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Everything posted by lateralus

  1. i love you guys. i just ask and you start giving. thankx hf, i am humbled to run for your sister and those who didn't have enough time. thanks again. http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell
  2. thank you mb, from the bottom of my old yankee heart! a pleasant suprise for a monday evening. thanks a million!
  3. oh chris, that's scary. especially after all you went through with you mum last year. hopefully the tamoxifin will take care of any problems. thanks for the good thoughts. we may need them, these old legs are pretty stiff today after hitting the pavement. you take care -
  4. i'm here again, cap in hand - so to speak... after saying i wasn't going to do it again, i'm doing a run for cancer research. and this time it's twice as far. the first ever jane tomlinson hull 10k run. 23 may - that's seven weeks from yesterday. my friend and i have been running through the winter - weather allowing. we can run 3.5 miles with only moderate effort so now we will be upping our mileage to shoot for the 6.2 on race day. we are so slow they should call it a turtle race. my friend was all excited, she said race teams from hull city, hull k.r. and hull f.c are going to run in the race. i told her she might see them at the start but they will all be in the pub a long time before we are! so, as i said i would let some of you know if i ran again - well, i am and if anyone feels like they would like to sponsor me i really appreciate it; no matter the size of the contribution. thanks for your help. hope i've done the link right http://www.justgiving.com/Lattie-LorainneArnell love, lattie
  5. Chris - just saw this thread. I'm happy for you that things are now sorted. This will start a new chapter in your life. You'll always have your treasured memories of your dear mum and Ruby will be watching over you - so you'll have to be good! you know that asbo really deserves...................an asbo!! Take care Sending my love, Lattie
  6. don't know where you live ozzy - but the jane tomlinson runs are set up to run for any charity you choose. there is one in leeds, one in york and the two new ones this year are hull and a penine lancashire run. all are 10k, but hey, in for a penny, in for a pound! i'm sure your sis could manage and with a bit of training - so could you! tell her and see what she says (mind, if you live way south - it would be a bit far.
  7. just read an article on running in the paper last week. says most important is good shoes - personally, i bought a pair for £25. if you go to a store likesoccer sport and ask about running shoes and try on a couple of pairs you'll soon see what's good. arch support, bit of cushioning, good fit, no rubbing. try a site like this one and filter in your size and maybe £20-30 or more if you want to spend more but you don't need to and just take a look but you'll need to go try on a few and find a comfortable one. Footwear and one like this one would do the job nicelyMT571BY the other thing the article said was about avoiding injury. progress slowly, at you own pace and it says a brisk 10 minute walk at the beginning to warm up and at the end to cool down the muscles is the most important bit(i confess i do probably 5 minutes at either end). and the run, walk, run, walk strategy is good too. going just a little bit further each time will soon show remarkable progress. a short run 3 times a week - then increasing the time you run rather than worrying about the mileage will get you there quickly. after about a month, start looking at increasing the distance but not too quickly. if you go too hard or too fast at the begining you increase your chance of injury, so just take it easy. that ought to do it. good drink of water before and after also helps. good luck. hope this helps
  8. still here, i am. and still running. really, ozzie, you should take a look at my thread - because it was just exactly this time last year that i decided to do the race for life last may. i hadn't run for 25 years and my 67 year old friend had never, ever run. first time we ran, she literally ran about 50 feet and had to stop. my thread gives a pretty good week by week guide as to how we got on. bottom line, did the race - 37 minutes which was ok by us. and we enjoyed it so much that we've kept running once or twice a week and are now doing the first jane tomlinson hull 10k race this may. so, i'm thinking, if a couple of old dears can do it - i'm betting you can too. you gets lots of support from everyone here. and i raised over £800 for cancer research. best of luck and start running. (get a decent - not expensive - but decent pair of trainers - that is a must!) you go, ozzie! lattie
  9. have only just seen this and want to wish babybear a speedy recovery. sending lots of cyber hugs to babybear and family and hoping you'll be feeling better very soon. thinking good thoughts for you to get well quick! with love, lattie
  10. while i don't do facebook - i work for a big retail store and we have been warned that putting the co. name on facebook in your profile means that they are allowed to monitor what you put there. and the upshot is, an employee at another location has been fired because they called their assistant manager a d%%khead on facebook. it all seems rather big brotherish to me. maybe he is a d%%khead!!
  11. just got this on an email hope the link works like this:eek: if not,maybe someone can sort it - worth the wait for the loading time made me smile......http://yeli.us/Flash/Fire.html
  12. just received this very important email: ---The English Penny EU Directive No. 456179 In order to meet the conditions for joining the Single European currency, all citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland must be made Aware that the Phrase "Spending a Penny" is NOT to be used.after 31st December 2009 From this date the correct terminology will be "Euronating". Thank You for your attention i still won't be able to vote. upon turning 60 recently, with the exception of my much beloved bus pass - all i got from the government was an invitation to partcipate in a self bowel screening. thanks for that!
  13. maybe you should audition for "holidays from hell" if they do another series. or perhaps turn that sarcastic sense of wit into writing short stories for magazines. i'm sure with your background you have a million stories to tell. could make some extra dosh for your efforts. oh well, at least you had a break from the normal crazies! thinking of you........and i'm off to book a trip to see the california kith and kin in march. i'll take my face mask for the flight...
  14. gemma - is it the mortgage thread you are trying to find? if so - here is a link - Mortgages and Secured Loans you could cut and paste your question here - i'll put the "new thread" button here for you for that forum and it will take you to that section - where hopefully, you'll get some advice. it can be very confusing when you first start - but keep at it - you'll find lots of helpful people here once you get into the right forum. good luck!
  15. GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!! (i'd show you but the photo is really crap) i'm off to use it.....bye.....
  16. still waiting for the post to see if it gets here today (yes, postal strike - i know, but last week got post all 3 days)
  17. if you read through this thread - you deserve a medal and also you'll have come to understand that we are all completely nuts! thanks again for all the birthday wishes, guys. i'm now officially 60 years + 1 day
  18. thanks for the good wishes, peeps.... have had a lovely day - lots of cards along wth flowers, booze and choccies and other pressies. bus pass shoud arrive later this week (barring postal strike interference). i think i'll leave any sponsoring until closer the time - but i appreciate the offers of support. thinking of you for tomorrow, chris
  19. good morning one and all - a couple of reasons for dredging up this thread today...... one reason - a timely update on the people i was running for in the race for life here's the news: gill is back at work and having herceptin treatments, as is tracy. karen and diane have been given the all clear. george, dennis h and bernard are all ok for moment. dennis d is still having treatment for his fuzzy cells. vic and his wife just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. sadly, two weeks ago - my friend les lost his battle and now ruby also has passed on (that is jailbird's mum). both joining fred carter (pompeyfaith's dad) and celia buckley (hilary francis' sister)along with the many others who shared their stories on this thread. ruby's funeral is tomorrow - so send a good thought to jailbird and her family. time to rid the world of cancer - the toll is just too high and smoothly on to my second reason for writing today. my running partner and i have bitten the bullet and signed up for the first ever jane tomlinson hull 10k run next may. don't panic, caggers, you are all safe: i've no intention of doing any on-line fundraising this time. just thought you might like to know it wasn't just a flash in the pan - we are still running. twice a week - we did 3.5 miles yesterday in the incredibly snail like time of 47 minutes. that works out at 13 minute miles and i used to run sub 10's. oh well, i guess that's what growing old does for you. and on that vein - - - - - i measured myself and i've shrunk by 1.5 inches since i last measured my height several decades ago! where on earth has it gone - i don't feel any shorter - i thought this happened later in life. maybe it's all that running+gravity! anyway, everyone have a lovely day - i will for sure as today is the day i've been waiting for with anticipation and some small trepidation today i'm off to get my bus pass!!!!!!!
  20. absolutely she was waiting for you. my friend who died two weeks ago - died at home with his wife and both daughters with him. he lay at the edge for 3 days - but had he gone sooner - the girls weren't ready. i truly believe he waited until the two girls were as ready as they could be to say goodbye. he came around for a short while, smiled and that was it. had he gone earlier - well, i just think he chose the time. of course we will be thinking of you on wednesday. remember, this just closes a chapter in your life and another chapter will follow though that's pretty hard to see for the moment. may you have peace of mind
  21. oh chris, i'm so sorry to hear about your mum. i know this must be a terrible time for you. we are never ready for it, even when we know it's coming. she put up a good fight but sometimes it just doesn't go the way we'd like. i'm thinking of you and your dear mum. it's just two weeks since i lost a dear friend who was also was on my shirt for the run. on my shirt i listed here's an update: gill is back at work and having herceptin treatments, as is tracy. karen and diane have been given the all clear. george, dennis h and bernard are all ok for moment. dennis d is still having treatment for his fuzzy cells. vic and his wife just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. sadly, two weeks ago - les lost his battle and now ruby. i know it's not a big help - but i do believe that soon - we will beat this incidious disease and others will be spared the suffering you are going through now. please know that your friends here are thinking of you (and ruby) and with so many of us having lost friends and relations to cancer - know too that you aren't alone. take care (and give my love to asbo!) lorainne
  22. i haven't dealt with this stuff for awhile but i'll give it a shot. if you are saying that you sent this company all the paperwork without keeping copies then i'm afraid you are short of options. if they are saying, as you said, that they weren't in it for a court fight, just reclaiming, then hopefully you can offer them a way out - by returning all of your paperwork. then you'd have to get busy and get the allocation quest. done and submitted (along with the fee which you add to the amount you are reclaiming) by the date requested. if you don't have the statements and a worksheet with the amount claimed totals you may have to start from scratch and if will be hard to complete the aq. if you do have access to the paperwork - this may be helpful filling out the aq - Allocation Questionnaire i hope this helps - even though i'm out of the loop - i hate to see any problem going unnoticed - maybe someone else will jump in with ideas and help for you - good luck
  23. back to the basics question - can you save photos that have been downloaded to a pc onto a memory stick? or does it have to be a disc?
  24. can't believe it's nearly over - what will we do now for fun?
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