding interest is complicated (for some of us) because of two different "interests". go have another look at the bank template library - 2. letter prelim by bankfodder - here's the quote: What I require I calculate that you have taken £XXXXX plus £XXX which you have charged me in overdraft interest for the sum which you have taken. Total £XXXXX . I enclose a schedule of the charges which I am claiming with this letter now: if you go to the spreadsheets you'll see there are two, the simple and the advanced. on the one with the blue and yellow columns - it has a place to include all those little interest charges from your statements and it will add a portion of the interest - depending, i think whether you were in credit when these occurred - anyway - the spreadsheets do all the work. all those little charges add up and that is how you come up with the "you have taken £XXXX plus £XXX which you have charged me in overdraft interest"......... after the prelim, and the lba, when you are filing your claim with mcol THEN: you use the other spread sheet which adds 8% to your total - but it's not a flat 8%, each item shows how many days from the date you incurred the charge to the date of your claim. again, the spreadsheet does all the work - so go back to your statements and mark all those little interest charges, then do the spreadsheet, then send the prelim - with a schedule of charges. when in doubt - go back to the templates. i hope that helps - it's how i did it - and i really don't understand it - just followed the instructions and it seemed to work. good luck......
  13. ruth, hang in there - i've come to the conclusion it is all stalling tactics. i received 100% offer from Julie Kyle on 22 sept (who said she was on holiday?), sent it back - they received it 25 sept. then tues received from the court: their defence, allocation quest. + change to my local court for the defence. A bit nervous - thinking - why? - called ms kyle on tues - got her machine and left message - she called back thurs afternoon - said the defence filing was because it was due (28 days after mcol was served). she said a cheque would be coming in about 7 days. i pointed out that it would have to be in time for me to stop my claim before the allocation quest. is due on 14 oct (plus another £100 if it were to go that far). she said it would be here - that was thursday - so now we wait. i think they push everything as far as they can hoping we will drop dead from waiting. fingers crossed, i think we'll get there in the end. just don't stop the court case until the cheque comes and it has cleared. good luck, we are all in this together.try to stay: !
  14. The waiting is the worst bit. Can tell you what's gone on with our claim and it looks typical in reading lots of other threads. 5 days after you claim, it is deemed delivered. Ours dated 24 Aug, deemed delivered 29th, by the 30th they had acknowledged. They have 28 days from the date delivered. This is what happened next in our case: 12 Sep, DG requested breakdown of charges - (Deborah D'Aubney) 13 Sep, breakdown sent 15 Sep, received 85% offer (now including 8% and court costs) - (Julie Kyle) 18 Sep, rejected offer - asking for 100% - Really nervous now as 26 Sep.is press the next button day on mcol 21 Sep, received 100% offer - (Julie Kyle) 22 Sep, accepted offer by letter saying we would cease the claim with mcol when the cheque arrives. Then, this week: 26 Sep letter from the court moving the action to my local court and with an allocation questionaire to file by 14 Oct. Now on mcol it says defending and you can't push any more buttons. Called J.Kyle at DG and left a message. She called back today (28 Sept) saying we should have the cheque within 7 days and the defence being sent was just because they had to move it along on that date. I think it is geniune. I did point out that if the cheque hadn't arrived by 7 days before the questionaire was due in we would be forced to file it and she assured me the cheque would be here within 7 days. Good luck cogsy, as i said, the waiting is the hard part. so 2 weeks til the breakdown letter - then 85% offer (more or less) - then full offer. Don't stop the court action until the money has cleared!
  15. latest chapter: called Julie Kyle at DG on Tues. and left a message on her machine about the defense arriving. She called this afternoon. She said the defense was something they had to do as a response was due. (So, methinks they do follow a time schedule with each claim). She said that we would probably have a cheque within 7 days. I did point out to her that the cheque would need to arrive at least a week before the 14th of October when the allocation questionaire was due in or we would "obviously" need to respond to it. She even called back (after asking her boss?) and said the cheque would definitely be issued and we should have it within 7 days.
  16. in case anyone is following this: been advised just to give it a few days as they most likely crossed in the post. will update as and when..... thankx steve.
  17. blueskies, or anyone......... we sent the letter back confirming we would take their offer on friday - (delivered monday, yesterday). today, received a notice from the court moving it to my local court and with allocation questionaire, to be filed by 14 oct. do you think this is just because today is the day we would have filed for judgment and maybe it was just being defended because they are in some sort of date order someplace in the office while at the same time julie kyle sent an offer and we accepted. called her office just before 6 this eve and she wasn't in. left a message and asked her to call back - just a little apprehensive. do you think it is something devious or just crossed mail? if they have offered and we have accepted, should we push the next button on mcol or just wait it out a few days and see if the cheque arrives? thankx for your take on this.
  18. Posted a letter back to D G today accepting their 100% offer. When the money arrives, will follow sticky's plan. My thoughts for newbies -- we've all been there - I'm a mum doing this for my son. I knew he had got into some banking bother when he was 18 and working away from home. Paid monthly, never enough to last, tempted by the ever "helpful" an ever increasing overdraft. Then took out a loan to pay off the overdraft. You'll all know the rest - month after month of charges - 6 yrs worth. If someone had told me I'd be posting a thread 4 months ago - I'd have thought I was signing up for a mail order stitchery class. All the info you need is on this site. Our schedule: saw Martyn Lewis on the Trevor McDonald program, 6 June, wrote asking for statements. 6 July, wrote prelim. letter to Ian Shepherd (received a second batch of statements - very efficient - not!) 26 July, sent LBA to Colin Langdale 9 Aug, sent second LBA to Colin (had put the 8% on, oops!, sent revised LBA to rectify - just made it seem like that was what I would be asking if they didn't pay). 12 Aug, received an 85% offer 16 Aug, rejected offer (accepted as partial but no word) 24 filed MCOL 29 deemed served 30 acknowledged THE BIG WAIT....... 12 Sep, DG requested breakdown of charges - (Deborah D'Aubney) 13 Sep, breakdown sent 15 Sep, received 85% offer (now including 8% and court costs) - (Julie Kyle) 18 Sep, rejected offer - asking for 100% - £2268.79. Really nervous now as next tuesday is press the next button day! 21 Sep, received 100% offer - (Julie Kyle) 22 Sep, accepted with letter saying I will cease claim as soon as the cheque arrives. Thanks to CAG for all the help - I found it all on various threads without having to ask any questions. It's all there. Good luck everybody! One last thought: this has made me feel good about how everyone mucks in to help everyone else. Kind of restores my faith in mankind. One very last thought: banks are not our friends.
  19. That Deborah lady must be very busy since she got back from her holidays, bet she wishes she had stayed there. I also got a letter yesterday requesting a breakdown of charges. Sent it off recorded delivery today. Fingers crossed and everything else!
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